Thursday, March 18, 2004Here without youA hundred days had made me older Since the last time that I saw your pretty face A thousand lights had made me colder And I don't think I can look at this the same But all the miles had separate They disappeared now when I'm dreaming of your face I'm here without you baby but your still on my lonely mind I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time I'm here without you baby but your still with me in my dreams And tonight it's only you and me i'm officially missing home right now. i miss mom, dad, ayin, piz. i miss my damn astro and i miss you guys too. i havent got a chance to blog since last month due to the slow dial-up internet connection. plus, my holiday was so super-duper great that i didnt even bother to be online that long. but sadly, yg terindah hanya sementara. bad enough my first class started a day after i reached heilbronn and now, i'm already working on my first software project. i have group meeting tomorrow during my only break for friday. yes peeps, i'm back to reality and it sucks big time! i have a total blast back home. gosh, it was like the best 5 weeks i had for this entire year! i got to spend time with my family, eat tons of delicious food (yet, i'm not gaining any kilos. sorry guys!), hang out with my friends and shop, shop and shop. having my family around all the time was like the cure to everything! i could hardly remember the last time i laughed and smiled as much as i did during my stay. but i just gotta say goodbye. it was unfair but there's something i have to do here. as much as i hate returning to germany, i seemed to have no other choice, right? i have to mention certain names here; you might not care but it's my blog, anyway. to my best friend, thanks for your time and the pink lamp. it was so cute but sorry, i couldnt bring it back here coz i was worried it will break during flight. piz will take care of it, dont worry. to zaza, wani, salmiah, jemy and zizi, thank you so much for everything. you girls rocked my day, totally! hope we can do it again sometimes. they kept asking me about the update, so here you go. it's all for you. and to those i havent got a chance to meet during my stay, i'm so sorry. i got really busy on the last few days and i could only call to say goodbye. now, as i write; thanks to you, for spending a few secs of your time to read this entry. i'm back guys and i hope, days to come will make me stronger, insyaAllah. so pics, anyone? Thursday, February 05, 2004Balik kampungmy test this morning was suck!!! it was harder than i expected and gosh, java codes were everywhere over the pages. damn you java! ok, now let's talk about 'fun' stuff. ![]() i got bunch of juniors coming to my place this afternoon and i cooked for them. how lucky huh? hehe, kidding. we chatted, basically about starting a new life here; how to, where to get this and that. and yeah i told them the 'story'. the sucking-boring-life-in-germany story. well, at least they are prepared. then at 3pm, chocolate shopping with lin; just something for people back home. and thank God i spent less this year ![]() tomorrow, i'll be flying home. yippeee!! i cleaned the house and i've just done packing. i have to take train from here at 7am. so tonight, should be in bed by 12. or maybe i'll stay up til 6. anyhow, i'm sooo excited coz i'm coming home baby! wooohooo... okay peeps, have a great weekend and be good. i'll be writing from msia for the next 1 month. or maybe not ![]() Monday, February 02, 2004pain, pain and pain.. i had a very bad PMS this morning. i spent the whole day lying on bed and watching tv until i got bored. i tried to sit for like 15 mins and study but the pain was really killing me. so i stopped. and now i'm writing.i watched real world paris just now and it kinda reminds me of the time i was there a year ago. i had a blast! it was a nice trip but french people werent as friendly as we thought they would be and they dont speak much english. the first day we arrived at the hotel, we were asked to wait for 30 mins to get our room ready and while waiting, the hotel-maid kept bitching her bosy boss and we didnt even understand a word! she babbled for like 20 mins and by the time she finished, i already got a headache. and things got worse when we were lost. huhh.. me, fina, tety and add spent only 2 days in paris which was kinda rush. but we managed to visit all the great places in one day; notre dame de paris, arc de triomphe, palais-royal, louvre, pantheon and of course, eiffel tower. too bad none of us got a great zoom or digital camera. most of the night shots werent that good. mine were so bad that i couldnt even see the eiffel tower