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The Mystic Herb

* From The Ancient Teachings of Sri Poopy-Poopy (approximately 2000 BC, or before) translated into Modern Funky English by Sri Dookie-Dookie (2004 AD).

There is a Mystic Herb that grows in nature that can induce pleasant mental imagery when ingested, drank, or smoked.

This Herb is sacred and Holy, and should not be mistreated, demonized, or abused.

This Herb is a gift from the Supreme Godhead to all mankind, and it should be respected and revered as a Holy Sacrament to be used in communion with the spirits.

So too is Wine and Beer a Holy Sacrament that can be used in communion with the spirits, but these things should not be mistreated, demonized, or abused.

These are gifts to mankind from the Supreme Godhead, use them wisely, with great care and respect for the Ultimate Creator.

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