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Justin Timberlake Proves He Doesn't Need N'Sync (To Suck)
- New York, NY

While music industry insiders predicted that he wouldn’t be able to have the same level of stardom without the other members of N’Sync, Justin Timberlake proved in his first ever solo performance that he can suck just as bad by himself. In fact, if you factor out the number of pre-pubescent girls that swallow whatever MTV spoon feeds them on TRL every day, Timberlake’s number of fans would be limited to his immediate family.

Timberlake made his unimpressive solo debut at the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards, a show that MTV continues to air every year, even though unlike its other programming content, viewers can actually hear music during the show. The singer came to prominence as part of the manufactured pop group N’Sync, who along with the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears, proved that musical acts don’t need actual talent to make it in the modern music business.

We went to the University of Maryland for some reaction to the performance. Here is an excerpt from some of the interviews.

The Fake News: What do you think about the Justin Timberlake solo performance?
Brandon Matthews: Shhh...Shakira’s on!
TFN: Ok, now that she’s done, what did you think of the performance?
BM: Oh man, I still got a bone. How does she do that?
TFN: We’re asking about the Justin Timberlake performance
BM: You mean that fag from N’Suck? Man, he couldn’t even get some from that Britney slut, he’s a total loser.

TFN: Excuse me miss, what did you think of the Justin Timberlake performance?
Shirley Koller: He performed?
TFN: Um...yeah. He was the one with the enormous boombox for a backdrop.
SK: I thought that was Michael Jackson.
TFN: No, he was only copying Michael Jackson.
SK: Oh...I wonder how Michael Jackson lives without a nose. That must be so hard.
TFN: We give up.

Copyright The Fake News 2002. All Rights Reserved.

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