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Session In Scotland Chat, Part Two
BBC Radio One

Question from Tom Sinclair: What is your favourite film (or films if it’s too hard to pick one)?

Mogwai: Barry: The Big Lebowski is a classic. Happiness... The Exorcist, obviously.

Mogwai: Blazing Saddles.

Question from Mo Aziz: Any plans to score a film soundtrack?

Mogwai: We'd love to do one, but our publisher has short arms and long fingers.

Question from craig: 13th Note or Sleazy's?

Mogwai: Sleazy's in a kind of 80:20 split.

Question from ligament mcphee: If there was a Spandau Ballet reunion would you attend?

Mogwai: Of course!

Mogwai: There would be opportunities to maim, injure and stalk.

Question from will: How come America got 2 more songs on the EP?

Mogwai: Um...

Mogwai: To make the EP better value and different from imports.

Mogwai: It has the extra tracks from Fuck The Curfew EP.

Question from Michael arabstrapland: How would you describe Mogwai to someone that's never heard you before?

Mogwai: Blood, sugar, sex, magik!

Question from henri helicon: Do you like Björk ?

Mogwai: Barry: I used to when I was younger. Mogwai: She's got a good right hook!

Question from Pete34: will there be free buckfast on thus bus to bute?

Mogwai: Of course, and jail for all!

Question from Brad Weslake: Godspeed! recently outraged some people by criticising Radiohead for being on a big label - you have any thoughts on that? Or Radiohead in general?

Mogwai: Barry: I think Radiohead started out on a big label

Mogwai: So I don't think they had any artistic grounding in the first place.

Question from henri helicon: How do you compose your songs? Is it Stuart picking his guitar at 3 am in the kitchen or team work in the rehearsal room?

Mogwai: One person will come in with the most ridiculously short piece of music,

Mogwai: and then we repeat that piece of music for the next ten minutes and get away with murder!

Question from liam cody: Did your parents used to let you listen to John Peel?

Mogwai: Barry: I was never enamoured with the radio when I was a wee boy.

Question from HELICON TRACY: Who would you most like to support and where?

Mogwai: Divide and conquer!

Mogwai: We will never support anyone ever again!

Mogwai: Unless they're dead big and we get to play stadiums.

Mogwai: Thom, are you reading this?

Question from Tom Sinclair: Has your hate campaign against Blur ended?

Mogwai: No, the T-shirts are readily available on the website.

Mogwai: We're thinking different colours, more sizes...

Question from Singing: Do you know when your "Travels in Constants" EP will be ready for sending out?

Mogwai: In the next three weeks.

Mogwai: We're waiting on Jeremy from the label to send them over.

Question from Brad Weslake: And favourite book?

Mogwai: Barry: Um...

Mogwai: I'll go for the Syd Barrett biography. I'm really into biogs.

Question from jeremy cox: Would you sell your music for TV commercials?

Mogwai: Yes. Unless it was something shady.

Mogwai: If our publisher cut his nails we would have a chance!

Question from Ben: Have At The Drive-In sold out?

Mogwai: Don't know who or what they are -

Mogwai: I know Afros are involved. Is it the Beastie Boys in disguise?

Question from simon barr: What do you think of the fantastic Rothko?

Mogwai: Big bottom! How you can dance to three droning basses is beyond comprehension. Sheer crap.

Mogwai: They are beneath contempt.

Question from Mo Aziz: Any plans to release a live album or video at some point?

Mogwai: I think probably, yes. When we have no idea.

Mogwai: We're thinking of recording some of the British tour.

Question from sara1: Have you had any Spinal Tap moments?

Mogwai: Let us think...

Mogwai: There was the time John had a ticking watch and he put it up to the pickup on his guitar.It made a noise.

Mogwai: In Dominic's magnificent joy, he attempted to place a digital watch beside the pickup... and couldn't understand why it wasn't making any noise!

Question from liam cody: Do you like pies?

Mogwai: I’d say "Aye" to a pie!

Question from craig: A night on the town with Arab Strap or a night in with half a dozen scantily-clad women?

Mogwai: A night in with a scantily-clad Arab Strap would be...

Mogwai: quaint.

Question from jeremy cox: What does Mogwai mean?

Mogwai: In Chinese it means "ghost", "monster", "devil"...

Mogwai: but let's not beat about the bush, it's from the Gremlins film.

Question from ligament mcphee: How do you respond to the critics calling you the 'new Coldplay'?

Mogwai: Whit?!

Question from lazarwalker: How do you rate Neil Lennon?

Mogwai: Hated but rated.

Question from will: What is punk rock?

Mogwai: Listen to the first song on Come On Die Young.

Question from Michael arabstrapland: What do you think about the state of Scottish music just now?

Mogwai: It's a horrible mess.

Mogwai: It must be doing all right, cos Chemikal Underground are never out of PC World these days!

Question from paul kelly: What do you think about the whole 'New-Acoustic' movement thing?

Mogwai: It's a scene which needs to be mugged by reality.

Mogwai: Paul McCartney will be back in the charts soon.

Question from robbie fowler: When are the UK tour dates announced?

Mogwai: They will be trickling through in the next week or two.

Question from Mo Aziz: What do you see in the future for Mogwai?

Mogwai: Milk baths...

Mogwai: All the gold you can gnaw.

Mogwai: Gigs on Mars.

Mogwai: Social unrest...

Mogwai: and five very poor boys.

Question from Anon: All tomorrow's parties: Was it as good for you as it was for us? And what was wrong with Sonic Youth?

Mogwai: I know!

Mogwai: We met Sonic Youth after that and they apologised.

Mogwai: They claimed they couldn't play a lot of their hits because their equipment got stolen.

Mogwai: Other than that, we really enjoyed ATP and are sure that all the bands involved felt the same.

Question from Brian: Any gigs in Ireland lined up?

Mogwai: Yeah, there's a gig in Dublin on...

Mogwai: It's on the 17th April at the Storehouse. Still to be fully confirmed.

Question from Kerry: Will the next album see another new Mogwai sound develop?

Mogwai: Probably. We don't want to do the same thing twice.

Question from Pete34: What's the best chippy in Glasgow?

Mogwai: The best chippy is Enzo's in Uddingston, followed closely by Marini's in Hamilton.

And now a final word from Mogwai:

Mogwai: Do me fur breach, do me fur murder.