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"The Crest of Darkness"

The Nineth Child Saga Part II: The Crest of Darkness

A work of Digimon "Fan-faction" by Skullmon.

A few technicalities... I've read enough fanfic to know what title 17 (the copyright law) does and does not allow; you can't change the text in any way or charge anyone money to read this without my expressed written permission. All situations and characters from the Digimon cartoon series, as aired on Fox, are copyright Saban Entertainment, and are used (or at least referred to here)without permission, except the characters created by yours truly, which are copyrighted by me.

Kai grumbled to himself as he and Skullmon walked through the dense forest they'd entered a few hours ago, in search of his crest. It was hot, humid, and his feet were aching as well. It had been close to a week since he'd been confronted by a strange yet powerful little Digimon named Simimon, who revealed to Kai and Skullmon that he'd once been Etemon. He'd given Kai a tag, and sent him off in search of his crest. In addition to that, Kai was supposed to steal the other DigiDestined's Digivices and crests from them so Simimon could Digivolve back into Etemon and reconquer the continent of Cerver, and then the entire Digiworld.

"Penny for your thoughts?", said Skullmon, looking over at Kai.

Kai looked back at him through his sunglasses, "I'm just trying to figure out how we got into this mess in the first place. Granted, File Island isn't so bad, but it's nothing more than a backwater savage land. We could have caused much more damage if we'd stayed on Cerver."

"But you remember what Simimon said", Skullmon countered, "We have to find your crest so I can Digivolve to my ultimate form, hee hee. After I do that, I can cause ten times as much damage as I can when I'm Necromon."

"I guess you're right", said Kai, nodding his head, "The only bad part is, where do we start looking for my crest? Simimon said that Devimon had it before he got vaped by Angemon, and Devimon's base of operations was somewhere on this puny little island."

"Don't worry, Kai", said Skullmon, "The Temple of the DigiDestined will tell us everything we need to know about finding your crest. If what I heard about it is true, then the entire legend of the DigiDestined is engraved into the walls of that place. Since you've got a Digivice, that means that you're obviously one of them, so you've gotta be mentioned in there as well."

"Let's hope so", said Kai, walking on. Hidden safely from view, a Yokomon watched nervously as Kai and Skullmon headed deeper into the forest. She knew that the path they were on would lead them straight to the Temple of the DigiDestined. And judging from what they were talking about, she also knew that big trouble was on its way.

Once she was sure they were gone, Yokomon came out of her hiding place, and hopped quickly back to the Yokomon village at the base of Mt. Miramashi. "What?", said Genaii, not believing what he was hearing, "Are you sure that's what he said?"

"Positive", said Leomon, gazing at the holographic image of Genaii, "Apparently, a Yokomon saw it and told Meramon. He came and informed me. I wasn't sure what to do about this, so I decided to confer with you."

"You were right to do so", said Genaii, "I had a bad feeling that this might happen. If there is a 9th DigiDestined in the DigiWorld, then he could prove to be more of a threat to both worlds than Devimon, Etemon, and Myotismon combined."

"It can't be that serious", Leomon said, shaking his head, "He's only a child."

"A child with one of the most destructive Digimon in all of existance!", yelled Genaii, "If he finds his crest, then I doubt that even all eight of the other DigiDestined will be able to stand up to him or his Digimon partner."

Leomon rose from where he was crouching, and looked in the direction of the temple where Yokomon said that the nineth child was headed, "In that case, what do you propose we do? The DigiDestined are still in the other world dealing with Myotismon."

"I've already sent Izzy an e-mail telling him of our plight", said Genaii, "Hopefully, they'll return in a matter of days. The only problem is that this nineth child may find his crest in a matter of hours! Leomon, it's up to you and whoever there is brave enough to help you to stall him for as long as you can."

Leomon nodded once, and pulled his blade from its holster, "Very well, it will be done. I know I can count on Meramon's help. I'll send him to find Andromon. In the meantime, I'm going to attempt to intercept the nineth child before he makes it too deep into the temple. Genaii, will you try and contact Centaurumon inside the temple? Surely he will assist us in this hour of need."

"Very well", said Genaii, "Good luck, Leomon."

The image faded, and Leomon turned and started running towards the Temple of the DigiDestined. Meramon was waiting for him just beyond the forest entrance. Surely Andromon and Centaurumon would be willing to help, after all, each and everyone of them owed the DigiDestined for freeing them from Devimon's Black Gears.

"I must say", said Kai, staring at the engraving on the wall, "There is a definate resemblence." Kai was referring to the engraving of the Digivice on the wall of the temple. They'd found it rather quickly, because they'd been able to avoid going through the maze that made up a good portion of the temple by going through a giant hole in the wall.

Unbeknownst to either Kai or Skullmon, the hole was from the titanic battle between Kabuterimon, Togemon, and Centaurumon when he'd been possessed by a Black Gear. "Can you read any of this writing, Kai?", asked Skullmon.

Kai ran his fingers along the strange text on the wall of the temple. He grinned slightly when he realized what it was. "This looks like binary machine langauge", he said, "Looks like that computer programming class in school was worth it after all, I can make out almost all of this."

"What does it say?", asked Skullmon.

"It's written mostly in ASCII code", Kai said, "This part is about the arrival of the DigiDestined. It says that each of the Digivices were sent by some unknown force to the real It says that there were nine Digivices in all."