in the background. well, you couldnt expect a EU50 camera to get magnificent shots, right? ok, i'd better stop. i uploaded some pics from my summer trip 2 years ago, so drop by anytime. have a nice day! Saturday, January 31, 2004iTunes : Gavin Degraw- I Dont' Want To Befinally, the snow stopped. right after i took anu's camera to take some shots and it stopped! totally frustrating! it has been snowing like crazy here since monday. should have taken the shot earlier. arghhhhhh! and clumsy me, i tripped on my way to his room. now my butt still hurt like hell! should have gotten that shot too, huh? yes, i'm officially busy to blog. i have 4 days before exams and i started to freak out. i called mom last thursday and somehow it helped me ease a bit. anyway, thanks a lot for the good luck wish. totally appreciated. i went out to town yesterday after 'hibernating' in my room for 4 days due to heavy snow. i was hoping that it's going to snow in between my outing, but again nothing! i ended up taking train to stuttgart, 45 mins from my town and walked for 1 hour and then went home. totally a waste of time! and the worst part, i didnt buy anything either! look what exams do to students. crazy beb! and yesterday i managed to take my mind off the boring-data-structures notes for a day. now i have to get my butt out of here and start revising again. here are some pics courtesy of this guy or this guy. i got problem with my fotopage at the moment, so i stucked them all here. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() oh btw, selamat hari raya aidiladha to all. Tuesday, January 27, 2004One fine day....people in my stuwo are getting really crazy right now! deutshers are drinking, shouting downstairs, playing snowball fight and throwing it upstairs. it was so annoying!! hello, it 12noon dude! it's too early to get drunk, dont you think? but they dont give a damn. man, i hope they wont start singing anytime soon. just another typical scene here during exams. they will party right after one paper down (doesnt matter either it's 10am or 3pm) and then the same thing happen the next day, til exams end. stupid is it? yeah, i know they party every night, getting drunk, yelling at 2am, singing etc.. but that i can accept. right now, no way! it's 12noon! i was trying to concentrate and my paper is due in a week! and i couldnt burn midnight oil anymore coz.. ughhh, i dont know. my body clock is just weird! one day i would be awake til 5 and suddenly, i'm not. i dont know what happened but i'm happy with the improvement. i start to wake up early and not miss my subuh anymore. so it's all good, until i got snow ball right at my window! and now here comes the singing. just like i tell ya. ahhhh that voice! Monday, January 26, 2004Better Luck Tomorrow![]() here's the movie that filled my weekend slot last week. it was a great tiny budget movie: simple plot, well shot and excellent camera effect; which reminds me of another good low budget short film produced by talented malaysian students in minnesota. interested? you can download the movie here. it's just a story about nothing. Friday, January 23, 2004Thank youi woke up this morning, feeling all good until i saw my roommate making breakfast with the least clothes i've ever seen her wearing. really not a good sight and not something i wanna see first thing in the morning! probably stress out from late study last night but still, wear.. i dont know, pants maybe? and mamat, i wont be entertaining any further questions from you after reading this ok. full stop. i accidently closed my yahoo msgr and msn last night. i only figured it out just now. no wonder i got that call. awat la hang ta habaq aku offline! anyway, dinna sent me offline messages and she told me about 'things' which closely related to the one i wrote yesterday; Old stuff. yeah, shit happen sometimes! we just have to deal with it and move on, right? seriously, i have no idea what's gonna happen when i see her this feb, but hopefully, it goes well. i really try my best to work things out coz she's my best friend. so to dinna, thanks! i also got another comments via email from anonymous and she/he gave me some advices. soo sweet.. i really hope i can find out who this person is. but thank you. ![]() yeah, this would be the right time to put tag board or comments somewhere in this blog. but i have a personal reason not to place any right now. plus, i'm busy. maybe next time. in the mean time, you can leave your comments or messages in guestbook. just leave me anything as many times as you want. i really dont mind. ![]() now, i need breakfast. you guys take care ok! Thursday, January 22, 2004Song That Makes You...this survey