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Die Hard Reno Supporters: "She's Still The Man For The Job!"
- Tampa, FL

By Thaddeus McClean

Even though former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno has officially conceded the Florida Democratic Gubernatorial nomination to Tampa, Florida attorney Bill McBride after an official recount that put Reno behind McBride by some 4,800 votes, some Florida residents are putting together a campaign to bring Reno back into the spotlight.

  Earl J. Longenfelter is the spokesperson and leader of this movement that has started in the Leisure Knolls Retirement and Healthcare Community in Boca Raton, Florida.  Mr. Longenfelter, 79, a veteran of World War II, made the group's first radio broadcast on Friday at WFLP 990 AM in Boca Raton.  "When I was in the war, we looked up to our leaders.  We had leaders we could stand in front of and know they were there to back us boys up!  They were men of tough character and strong morals who made America worth fighting and dying for.  I think that Bill McBride is a golf-playing, yacht-cruising pansy!  Johnny Reno has the face of man that put some respect, fear and hard work back into our government.

  Mr. Longenfelter's sentiment seems to be echoed highly in the corridors of Leisure Knolls.  "I felt that Reno was clearly the best choice," said Ethel Birenbaum, 82, "even with that funny first name, Reno is the kind of man we need at the helm.  One look at him and no one will ever question this state's commitment to its issues."  All of Mrs. Birenbaum's fellow residents at the 10a.m. Knitting Society nodded in agreement to her statement.

  However, not all residents at Leisure Knolls agree with Mr. Longenfelter.  "Forget Reno!  Get that wrestlin' guy from Minnesota," says John "Ace" Weimer, 80.  "I betcha he could take Reno in two outta three matches."  Ace also had some strong opinions on the pro-Reno movement at Leisure Knolls, "Earl Longenfelter didn't do dink in World War two!  He worked in the kitchen at an Air Force base in Topeka!  His biggest battle was operating a can opener!"

  Despite the public support that is currently coming out of Leisure Knolls, "Mr." Reno's press secretary would not comment except to say that it was doubtful that Minnesota Governor Jessie Ventura could take "Mr." Reno in two out of three.

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