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"Command Decision" [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Command Decision

by Ryan "Quasi" Berke

((AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story relies heavily on Episode 28: "It's all in the Cards," and on assumptions made from information at this site. The village refered to may or may not be the one refered to in Episode 15: "The Dark Network of Etemon," but it should not matter. My apologies go to anyone who feels I've misconveyed any information.))

((DISCLAIMER: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the characters contained within. They are used without permission, but that's fanfiction for you. This story is not intended, in whole or in part, for profit.))

Flashback. A dark cave. Myotismon's forces closing in. Evil digi-mon launching their attacks, Good ones digi-volving to use their own. Gatomon's face, taunting, as the doors to the Real world closed before him. A mad dash towards them, hoping to get through.


Flashback. The same cave, hours later. Gennai's "Trading Cards" in hand. Seven confused kids looking for a direction. Ten cards, Nine places.



Flashback. Ten cards, Nine places.

A voice. A reply. Conversation. Decisions. What did it all matter? Within moments, he was the leader of...of what? Seven kids, seven digimon? Against Myotismon's armies? What kind of leadership is that?

He'd never asked to be leader. Never asked to do anything. Just a kid in the wrong place at the wrong time. It wasn't his fault they couldn't manage by themselves for a few days. Wasn't his fault they believed in him. Wasn't his fault...


"You'd better forget it, Sora." Agumon warned, "He's been like this for hours."

What' else was there to do? He was just as clueless as they were. They were hopeless, and no one here has the slightest clue, except maybe...

Izzy. Izzy was good with puzzles. "Okay," he said, desperately controlling the panic in his voice, "As your leader, I choose Izzy to do it."

For a moment, he was afraid it wouldn't work, afraid they'd insist he go ahead.

"Me?" Izzy had asked.

"Well, if Tai believes in you, then we believe in you too."

Thank you, Mimi. He'd thought. And that was that. For now. Ten cards, Nine places...


"Huh?!?" Tai exclaimed, snapping out of the haze.

"Let's get going! We've been camped here all night, and we need to get going if we're going to get to the Koromon village."

"Koromon village?" Tai asked, groggily.

"Jeez, Tai, you really are out of it today."

"Who asked you?" he said sleepily, defensively.

"No one..." Sora said, "It's just that we promised to meet Izzy, Matt, and T.K. there tonight, and Mimi and Joe should already be there..."

"Oh yeah!" Tai remembered, the grogginess fading instantly. He broke into a run, "C'mon, Agumon!"

"I'm coming, Tai!" he called, trying to keep up.

Sora sighed and looked at Kari, "Has he always been like this?"

"Has he ever not?" The two girls giggled, and started after him.

* * * * *

Night-time. A Koromon village. Eight kids on one end of a campfire, Dozens of Koromon on the other. The scene was generally tranquil, with only the crackling of the fire interrupting the otherwise silence.

Agumon stood nervously, and walked in front of the Koromon. He cleared his throat.

"I have been asked to speak on behalf of my fellow digimon, at this important occasion. They've agreed to postpone this event, in allowance for the Digi-destined to see it." Agumon obviously had more to say, but paused sheepishly. "Uh...what's my next line?"

This inspired a round of laughter from all present, except T.K., peacefully sleeping in his older brother's lap. Agumon pretended not to take offense from the latter, and struggled to re-collect himself.

"A Koromon Digi-volution ceremony is a rare occasion. Unlike myself, they cannot Digi-volve at the whim of a Digi-vice. However, such a change is typically permanent in them, unless they suffer the most extremes of exhaustion. In fact--"

He was interrupted by a deep, evil laugh. Everyone turned to face it. Imagine their surprise, as they looked into the Horrid eyes of Devimon.

"Yes, Digi-destined." he confirmed, "I, Devimon have returned. You thought you had destroyed me with your beloved Angemon, but you were wrong. As Demi-devimon, I tormented and disrupted your plans, awaiting my own evolution back to my rightful stage. And now..." he stopped, and raised his arms in the air. Patamon and Gatomon flew backwards, and were pinned down by Devimon's minions.

"Now, digi-destined. Let's see how powerful you are now!"

Everyone looked to Tai for a decision. Why did it always have to be him? Why couldn't they find someone else to lead?

"Everyone, time to Digi-volve, but don't use the crests unless we have to."

The digimon started to glow, and they began the routine of digi-volving. Agumon to Greymon, Gabumon to Garurumon, and so forth. Moments leter, they were launching a series of attacks on Devimon. They were all fighting, but it was a losing battle. Without Angemon or Angewomon, they were obviously outmatched.

Outmatched. The cave. Tai's mind began making connections as he searched for a clue. Ten cards, nine places. Izzy.

That was it! Izzy!

"Izzy!" Tai called urgently, above the din.

"What is it, Tai?"

"You're good with patterns, right? Find one in Devimon's attacks."

"Actually...I may have found one weakness."

"What???" Tai asked, urgently.

"In our last encounter with Devimon, he used the black gears to control otherwise friendly digimon. The digi-vices seemed to destroy them."

"So if one of us can get close enough..."

"That's the real trick, isn't it?"

Tai thought. Desperately. They needed Angemon for this.

"Matt! Izzy! Use the crests!" he said, darting off to the edge of the village. He crept along, working his way behind Patamon's captors as fast as he dared.

"Hey!" a Gazimon called, "What're you doing here?"

Tai, finding himself discovered, broke into a run. He reached the Gazimon, and dove towards Patamon.

He'd never asked to be leader. Never asked to do anything. But what else was there to do?

Time seemed to slow. Tai, airborne, leapt forwards, closer and closer to Patamon. The Gazimon collected in an effort to stop him, but only succeeded in getting in each others' ways. The two large forms holding the captives were oblivious to the fight, mindlessly absorbed by the larger battle being waged.

Time returned to normal, and Tai landed. Hard. His shoulder hit first, and absorbed most of the impact. The Digi-vice fell from his hand, bouncing away.

The Gazimon tackled Tai, and attacked furiously. The rest followed. So this is it. Tai thought, I failed.

A faint glow reached between the stacked up Gazimon. Tai wasn't sure what to make of it. He just took blow after blow, hoping the pain would eventually subside.

Then there was one sound. A Welcome one.

"Fist of the Beast King!!!" it bellowed. A Gazimon leapt in pain, and the rest fled. Tai, a little worse for wear, stood up.

He would've even thanked Leomon, but he was back to fighting Ogremon again. He would've offered help, but was too weak from pain. He would've collapsed, but still had a job to do.

Determination replaced strength. Tai ran forward, scooped up Gatomon and Patamon, and ran back to the center of the village.

* * * * *

"Nova Blast!"

"Harpoon Torpedo!"

"Meteor Wing!"

The battle raged on. Weregarurumon and Megakabuterimon had exhausted their strength, and de-digi-volved into their lesser forms. Defeat was beginning to set in.

"Where's Tai?" Sora asked, fearfully.

"He's got his own reasons," Izzy replied, uncomforting.

Sora was still worried.

Tai stumbled into view. Sora spotted him, and ran towards him. Izzy followed shortly. Exhaustion began to set in, and Tai couldn't manage to support himself anymore. He fell to his knees, but Sora caught him in an embrace. Battered and bruised, Tai didn't resist. Izzy took Patamon and Gatomon, and ran back to the battle scene with them.

"Are you okay?" Sora asked gently, caringly.

"I think so." Tai coughed.

"Liar." Sora smiled, bringing her lips to touch his. They kissed. Ironically, her "Crest of Love" shined brightly.

He'd never asked to be leader. But right now, he sure didn't mind either.

Digimon Fan Fiction