was taken @ 4:38pm, while i was chatting with mamat. dont worry, the selections werent influenced by his. but the answers might change by the time you read it. btw, i stole this from s h z. ok, let's sing baby! Song that makes you happy: tons but currently breathe by michelle branch and hidupku kan damaikan hatimu by indo band, caffeine Song that makes you want to cry: boyz II men's a song for mama and ni yau de ai by penny tai. watch meteor garden 1 and u'll know what i mean. sedih tak ingat! ![]() Song that makes you feel dreamy: most of the songs in my playlist. all time favs: i'll be by edwin mccain and how do i live by leann rimes not trisha yearwood! haaa, also ayu by v.e. ![]() Song that makes you sleepy: coldplay's (sorry shz) Song that makes you want to dance: in da club (50 cent), crazy in love (beyonce), you make me wanna (usher) and the list go on and on... Song that makes you want to close your ears: britney's in the zone. yuksss!! Song that makes you think of that special someone: i'll be - edwin mccain. lots of history there! and selamanya - innuendo. ![]() Song that makes you feel relaxed: everything in my playlist Song that makes you feel inspired: soar by miss christina aguilera and i think God can explain by splender. heard of it? Song that makes you want to sing along: I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour I'll be there for you like I've been there before I'll be there for you 'Cause you're there for me too... iTunes : Michelle Branch - Breathe If I just breathe Let it fill the space in between I'll know everything is alright Breathe Every little piece of me You'll see Everything is alright If I just breathe Presentation, test bla bla bla i was stucked with my seminar presentation and test since friday. totally a busy week. but the good news is, i passed the presentation part and my speech turned out to be surprisingly good; considering it was a last min work. i was so nervous since i have to give the talk first thing in the morning and i woke up late that day. when i entered my class, people already waiting. yeah, it wasnt a good start. but hey, it ended up great so i'm happy! ![]() Deutsch sucks! it felt kinda weird today. i went to town and i stumbled upon cool english-speaking people. it was really rare to meet those people around here since everyone speaks deutsch most of the time; which is kinda suck to me. i hate deutsch and i'm not even good at it. it's really hard sometimes when you wanna express your thoughts, you ends up using the wrong words (not to mention bad vocabulary) and people will think you some kinda idiot or something. if i'm given a chance to do presentations or assignments in english, i'll be more than happy to do it in english. and since software has lots of english terms, some of the notes provided are in english. but when it comes to explainations, lecturers prefer to do it in deutsch. study seems to be less fun that way. hampeh! Old stuff lately, i started contacting my friends back home. just to update myself with their news. at least they didnt think i forget or dont care at all, coz i do. and last weekend, i finally decided to call my best friend back in high school. well, we used to be one but lately, there seemed to be a lil bit of misuderstanding which i ended up avoiding her for a few months. it just wasnt the right thing to do, i know. we talked for several mins and it felt weird talking to her again. really. saya ingat awak merajuk. well, there you go. her assumption and now my explaination. well, the thing is, i'm not good at this. i try to tell what's really going on but no success. i try to be honest but sometimes truth hurts. so changing the subject will be the best. i've thought about it and decided to pretend nothing happen. i'm good at that, trust me. i dont wanna make things worse. so better move on. now, i'm so excited to see her too. and the rest of the girls of course: zaza, wani, timah, salmiah, has, amalia etc. salmiah came up with a great plan for my holiday; which kinda funny and sweet.. ![]() Last paper there's only one paper left and then i'll be flying home on 6th. i got the tix already! so now, i'd better concentrate on exam. i really have to pass this paper coz it's my last chance. there would be lots of hassles to go through if i fail for the second time. so people, wish me luck. it was a hard paper and this sem, i got a new lecturer for the subject. so every single notes is new and different from my previous lecturer. i only have 2 weeks before the day so if i dont blog much for the next 2 weeks, you know what i'm up to. and yeah today, my java presentation. erkhhh!!!!!!!!! ![]() i'd better go. have a great day ok. |