this just in...

Dr. D Reporting...

05.20.03-- Sooooo... The Graduation Celebration was assloads of fun! Thanks to all of you that came out and showed support for your favorite, and sexiest, band. Much respect to Pufferbilly and the infamous Max Volume! (see, i told you we'd be playin' with them in the near future...)

We're gonna take a break from giggin' for a short while. Skip is takin' his post-graduation vacation overseas, and we're hopin' he doesn't get his sorry ass deported. Myself, i'm sweatin' my arse off in humid-ass Florida. The Noodle and Drew are enjoyin' their time off from us in good ol' Reno. Be sure to drop by and harass them for me!

As soon as the CD is mixed, we'll have ourselves a kickass release party, and you're all invited.

Keep it real, yo.

04.19.03-- Whew, it's been awhile, but I've come back to log some pertin... pertan... pert... important information and keep you, dear reader, up to date. The show with Pufferbilly on the 5th of April was a rollercoaster of events. We had some technical difficulties, and spent the better part of an hour troubleshooting some problems, but made up for any lag with some (if I dare say it) pretty damn rockin' music. The Pufferbilly crew is a group that you're likely to see us playing with quite a bit. They're damn good musicians, and just plain good people, despite what Skip says about them... (he he)

We're officially entrenched in the recording process, and should have our demo set and ret' to go by the time we play the Graduation Celebration on May 16th at Knuck's. Just keep your fingers crossed that we'll have enough strippers and booze to keep us sane during the process... We're still pretty early in the game, and I don't want to jinx it, but it's gonna be pretty damn good.

03.17.03-- Yep, we,ve offically hit the semi-big-time!!! The gig at the Cantina in Sparks with HALLIGAN was a colossal success. Yes, colossal. This was our first show with HALLIGAN, and judging by the way things went, it won't be our last (bwahahaha). Thanks to all of you that made it down and showed your support! We truly appreciate it. No, really. Thanks!

There's still no deffinite recording date set for Ye Official Smokin' Franklins Demo CD, but rest assured that it'll be coming in the not-too-distant future...

02.15.03-- The St. Valentine's Day Massacre was a hoot! Thanks to all of you that attended!

JBJ-MD was in rare form, and the newly-unveiled "Lesbian Valentine" marked a crowning achievement for the duo. There wasn't a dry eye in the house (or a dry pair o' panties either!). The Franklins had their share of glorious in-the-spotlight moments too (AS ALWAYS!!!).

I'd like to give a special 'BIG-UPS' to Drew, our new drummer, who took to the stage like a prom date to the spiked punch.

Kid Cyanide made a special guest appearance between our sets, and eighties-rocked the crowd with their power love ballad "Rock Will Save Our Love". Then, just as quickly as they'd taken the stage, they were gone- leaving a faint lingering stench of malt liquor and memories of mullets and firebirds. Kid C, your rock has saved more than love. Godspeed.

Thanks again to all who attended, and if you didn't get your official JBJ-MD demo, go to the links page and check out their site. They should have a guestbook up and running soon so they can take orders.

01.29.03-- We've found a drummer to fill the proverbial void, and are proud to announce that Drew will be bangin' away with us at the show on Valentine's Day. Come down to Knucklehead's, pay the $2 cover, see a few bands and touch our new drummer...

01.24.03-- Rob "Sluggo" Hayes is no longer playin' drums for the Smokin' Franklins. We parted ways on good terms, and wish Sluggo all the best in his future projects.

Here's a little blurb about a show Skip-n-Nick played a long time ago at the Upstage Center in Carson City on Feb 8, 2002

Here's an old-ass show (not an old, ass-show) that we did at Harry's a long time ago on April 20th.


------Reno's Sexiest Band------------------------