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Topic: finnish gay leopard

Posted by themabus at 00:01 EET
Updated: 07/02/2011 17:13 EET
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Topic: disney lesbian star wars

Posted by themabus at 22:45 EET
Updated: 27/11/2009 23:03 EET
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Now Playing: lush @SomaFM
Topic: home made Blowjob rpg

her's modded nullDC's GD-ROM plugin 'GDR_Win32.dll' (based on Aug 20 2008)
it redefines .gdi syntax parsing for file names
with it file names with whitespaces within them can be used enclosed in quotation marks

01 0 0 0 "none" 0
02 0 0 0 "none" 0
03 45000 4 2352 "Track 03.bin" 0
04 355602 0 2352 "Track 04.bin" 0
05 363680 0 2352 "Track 05.bin" 0
06 377124 0 2352 "Track 06.bin" 0
07 379975 0 2352 "Track 07.bin" 0
08 386064 0 2352 "Track 08.bin" 0
09 393416 0 2352 "Track 09.bin" 0
10 395488 0 2352 "Track 10.bin" 0
11 399325 0 2352 "Track 11.bin" 0
12 408596 0 2352 "Track 12.bin" 0
13 433134 0 2352 "Track 13.bin" 0
14 458158 0 2352 "Track 14.bin" 0
15 465757 0 2352 "Track 15.bin" 0
16 493667 0 2352 "Track 16.bin" 0
17 503104 0 2352 "Track 17.bin" 0
18 505295 0 2352 "Track 18.bin" 0
19 505819 4 2352 "Track 19.bin" 0

place it in 'plugins' sub-directory and it should show up on plugin selection list
to use .gdis without quotation marks switch back to unmoded plugin 

Posted by themabus at 08:38 EEST
Updated: 13/06/2009 09:09 EEST
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Topic: Open Source porn

Posted by themabus at 17:31 EEST
Updated: 25/04/2009 17:33 EEST
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Topic: free design god

Posted by themabus at 16:20 EEST
Updated: 11/05/2009 21:08 EEST
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Topic: shemale country liebe

Posted by themabus at 18:41 EEST
Updated: 19/04/2009 19:57 EEST
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Topic: Ravishankar fish Mystery

Posted by themabus at 20:13 EEST
Updated: 18/04/2009 20:27 EEST
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Mood:  rushed
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Topic: speed fuck 

#                                                                 #
# Parameterized CRC algorithm implementation for (G)AWK           #
# 20090202 themabus[at]inbox[dot]lv                               #
#                                                                 #
# please verify thoroughly before actual use                      #
#                                                                 #

function _ord_init(    low, high, i, t)
#this and following two functions are taken from GAWK manual
    low = sprintf("%c", 7) # BEL is ascii 7
    if (low == "\a") {    # regular ascii
        low = 0
        high = 127
    } else if (sprintf("%c", 128 + 7) == "\a") {
        # ascii, mark parity
        low = 128
        high = 255
    } else {        # ebcdic(!)
        low = 0
        high = 255

    for (i = low; i <= high; i++) {
        t = sprintf("%c", i)
        _ord_[t] = i

function ord(str,    c)
    # only first character is of interest
    c = substr(str, 1, 1)
    return _ord_[c]
function chr(c)
    # force c to be numeric by adding 0
    return sprintf("%c", c + 0)


function filltable(poly, width, refin, bitmask, table,    cnt1, cnt2, tmp1, mask)
  bitmask = 0
  for (cnt1 = 0; cnt1 < width; cnt1++) {
    bitmask = xor(bitmask, lshift(1, cnt1))
  if (refin == 0) {
    mask = lshift(1, width-1)

    for (cnt1 = 0; cnt1 < 256; cnt1++) {
      tmp1 = lshift(cnt1, width-8)
      for (cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < 8; cnt2++) {
        and(tmp1, mask)==mask ? tmp1 = xor(lshift(tmp1, 1), poly) : tmp1 = lshift(tmp1, 1)
      table[cnt1] = and(tmp1, bitmask)
#      printf( "%08x\n", table[cnt1])
  } else {
    mask = 1
    poly = reflect(poly, width, bitmask)

    for (cnt1 = 0; cnt1 < 256; cnt1++) {
      tmp1 = cnt1
      for (cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < 8; cnt2++) {
        and(tmp1, mask)==mask ? tmp1 = xor(rshift(tmp1, 1), poly) : tmp1 = rshift(tmp1, 1)
      table[cnt1] = and(tmp1, bitmask)
#      printf( "%08x\n", table[cnt1])
  return bitmask


function reflect(input, width, bitmask,    cnt1, tmp1, mask)
  mask = lshift(1, width-1)
  tmp1 = 0
  for (cnt1 = 0; cnt1 < width; cnt1++) {
    tmp1 = rshift(tmp1, 1)
    if (and(input, mask)==mask) tmp1 = xor(tmp1, mask)
    input = lshift(input, 1)
  return and(tmp1, bitmask)


function calccrc(crc, width, refin, bitmask, table, message, type, len,    cnt1, tmp1, ind)
#type - 0: text string e.g. "123456789"
#       1: string of hex values e.g. "313233343536373839"
  cnt1 = 1

  if (refin == 0) {
    while (cnt1 <= len) {
      type == 0 ? tmp1 = ord(substr(message, cnt1, 1)) : tmp1 = strtonum("0x" substr(message, cnt1, 2))
      ind  = xor(and(rshift(crc, width-8), 255), tmp1)
      crc  = xor(lshift(crc, 8), table[ind])
      crc  = and(crc, bitmask)
      if (type == 1) cnt1++
  } else {
    while (cnt1 <= len) {
      type == 0 ? tmp1 = ord(substr(message, cnt1, 1)) : tmp1 = strtonum("0x" substr(message, cnt1, 2))
      ind  = xor(and(crc, 255), tmp1)
      crc  = xor(rshift(crc, 8), table[ind])
      crc  = and(crc, bitmask)
      if (type == 1) cnt1++