"What else?", Skullmon asked, eager to learn more. Kai continued to run his hand along the engravings, reading them as he went, "It talks here about the crests. There are eight crests that symbolize each aspect of goodness, courage, love, hope, reliability, friendship, light, sincerity, and knowledge. There was also a nineth one that symbolizes evil, the crest of darkness. Unfortunately, it doesn't say where the crest is. At least we know what to look for now."

"Which won't do you any good!", yelled a voice from behind the two. Kai and Skullmon whipped around, and saw Centaurumon standing in the entrance to the chamber, along with Leomon.

"And who the heck are you two supposed to be?", asked Kai, folding his arms.

"I am Centaurumon, guardian of this temple. You two defile its sacred walls. I command you to leave immediately."

"We have no desire to do you harm, Boy", said Leomon, "But we cannot allow you to continue the search for the Crest of Darkness. Its power is far too great to be in the hands of one such as you."

"I'll decide how much power I can handle, thank you very much", said Kai, not backing down an inch.

"Very well", said Leomon, "If you won't leave voluntarily, then you'll be removed!!" Leomon rushed Kai, but Skullmon jumped in front of him.

"BONE NEEDLE!" Skullmon fired several barrages at Leomon, who managed to deflect most of them with his blade.

"Don't make this hard on yourself", said Leomon, "We don't want to hurt you."

"Too bad I don't share the same sentiment!", snarled Skullmon, "BONE NEEDLE!!"

"FIST OF THE BEAST KING!!!", yelled Leomon, firing a blast of energy from his fist, and blowing right through Skullmon's attack and smashing him against the wall in the process.

"Skullmon!", said Kai, running to his partner's side, "Are you okay?"

"S-Sure", whimpered Skullmon, "I just need a little nap...." Skullmon's head fell back to the ground, and he appeared to have passed out.

Kai gritted his teeth, and smacked the dizzy Digimon on the head. "Get up, you idiot!", he yelled, "These guys are gonna make sushi out of us if you don't do something, and fast!"

"And here I thought I might be able to take it easy for a day", said Skullmon, lifting his head back up, "Ha!" SKULLMON, DIGIVOLVE TO........NECROMON!!!!! Necromon rose to his feet, barely able to stand up straight in the chamber. His eyes flashed with dark magic at Leomon. "Alright, Puss-in-Boots!", he cackled, "Let's see how you do against someone like me!!"

"FIST OF THE BEAST KING!!!", Leomon said, firing another blast of energy at Necromon, who simply smacked it out of the way with his hand.

"SOLAR RAY!!!", said Centaurumon, charging his arm cannon, and firing it at Necromon. The blast caught the larger Digimon offguard, and hit him right in the chest. The shock knocked him over, and he crashed through one of the walls. Parts of the ceiling began to cave in.

"Ah!", yelled Kai, covering his head, "If these clowns keep this up, they're gonna bury us all alive!"

Necromon jumped back to his feet, and glared at Centaurumon, "BONE CRUSHER!!!" Dark magic exploded from his eyes at Centaurumon, who barely managed to jump out of the way in time to avoid the blasts.

"Leomon!", said Centaurumon, "Necromon is going to destroy the entire temple if we don't end this quickly!"

"I know", Leomon said, "What can we do, though? He's too powerful for even the two of us!"

"Not for the three of us, though!", Meramon said as he leapt into the fray, "MAGMA INFERNO!!! A wall of fire smashed into Necromon, and knocked him through another wall, and outside of the temple.

"Oh, just great,", said Kai, feeling his anger boiling. A glow came from beneath his face. He looked down, and saw the black tag around his neck glowing. "My tag", he said to himself, "That means that my crest is..HERE!!"

"No!", yelled Centaurumon, "We will not let you possess its evil power!"

"BONE CRUSHER!!!", said Necromon as he sat up. Another blast of dark magic hit all three of the Digimon in the temple, knocking them over, and leaving Kai free for a moment to locate his crest. The tag seemed to be drawing him towards the altar at the back of the chamber. He quickly ran up there, and saw a small switch on the altar. It was covered with about three inches of dust, but Kai could see it clearly enough. He looked up, and saw Necromon attacking Leomon, Centaurumon, and Meramon. He had a few seconds at least. That should be enough time. Kai quickly pushed the button, and there was a rumbling sound behind him. He turned, and saw the engraving of the Digivice start to crumble, and eventually fall to the ground. Behind it, was a small object that was emitting a blackish-blue glow. It slowly rose up, and drifted towards him. Kai could see the symbol of a skull and crossbones on it as it slid into his tag. The same blackish-blue glow erupted all over the chamber, and when it let up, Kai and Necromon were gone.

The three Digimon that remained looked at each other, and knew that they had failed. "So, he got the crest and escaped, eh?", said Genaii, "That's most unfortunate."

"Yes", said Leomon, "I apologize for our failure, Genaii. It was my fault."

"Nonsense!", snapped Genaii, "You three did your best, that's all anyone can expect of you. However, since the Crest of Darkness has been obtained, our task has become much greater. Leomon, I want you to leave Meramon in charge of guarding File Island. Centaurumon, Andromon, and yourself need to journey to my home so we can plan a strategy to defeat this menace."

"Very well", said Leomon, "We will leave at once."

"I just hope we're not too late", said Genaii.

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