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DARK CRESTS PART II! [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Dark Crests Part II

Izzy finds himself tumbling down, and further down with 3 digi-destined helping him out. Complete set of new stages. (Note:Zudomon's digivolved form and Lilymon's digivolved form + Gatomon's baby form are tentative characters.)

Izzy’s Journey: Part Two Of Legend Of The Dark Crests

“Huh? I’m seeing double!” Kari gazed at TK*. They hear footsteps.

“I think someone’s coming, guys! Duck!”Joe panicked. 6 shadowy figures step into the room. Izzy* is sneering at the shadow of Izzy’s head. “Hah! I found him!”Izzy* curls his lip. Come on, you idiots!”

“Uh-oh.” Izzy looks around seconds before he sees a flash of purple light. Then he falls.

“Now, Agumon* and all of you, DIGIVOLVE!” says Tai* “Agumon* digivolve to Greymon*!”

“Gabumon* digivolve to Garurumon*!”

“Biyomon* digivolve to Birdramon*!”

“Tentomon* digivolve to Kabuterimon*!”

“Palmon* digivolve to Togemon*!”

“Gomamon* digivolve to Ikkakumon*!”

“Patamon* digivolve to Angemon*!”

“Izzy!” Mimi, Palmon, Kari, Gatomon, TK, Tokomon, and Tentomon all dive in after him.The hole closes. Matt, Sora, Tai, and Joe hit the ground.

“Hey Tai, do you have a plan?” Sora whispers.


“Um, Tai! WE ALREADY DID THAT!” Metalgreymon yells.

“No! Remember what Leomon showed us, that you can digivolve to a SUPER ULTAMITE?”

“Oh yeah. But I don’t want Garudamon to get hurt! I love her!”

“Yeah! I’m real good friends with Weregarurumon!”

“And I can always count on Zudomon!

“We have to do it!”

“But how do you think we do that?” Weregarurumon shouts.

“Hold on a second. GENNAI!” Tai yells. Gennai floats through the walls.

“It’s easy. Hand me your crests,tags,digivices,and digimon,” Gennai tells the 4 kids. Koromon, Tsunomon, Yokomon, and Bukamon, who just de-digivolved, jump up and land on Gennai’s shoes. 8 objects are given to Gennai. He takes the crest out of the tag and presses a small blue button on the digivice. The black screen pops up, and on the side, there’s room for a crest. As he puts the crests of Courage, Friendship, Love, and Reliability inside the digivices, the black part turns that color. He holds up the digivice/crests to the tags. On the background color of orange, blue, red, or grey, black swirls appear and the digivice dissapears. Gennai takes the new digitags and puts them in the crest. The Courage digitag/crest shines orange on Koromon, the Friendship one on Tsunomon, the Love one on Yokomon, and Reliability on Bukamon. The 4 digimon glow with light and grow, and grow, and grow. Their kneecaps are roof level!

“Koromon! Agumon! Greymon! Metalgreymon!”


“Tsunomon! Gabumon! Garurumon! Weregarurumon! WEREGARURUMON DIGIVOLVE TO........METALGARURUMON!!!!!!”

“Yokomon! Biyomon! Birdramon! Garudamon! GARUDAMON DIGIVOLVE TO....HOUOUMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Bukamon! Gomamon! Ikkakumon! Zudomon! ZUDOMON DIGIVOLVE TO...MEGAMON!”

The 4 fully digivolved digimon let out their new attacks.

“MEGA-GIGA-DESTRUCTION!” Wargreymon fires a gigantic blast of firey missles.

“HYDRO-WOLF-SLASH!!!!” Metalgarurumon brings up his gigantic titanium paw and brings down a barrage of water, ice, and claws.

“AERO-SHOCKWAVE-STORM!” Hououmon shoots a huge gale of tons of wind, more than an ultimate digimon or anyone could stand.

“ULTRA-HOWLING-SNOW-ICESTORM!” Megamon shoots a ton of ice, snow, water, and fierce winds against the pitiful evil clones, two digivolutions down from himself. Greymon* and the other dark champions move out of the way.

“Time for us to digivolve!” Angemon* sneered.

“IZZY!” The 3 kids and 4 digimon called out after the intelligent kid. THUD! All 8 landed harmlessly on a pile of snow.

“Whoah. Maybe this was a dimensional portal or something!” Izzy exclamates.

“No, then what’s up with all the Motimons, Tanemons, Tokomons, and Nyaromons slaving in the streets?” TK asks.

“AAAAAH!” Mimi screams.

“What’s wrong, Mimi?” Kari questions.

“The-the-the THING!” Mimi points to a gigantic thing that looks like Skullgreymon, Kabuterimon, and Seadramon put together. Izzy pulls out his laptop.

