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The Cult of Sri Poopy-Poopy

Sri Poopy-Poopy is the ultimate mystical Hindu deity whose teachings were nearly lost among the sands of time, but fortunately, these texts have been preserved and documented on this sacred website.

Sri Poopy-Poopy

The Cult of Sri Poopy-Poopy existed in ancient India long before the Vedas or the Bhagavad Gita was written. A true cult of Joy and Hilarity, the followers of Sri Poopy-Poopy received divine inspiration and achieved Oneness with the supreme Godhead spirit of the Universe through meditation, laughter, and chanting of the Holy Name of Sri Poopy-Poopy. For thousands of years these ancient texts were lost from the eyes of humanity, until recently, when an amazing discovery took place. Praise be to Sri Poopy-Poopy! These texts are once again revealed to mankind through the mystical wit and wisdom of Sri Dookie-Dookie, who found these ancient Sanshieet Texts and Teachings in an ancient cave in 2004, and translated them with the magical Poopy-Poopy stones. Thus, the Teachings and Stories of Sri Poopy-Poopy have once again revealed themselves to the world, a world that is so desperately in need of them!

Praise be to Sri Poopy-Poopy for once again revealing himself to mankind in this new day and age!

On this sacred website, ye shall find many mystical and spiritual things that shall reveal themselves unto you, just open your mind, and seek truth, and ye shall find!

The Chant of Sri Poopy-Poopy

The Teachings and Stories of Sri Poopy-Poopy

Hymns of the Cult of Sri Poopy-Poopy

Blessing of Sri Poopy-Poopy

Sri Poopy-Poopy Prayer

Sri Pee-Pee
female deity, counterpart, and consort of Sri Poopy-Poopy

Images and Icons of Sri Poopy-Poopy

The Srires Club

The Blog of Sri Poopy-Poopy
with wise words of wisdom from our current leader Sri Dookie-Dookie