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Religion is Shit, Open Your Own Mind to the True Spirit of the Universe

* From The Ancient Teachings of Sri Poopy-Poopy (approximately 2000 BC, or before) translated into Modern Funky English by Sri Dookie-Dookie (2004 AD).

Religion is Shit, I say, for I am Sri Poopy-Poopy !

I have come to this world to tell you that men brainwash other men, and be ye not one of them.

For, they do this for their own ends, and their ways are scandalous and lead to destruction.

But, you can break the cycle of ignorance by Opening your own Mind to the True Spirit of the Universe, the Supreme Godhead!

Do this by not entangling yourself in your desires.

Do this by treating others as you would want to be treated.

Do this by correct actions and helping others.

Do this by learning to control yourself and having balance in what you do.

Do this by meditating on the Truth, free yourself and Open your Mind.

Follow the path of Learning, Logic, Compassion, Wisdom, and Enlightenment.

Practice Peace and non-violence, unless in extreme matters when self defense is absolutely necessary.

Stand up for Social Justice, Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, and Equality. As long as it hurts no other people and doesn't step on their rights, people should be allowed to express themselves. Don't be afraid to stand up against those who oppress the human race, for they shall fall in their wicked ways when the people stand up against them.

There are really no divisions, no nations, no religions, no superior race or ethnicity, no superior gender, no caste systems, for there is no way but the Truth! What is not the Truth is man-made fabrication and illusion. Seek the Truth !

The life-force that was created by Brahman (God), is the same life-force energy (prana) that is in all of us.

You begin to tap into this energy, when you Open your Mind to the Truth and Achieve Oneness with the Supreme God!

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