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We Welcome the Dawn of the New Millenium 2000 A.D

We heartily welcome the New Millennium 2000 A.D. to usher a very Happy and Prosperous living condition for all humanity and living creatures.

Let your coming immerse this universe in infinite Bliss and Universal Conciousness. Let Nature' s bounty enliven all creatures in the Universe as it had done throughout the past 2000 years.

The Progress had not only reached pinacles of glory and acheivement alround , but also thrown it to great depths of degradation. The present world is leading toward death and destruction .

Every thing evolves from nature. It is nature that directs and controls the celestial world. The universe is a harmoneous fusion of Nature and divinity and if the ground rules are followed with due care and devotion, One will attain Jnanna , Happiness and Bliss.

Man has to throughly understand the ecological rules of nature and act accordingly . He has deviated from the correct path. There is truth and dharma in nature which is exhibied in each living object.

All one has to do is to tune his inner consciousness harmoneously to the Nature so that with its help elevate himself to the highest truth and Dharma and enable himself to live for even 200 years. The coming Generation of Sages, Men and other Living creatures must live noble lives.

The Modern man has not fully realised the wonders , Mysterus secrets of the Universe. He is not fully aware of the desastrous results of tinkering with it . He is still experimenting on Nature.

We have to virtually analyse and review all human activity right from the time of the origin of the World and not merly the year 2000 . It should not be the criterian . This is only a concept of the Modern Man who has not realized his divinity. It is as good or bad as any other year.

He has to visualize the open space view, Universe View , World View and live deep into the mysteries of Jiva atma , Param atma, Knowledge of the self, Mind , Intelligence, Several Kalpas, Maya , and Tatwas come out of it spirtually.

After this one has to chalk out a spiritaul programme charting out a spiritual discipline. This is the only way . To attach much significance to the year 2000 seems to be irrelevant not likely to reveal the mysteries and secrets of the Universe and does not help us to Understand reality and Bliss which is our Goal.

The World has produced several crores of Sages and seers and wisemen . They have indicated several paths for human welfare and liberation. Despite this they were unable to stop human degradation. The strength and orderly spiritual life shown by them have been become crooked and decayed.

Modern scientiest have invented new weapons of destination and are trying to improve their performanance, leading to death and destruction.

Man conquer man and exploits him in slavery . He derives pleasure in this . This has been in vogue for ages. Now it has increased.

This philosophy of the man must be put to an end to. The man depends on his intelligence but this alone cannot make him live in harmony with nature. Tapas alone can do it.

  1. A Woman had enough strength to give birth to 16 children
    - Not so today.
  2. Man kept his word and did accordingly - Not so Today.
  3. Sages and Seers Blessed all living creatures to live happily and peacefully .
    --Not now.
  4. Those days man did Tapas to obtain purity . He was in harmony with Nature
    - Not so now.
  5. Those days Man got liberation through right Karma
    He was one with Nature and saw divinity there.
    He utilised this secret for his elevation.
    - - Not so Now.

He sought truth and acheived liberation .

Today he has pledged his conscience to untruth .

Many such truth can be enumerated now. Therefore if man must live happily he must be pure,perfect And Blissfull. This is possible only if he practises truth and Dharma.

Today man is not able to walk erect with chin up and falters in his walk. Atleast, in future he should develop his intellect which has the capacity to descriminiate decide and investigate and understand the purpose of the human life.He should develope sacred thoughts and sanctity. He must constantly search for enlightment and Bliss. Thus his aim should be to attain imortality.

Hence let us not make much about this 2000 A.D. criteria, but concentrate on Truth -- Tapas and stop dancing about this event.

One should strive for the divine state of silence and ecstasy.

Man is a multifaceted personality. The quality that should overshadow and obliterate all others in fuse should be that of a humanitarian one with tapas , ojas, spreading spiritual lustre alround influencing every body around.

Let wisemen blossom us plenty. May Brahma jnanis, Yogis and men of charity increase. May the Almighty give darshan to everybody.

Let Us be part of the Divine Nature. Let us love Nature , Workship , Concentrate and Meditate in the Vast. Significant open space and attain happiness.

I seek the Blessings of My Guru Sri_La_Sri Siddhar Swamigal to everyone of you on this occassion.


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