“Bleep. Digimon analyzer activated. Chimeramon, an extremely evil super ultamite digimon. Known as worse than Etemon, Devimon, Myotismon, Monochromon, Tyranomon, Ogremon, and Demidevimon put together. De-activating. Bleep.”

“It’s time to digivolve!” shouts Izzy.

“Tentomon! Kabuterimon! Megakabuterimon!”

“Palmon! Togemon! Lilymon!”

“Patamon digivolve to Angemon!” “HORN BUSTER!”



“Saber Claw!”

Chimeramon is unharmed.

“Gatomon, Angemon, you’ve got to DIGIVOLVE!” Kari and TK scream.

“Angemon digivolve to...HOLYANGEMON!!!” “Gatomon digivolve to....ANGEWOMON!!!!!!!”



Chimeramon’s finger falls off.

“Man, this guy’s tough!” Mimi barely manages to say.

Where Megamon, Wargreymon, Hououmon, and Metalgarurumon are, the battle has heated up. And in some cases, turned to ice. Megamon is taking on Garudamon*, while Hououmon is going against Lilymon* and Weregarurumon*. Metalgarurumon is fighting Metalgreymon* and Zudomon*, and Wargreymon is taking care of Megakabuterimon* and Holyangemon*.




“RAPID ULTRA HOWLING SNOW ICESTORM!” Tons of fire, missiles, water, ice, snow, wind, lightning bolts, and claws come shooting at the strong ultamites.

“We’re getting creamed!” musters Weregarurumon*.

“We have to fight back!” Holyangemon* cries. The black crests start getting darker as the ultamites get stronger. Bursts of black come shooting through each evil digimon. Dark streaks appear on them. Poisonous spikes stick out of each one.

“Uh-oh...” Joe whimpers.

“GENNAI!” Izzy cries. A beam of light shoots down, revealing Gennai. He does the same thing as with Bukamon, Yokomon, Tsunomon, and Koromon.

“Motimon! Tentomon! Kabuterimon! Megakabuterimon! MEGAKABUTERIMON DIGIVOLVE TO...HERAKLEMON!!!!”

“Tanemon! Palmon! Togemon! Lilymon! LILYMON DIGIVOLVE TO...VENOMON!”

“Tokomon! Patamon! Angemon! Holyangemon! HOLYANGEMON DIGIVOLVE TO...MARINEANGEMON!!!”

“Nyaromon! Protomon! Gatomon! Angewomon! ANGEWOMON DIGIVOLVE TO......HOLYDRAMON!!!!!!!!!!” The 4 newly digivolved digimon walk straight up to Chimeramon.

“HIGH VOLTAGE SKULL SHOCKER!!!!” Heraklemon shoots gigantic lightning bolts and skulls at Chimeramon.

“POISON VINE THORN TANGLE!!!!” Venomon shoots vines, thorns, and poison against the multicolored foe.

“PSYCHIC BLAST!!!!!!!!!!” The tiny little pink digimon called Marineangemon shoots a huge blast of yellow hypnotic confusing musical notes from his powerful body.

“IRON ROCK FATE WHIP!” The snakelike Holydramon reveals lots of blades sticking out of its tail. Everything from mountains to pebbles come flying at Chimeramon as well as a vivid pink glow. Holydramon whips her tail. Chimeramon folds all four arms up and shouts,

“RAINBOW INSANITY!” Chimeramon lets out a blast of pink and feeble green. Venomon uses her vines to create a shield around everyone. Marineangemon and Holydramon jump up and join forces. Yellow and pink beams of power come shooting straight at Chimeramon’s Kabuterimon-like head.

The black bursts of light power up the ultamites*.








“DARK MYSTIC BOULDERS!!!!” The 8 evil digimon let out bursts of darkness.

“We’ve got to fight back!” shouts Matt. “I won’t lose a best friend!”

“Well, we’ve got to do it, so let’s do it!”

“Good luck, Hououmon. Let’s go!”

“You can always count on me, Megamon!” An orangey portal opens up. The super ultamites, kids, and their dark equivalents jump down the portal. They land right next to their friends. Suddenly, a warp appears. Chimeramon, the dark kids, and the ultamites* merge. They become...

“PUKUMON! MASTER OF ALL EVIL DIGIMON, I AM THE TRUE EVIL ONE!” A red-blue-grey digimon that doesn’t look too powerful appears. The mighty team of 8 super ultamites reduces into 8 little baby digimon.









“AAAH! We’re dead meat!” Screams a panicking Joe.


“Me?” whimpers what used to be the magnificent Holydramon.

“YES, YOU! COME WITH MEeeeeeeeeeeee” Pukumon grabs the tiny cat face. He floats off into the distance.

“Rrrrgh! PUKUMON!” TK screams out.

TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 3: “Rescuing Protomon”

Digimon Fan Fiction