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Stand-Up Comedian Fabricates Anecdote

Comedy fans were outraged when it was made public that popular comedian Pablo Francisco totally made up a story that he shared with the audience. Francisco told an audience in an unnamed NYC comedy club that he had a roommate that was a male stripper who "shaved his juevos". When pressed about the validity of the story , he replied by saying "Dude, do you think that everything I say during my act actually happens? I would have to be the most interesting guy in the world. Come on now."

The Comedian's Union came to Francisco's defense, saying that fabricating humorous stories is vital to any stand-up comedian's repertoire. Chris Rock had this to say: "Of course we make stuff up. Shit, there's comedians out there who make up their entire act. I mean, I'm white! They just use lighting and camera tricks."

The more we researched, the more we found out that much of the entertainment industry "makes up" stories. In the movie industry, for example, reportedly up to 95% of Hollywood movies are "stuff that we make up ourselves", according to script writers. We were surprised to hear that there really is no Matrix, pigs don't talk, and there is no Spiderman.

Francisco tried to further clarify his position, but telling us that most of his act is "just exaggerated stuff that really happens to me. About the "juevos", I do have a roommate and one night he got drunk and shaved his balls. He talks in that male bimbo voice, so I just kinda exaggerated a little bit. Everyone's doing it."

Jerry Seinfeld weighed in on the controversy: "What's the deal with the stand-up comedians? If I decided to get up on a stage in a chair and tell jokes, or relate humorous observations, would I not be a stand-up comedian? I just don't get it."

Copyright The Fake News 2002. All Rights Reserved.

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