  return crc


function selftest(    poly, init, xorout, width, refin, refout, bitmask, table, message, crc)
  bitmask = 0
  split("", table)

  print "CRC-32-IEEE 802.3"
  print "cbf43926" # expected value

  poly   = strtonum("0x04c11db7")
  init   = strtonum("0xffffffff")
  xorout = strtonum("0xffffffff")
  width  = 32
  refin  = 1 # 0 - false; 1 - true
  refout = 1 # 0 - false; 1 - true

  bitmask = filltable(poly, width, refin, bitmask, table)

  print ""
  print message

  crc = calccrc(init, width, refin, bitmask, table, message, 0, length(message))
  if (refin!=refout) crc = reflect(crc, width, bitmask)
  crc = xor(crc, xorout)
  printf("%0" (int(width / 4) + ((width % 4)!=0)) "x\n", crc)

  print ""
  print message

  crc = calccrc(init, width, refin, bitmask, table, message, 1, length(message))
  if (refin!=refout) crc = reflect(crc, widht, bitmask)
  crc = xor(crc, xorout)
  printf("%0" (int(width / 4) + ((width % 4)!=0)) "x\n", crc)

  print ""
  print ""

  print "CRC-16-CCITT"
  print "29b1" # expected value

  poly   = strtonum("0x1021")
  init   = strtonum("0xffff")
  xorout = strtonum("0x0000")
  width  = 16
  refin  = 0 # 0 - false; 1 - true
  refout = 0 # 0 - false; 1 - true

  bitmask = filltable(poly, width, refin, bitmask, table)

  print ""
  print message

  crc = calccrc(init, width, refin, bitmask, table, message, 0, length(message))
  if (refin!=refout) crc = reflect(crc, width, bitmask)
  crc = xor(crc, xorout)
  printf("%0" (int(width / 4) + ((width % 4)!=0)) "x\n", crc)

  print ""
  print message

  crc = calccrc(init, width, refin, bitmask, table, message, 1, length(message))
  if (refin!=refout) crc = reflect(crc, width, bitmask)
  crc = xor(crc, xorout)
  printf("%0" (int(width / 4) + ((width % 4)!=0)) "x\n", crc)



#  selftest()

  bitmask = 0
  split("", table)

# set up your model here or with command-line parameters '-v var=val'
  poly   = strtonum("0x04c11db7")
  init   = strtonum("0xffffffff")
  xorout = strtonum("0xffffffff")
  width  = 32
  refin  = 1 # 0 - false; 1 - true
  refout = 1 # 0 - false; 1 - true

  bitmask = filltable(poly, width, refin, bitmask, table)

  crc_file= init


#  selftest()
  crc_line = calccrc(init, width, refin, bitmask, table, $0, 0, length($0))
  if (refin!=refout) crc_line = reflect(crc_line, width, bitmask)
  crc_line = xor(crc_line, xorout)
  printf("%0" (int(width / 4) + ((width % 4)!=0)) "x\n", crc_line)

  crc_file = calccrc(crc_file, width, refin, bitmask, table, $0, 0, length($0))
  # end console input with Ctrl + Z


  if (refin!=refout) crc_file = reflect(crc_file, width, bitmask)
  crc_file = xor(crc_file, xorout)
  printf("%0" (int(width / 4) + ((width % 4)!=0)) "x\n", crc_file)

Posted by themabus at 11:24 EET
Updated: 03/02/2009 12:45 EET
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Mood:  down
Now Playing: Babylon ZOO - Spaceman
Topic: Experimental christian autopilot-skriptinjsh

no portaala:
Par SPACE.LV platformu
Shai speelei ir konkreets autors no kaa speeles veidotaaji ir iegaadaajushies licenci un arii pati speele tehniski ie izveidota no nulles. Liidz ar to ir pieljaujamas dazhas nelielas nepilniibas saakotneeja posmaa, tachu taas visas soli pa solim tiek noveerstas. Arii shobriid ar SPACE.LV straadaaprogrammeetaaju grupa un paarbauda to vai pastaav iespeeja negodiigi ieguut punktus, vai nee. Shobriid mees esam gandriiz paarliecinaati, ka shaada iespeeja nepastaav, tachu veelamies, lai paarlieciiba buutu uz visiem 120%.

uzkjiileet skriptinju autoram prasiija apmeeram pus stundu... 


aizvadiitaas nedeeljas bilance:
novilkto kopiju sk.: ~30..50
lietotaaju reakcija: lielaakoties neizpratne
saita administraacija informeeta
administraacijas reakcija: ignorance - 'viriniet bannerus un viss buus shtokos, bet, ja nav - slikti virinaajaat' - dezhavu... formula veca kaa pasaule

visvairaak zheel cilveeku, kas tiek iesaistiiti liidziigaas afeeraas, patiesi cerot ko laimeet, bet vieniigais ko sanjem ir spljaaviens sejaa. 
un spriezhot peec (nu jau izraveetajiem) komentaariem administraacijas blogaa, taadu nav maz...

Posted by themabus at 20:31 EET
Updated: 31/01/2009 12:41 EET
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Mood:  party time!
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Tengai Makyou II - Manji Maru (J) [HCD1022]
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Yawara! (J) [SXCD2001]
Ys I & II (J) [HCD9009]
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Posted by themabus at 16:02 EET
Updated: 23/12/2008 16:10 EET
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