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My Information

To Serve others, trees bear fruits,
To serve others, rivers provide water,
To serve others, cows yield their Milk,
To Serve others, human body is meant
                                - Bhagwan Sri Sai Baba

The Ongara Ashram came to be founded in the month of January ,1960 by Sadguru Om Sri Siddhar Swamigal of Mayiladuthurai and put in charge of Ongaranandha Swamigal his illustrious Guru, with a command and benediction that Swamiji must use the Ashram for imparting Gnana and inculcating Sathiya Or Truth and for establishing Dharma among mankind and for all living creatures without any discrimination based upon his Guru on 31.8.1964

Swamiji settled at Pondicherry from 21-7-1965 and founded the Ashram in its present form. Pondicherry is known traditionally as "Vedapuri" and true to its name has provided shelter and scope for enlightened and realized souls of world renowned order and in that lineage the living legend of Vedapuri is "Swami Ongarananda".

Simple but always smiling and ever enjoying happiness, he strives to spread such happiness among those who come to him. Austere in his habits and unassuming in posture, Swami Ongaranandha has attained Nirvikalpa and eliminated totally any signs of arrogrance or ego in his movements.

As part of his mission to teach about "Him" the Lord and to liberate mankind from bondage, Swamiji endeavours to purify the heart, Mind and thoughts of human beings , Since Renunciation is the golden key that opens the door to self in a continous process of enquiry one realises the Divinity Within .

The basic quality of purity is absent and though man exists , Humanism is absent and steeped in selfishness. Humanism has deteriorated. Man today needs mental transformation to realise Divinity and achieve immortality.

The Creator made the senes outward going to matter but not to the spirit within and it is the wise one who sought immortality for within himself and found his own soul. Since God dwells in Man as himself. The inward journey is possible and could be made successful by cultivating total personal integrity and no short cuts could help man to attain this highest state of Bliss.

The sound of Brahma is OM, at the end of OM is silence, says Maitri Upanishad and in order to reach the highest one should consider in adoration the sound and silence of Brahman - for "God is Sound and Silence". his name is "OM". Comtemplating in silence on Him lead to liberation

To help Mankind to acheive Him the highest , Swami Ongaranandha has been adopting several ways and devising means and thereby inculcating in the minds of people the urge to attain Immortality by slow and steady transformation of human mind . To spread his message among masses, he has inaugurated a Monthly Magazine in Tamil by name "ONGARAM" in 1972 and has authored several articles and books to elucidate highly sophisticated and richly spiritual Siddha ideologies and mixed with Yoga Practises , so as to make them within the easy reach and clear understanding of Common Man.

His books on "GNANA GITA", "SILENCE" ,"THOUSANDS IN SPIRITUALITY" and the serial "Realities and Experiences " also "Astral and supermental Meditation" are to say the least, great achievements of Swamiji in elucidating the essential and basic tenets and fundamental principles to be observed in the search for truth and journey inward towards self-realisation and to attain Salvation.

The Global Mediatation Mass Recitation of "OM" and "SIVA PANCHATSHARI" - "OM NAMASIVAYA", Go-Pooja with 108 cows at pondicherry in 1976 , the grant Gaja Pooja with the conglemeration of 108 live tuskers at Coimbatore in 1987, Sivasakthi pooja with the active participation of 1008 pious couples, the Annual circumbulation or pradakshina of the Holy hill " Arunachala" at Tiruvannamalai , the periodical spiritual camps at Kolli Hills in salem District, the conference of Saints and spiritualists for propagating World Peace and Unity at Kancheepuram in 1991; the move for creating awareness to maintain cleanliness and Hygiene at Burial grounds and Buring Ghats, apart from celebrations oraganised and poojas performed in several important temples spread all over the country- Bharat, are few among the great acheivements which feather to the Mission and adventures of Swamiji on the path spiritual and Social service activities. Swamiji's propagation of "Astral Supremental meditation" in open places is unique of its kind to regulate and harness the turbulent mind rought as the disturbed and never ending waves in the sea or ocean. Above all, the one attracting facet of the various lovable qualities of Swamiji is that moment you come into contact with him , he will extend a benedictory and blissful compliment by saying "Santhosham" meaning thereby Happiness and share his happiness with any and every one and spread His message of Happiness to all those before him.

"OH ! The devotee of the lotus feet of the Guru: Only by disciplining the mind you can cross Over this Samsaara and become liberated At the end you will realise that the Lord is the Very indweller of your own Heart"
                                                                                                                                 - Aadi Sankara in Bhajagovindam