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The Legend Of The Dark Crests [an error occurred while processing this directive]

The Legend Of The Dark Crests
Part One

Note:* means the dark version of something, for example: Izzy*=Dark Izzy

"Yum! I haven't had anything as good as this ever since we boarded Cockatrimon's boat!" T.K. wolfs down his bacon, eggs and ketchup, and orange juice.

"Hey, T.K.! Wake up, the salmon is prodigious!" Izzy says.

"You mean it was just a dream?" asks T.K.

"What's going on, T.K.?" Patamon says as cute as ever.

"Hey, Tai! How is the tuna coming along?" yells Kari.

"Oh, man! What a dream. I dreamt that I was back at home with Biyomon and my mom's flower shop was doing so well that the smell made Biyomon digivolve to Perfumemon!" Sora gasps.

"Hey, T.K., did you get enough sleep?" Matt asks T.K. anxiously.

"Oh, I think my clothes got ruffled!" Mimi whines.

"Tuna's done! Let's dig in!" Tai brings in 7 plates of tuna fish and glasses of water with strawberry and banana chunks in them. "It's the closest thing to a smoothie I could make, but I hope you're happy, because I am!" Tai says. He brings out 8 plates of digi-food and a huge bowl with the rest in it. He takes the bowl and sets it down at the table of stone, then he starts wolfing it down and it's halfway done before he sits down. "Joe! Are those chopsticks done?" He yells.

"Coming!" Joe yells. The digimon all go over next to their partners, Sora, T.K., Izzy, Kari, Biyomon, Tentomon, Patamon, and Gatomon on one side of the table, Joe, Mimi, Tai, Matt, Gomamon, Palmon, Agumon, and Gabumon on the other one. Chinking of glasses and talking could be heard all the way from 10 miles away, which happened to be where Myotismon's castle was.

"Master Myotismon! I've heard rumors about Pukumon's arrival! He's bringing the special dark crests, hate, mutiny, death, evil, falseness, betrayal, and war. He has also made copies of all the digi-destined, except for that Kari Kamiya. In any case, we plan to attack them just after the dark replicas train their dark digimon. Everything's so dark, they'll be blinded!" Demidevimon spat out to his master.

"Excellent. Pukumon is our master. We shall obey him, and in result, destroy those pesky digi-destined!" Myotismon evilly laughs.

Back at the cave, a big digimon named Seelamon is attacking the kids. "Agumon digivolve to Greymon!"

"Gabumon digivlove to Garurumon!"

"Tentomon digivolve to Kabuterimon!"

"Palmon digivlove to Togemon!"

"Gomamon digivolve to Ikkakumon!"

"Biyomon digivolve to Birdramon!"

"T.K., I feel something inside me. It's like I'm stronger or something." Patamon whimpers to T.K.

"You want to join the fight?"asks T.K.

"Yeah! Patamon digivolve to Angemon!"

The seven digimon attack Seelamon with every ounce of energy they have. "Gatomon, I'm scared!" says an astounded Kari.

"I won't let Master Myotismon down! Water blast!" Seelamon yells. All seven digivolved digimon get hit by a spray of water.

"Need help?"a familiar voice sounds out.

"Leomon! Prodigious!" Izzy exclaimed.

"I have more strength than ever. Do you mind helping me?"

"Not at all, Leomon!" yells an excited T.K.

"I'll need some crest power. But how?"

"RRRRRAAAAAAAH!" Seelamon roars and starts spinning."Ultra twister!"

"I have to use my head!" says Izzy. His crest glows. "Leomon digivolve to... SABER LEOMON! AAAAAAHHHH!"

"Wow! I'd better use my digimon analyzer!" Izzy says. "Saber Leomon. Super Ultimate form of Leomon. His attack is a deafening blast of sound called raging sonic scream. Digimon analyzer offline,"it bleeps and Mimi stares.


"Wow! What's a super ultamite? Do you mean like even higher then Blossomon's level? I'm amazed!"

"Apparently, that's true, Mimi," says Matt.

"Cool! I guess that means Metal Greymon can digivolve even higher!" shouts Tai.

"I think that those spiky things on his mane are dangerous. They might poke my eye out," says Joe.

"If Garudamon can digivolve even further, then we will definitely defeat Myotismon!" says Sora, confidently.

"Prodigious! Seelamon's out cold!" says Izzy.

"Wow! Look at him! He's getting really small!" says Tai.

"Poyooooooooomon! Poyo-poyo-poyomon!" says what used to be the magnificent Saberleomon.

"Huh? What's a Poyomon doing here? What does this mean?" Izzy outbursts with questions.

"Wait a minute. I'm going to activate the digimon analyzer's digivolution scanner," A screen pops out from Saberleomon's picture. It shows the chart of Saberleomon and a voice comes up. "Poyomon digivolves to Tokomon. Tokomon digivolves to Patamon or Kunemon. Patamon digivolves to Angemon. Kunemon digivolves to Kiwimon. Kiwimon digivolves to Leomon. Angemon digivolves to HyperAngemon. "

"Cool! Hey, T.K., did you hear that? Hyperangemon!" Tai says to T.K. They head off towards Myotismon's castle and come inside.

"Raaaaaaaaeeeee!"A Devidramon yells and looks straight at Patamon.

"T.K.!" Patamon yells just before collapsing to the floor. T.K. rushes over and cradles him in his arms. "Patamon!"

"Digivolving time!" says Izzy.

"Tentomon digivolve to Kabuterimon!"

"Gomamon digivolve to Ikkakumon!"

"Biyomon digivolve to Birdramon!"

"Agumon digivolve to Greymon!"

"Gabumon digivolve to Garurumon!"

"Palmon digivolve to Togemon!"

Ikkakumon, Birdramon, Greymon, and Togemon pounce on Devidramon while Garurumon covers up its eyes. Kabuterimon starts to use his attacks.

"According to my attack info, you can do rapid attacks! Try it out, Kabuterimon!" yells an encouraged Izzy.

"Rapid Electro-Shocker!" Devidramon becomes weak and drops to the ground, lifeless.

"Great work!" says Kari. Everyone including the digimon gather around Patamon.

"Oh, I feel so weak. What's happening?" Patamon becomes small and white. "Poyo-poyomon."

"Oh, Poyomon!" Says T.K.

"Hah! A Poyomon. Do you really think it will defeat my Patamon*? Yeah, right." A voice that sounds kind of like T.K. echoes.

To Be Continued

Digimon Fan Fiction

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