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All My Other Friends

Well i have too many friends to give each one a separate page, so here are a few more...

Seth Adkins
Seth and I met through Deanna. He seems pretty quiet at first, but once you get to know him, he opens up a bit.

Heather Odell
Heather is an acquaintance of mine that I met through Deanna. She is rude, crude, loud, and I love it.

"The Guys" (Rise to Fall)
Christopher French is on the mic. Chris Patshy plays bass. Chris Prinzel plays a mean guitar. Robby (the original Anti-Chris) is on drums. And I don't actually know what Kyle Spencer plays...
Check out their website on my links page.

Jenna Burns
Jenna and I met through drama in Once Upon a Mattress. We were both bummed because we were stuck with Linda Stark's BS choreoraphy. I like Jenna a lot because she has a unique fashion style, and she tells you anyting straight up. She won't sugarcoat it. That's nice to have. But she's joined the army. I miss her.

Luis Perez
Little Lu-Lu. Luis used to hump..a lot. I don't really know what to write about Luis. He's just Luis.

Hannah Engel
Hannah is the most responsible person I know. She's such a sweetie about it, too. She and Luis are together, and they're so cute. Oh, and I adore her.

Brittany Hogan
Brittany was definitely not born to follow. She leads. And she's getting married sorta soon. I'm happy for her.

David Saas
David was the president of Mu Alpha Theta, the Chess "Society," and FBLA. He can be a tyrant sometimes, and at times he's really mean, but then there are the times when you see the nice side of david's aas. And since he's graduated, I've been seeing the good side way more often than not. And we started a club. It's called the "we're bitter club." and he's president, for old time's sake.

Justin Brown
Justin just thinks mathmatically. There was this thing, the "smug number" problem on the interschool test. You take each digit of a number and as many math signs as needed to create the number. Well one day he's driving along in his Lebaron, and he looks down at his odometer (i think), and it says like 154,769 miles or some crazy number like that. A few seconds later, he proclaims, "That's a smug number!" It was amusing, to say the least. He works at McDonalds...still...but only once in a while. He's off in south florida at his new druggie college. And, best of all, he likes Madonna.

Tony Giltinan
Tony is Shaina's boyriend. Let's put it this way: If I were the devil on her shoulder, Tony would be the angel on the other. He's pretty nice, though. He makes her happy, so he's at least OK. He's also in college...gator country.

Kristina Abreu
She was dance team captain last year. She's really super-sweet and kinda funky. I love you, Kristina! We had a snowball fight last winter in Pensacola...nothing short of awesome.

Misty Petersen
Misty was my junior-friend on dance team. But she moved to Baker, so no more NHS for her.

Sam Clary
Sam and I have kinda lost touch, but I see him every now and then in random places. He's a really cool guy, very easy-going. He was like anti-punk rock or something, but I think he's ok with it all now.

Chris Wuthnow
Chris is a hottie. He's in a band, Far From You. They're not emo, I swear! He plays guitar and sings. They're not half-bad. But his current project is partying. get krunked up A lot of my friends can't stand him, but he's cool with me.

Brie Urbaniack
It's pronounced "Urban-ack." She's my maniac. She's on dance team, and she does modeling. She's really cute and super-sweet.

Michael Ditsworth
well michael and i have known of each other for a while, but we became like actual friends during Broadway and Tuna. he's pretty cool. he has a website. His Site

Jim Weldon Lacey III
jim's in rotc. he's kind of shy, i do believe, but he's a cool kid. he rode my bus last year. we don't talk very much anymore, but he's really nice. shy guys need love, too.

Michael Androw
Michael is smart like whoa. He's the president of his class, '05. And he's not selling out; he's staying for his senior year. sorry it took so long to get this up here!

Jason Graves
Jason and i were acquaintances, but i had to work at the county fair, and it was all these weird milton rotc kids, so i was all alone, and he stayed with me. so we got to know each other better. he's really nice.

Matt Kauble
poor boy's so in love. she's a sophmore. matt's nice. he's way smart. we have a little running office man...bow chicka bow bowwww...

Richard Bellew
Ricardo is my office runner buddy. We talk a lot. About a lot of things. All i'm saying is, I pity any girl that ever dates him...jk...well kinda jk.

Andrew Detar
Cool kid. just thought i should put him up here. he's a hardcore strike anywhere fan.

Will Foley
Another cool kid. he's crazy, though. good crazy. he likes dillinger. a lot. he has an indent. hehe.

Teresa Triebold
I give her a ride to school in the mornings. She's the captain of the swim team. She's really sweet.

Jason Hartman
I give him a ride, too.

Phillip Perkins
pip perky. heh. he's pretty cool. he farts...a lot. umm yeah. anyways, he's in french with me. nice guy.

Patrick Los
puerto patrico!!!!! i think patrick is one of the nicest guys i know. he gives the best advice. but i feel sympathy for him. i just feel like it's my job to make people happy if they aren't. and i don't think i can do that with him. he's a lot of fun though.

Claire Vanlandingham
She is my co-captain. She's very very talented as an actress and as a dancer. She makes me way jealous sometimes. C'est la vie.

Phillip Mortimer
Oh my god. I love accents. Deanna and I used to eavesdrop in on his conversations all the time just to listen to him. we didn't really care what he said. just that he was talking. he's really funny, too. kinda weird, but a cool guy to chill with.



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