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The Dark Digidestined Saga [an error occurred while processing this directive]

By, MoonSheen (Geara)

General Disclaimer: The concept of Digimon is not mine. And most of the characters aren't either. I am not making any money off of this, and it's all just for fun... Authors Note: Yes I created my own time frame. They're back together, they all have the crest and Myotismon is somewhere in there. Other than that? I don't have a clue....

Digimon: Digital Monsters The Dark Digidestined Saga

The sun rose over File Island, greeted by thick silence. Nothing stirred, for nothing dared to. The Darkness that had settled had muffled the voices. The only sound that could be heard was the humming of a Black Gear as it whirred through the air, reflecting no light, it's course simple and mindless, for it was merely a gear, and it was truly the one who held it's invisible strings that caused the Digimon of this island to cower. It flew towards the massive broken peak of Mount Infinity, and it's master. Devimon.

The tall form of the digimon stood perched on the stone ridge, ragged wings folded around himself, his red eyes narrowed to slits of thought. His minions dared not approach him, for they knew too well the punishment he could deal out with just his talons. They valued what little souls they had. But the Black Gear had the advantage they did not, it was mindless, a simple object, and it was his toy.

Devimon's eyes flicked up, the pupiless slits shutting a moment, and the gear came to a hovering halt, almost delicately his reached out a long, spidery arm and took it, examining it as a precious gem...Then slowly made a move as if to crush it, then paused, considering. And with a frustrated flick of his wings, sent the gear flying once more, and turned away. Darkness followed him, the shadows stepped to balance him as loyal servants should. He paid them no ow heed though. Devimon was restless. The Digimon that were held under his fist backed away as he past, and they too were ignored.

"Fools, all fools," he hissed softly,"The Digidestined shall never be mine if I must struggle to keep these wretches in check...And I shall fall..."

The dark form shuddered, a rare sight. Prophecies. Stories. He refused to let them rule him. Gathering himself, he once more folded his wings, cast an imperious look about, and then found his eyes locked with the sightless ones of his most valuable servant...

"My lord?" from the shadows came a huge form, paws made a soft padding noise, a scruffy maned head bowed, white, pupiless eyes gazed up with unconditional obedience. Well, there was the little stolen soul business...But Devimon's mind that was merely a minor flaw.

"Leomon," the Dark Angel's voice was mocking, but the digimon being addressed took no notice, the blank eyes didn't even flinch,"Is it because of you that I do not have my victory?" he took a step towards the once noble warrior,"I command your every move, do I not?"

"You do, my lord." Was that a hint of bitterness in Leomon's voice? Devimon dismissed it. His own wanderings of thought were beginning to make him paranoid.

"But, why is it that you cannot capture them?" Leomon did not answer, he merely stood, and awaited the next command, his tail gave a few flicks. Devimon drew back one of his arms,"It is...Because you are MINDLESS!" his deceptively pleasant tone became a snarl, and his claws flashed, Leomons head jerked to one side, four parallel gashes blossoming, his eyes flickered a sad ice blue a moment, then back to white, and again he merely stood, that dull, lifeless expression, the blood that dripped from the wounds falling unnoticed. Devimon took a few breaths, controlling his anger, he straightened, once more composed.

"Return to whatever...Task I had you on, Leomon," he said simply, and began once more to walk, not looking back to see whether or not the digimon had obeyed, he already knew.

"Mindless..." he repeated, eyeing his blood stained claws,"There's my fault. Ogremon barely had enough brains to start. And Leomon...He can only function under my command without anything..." He turned, staring out through the ruins, across the ocean, to the shattered pieces of the island, slowly moving back. The clock was ticking, and Devimon could feel it. Battle was coming, and he had confidence he would be the victor...

If not for that prophecy.

With another wave of a talon, and the shadows rose, formed an orb, that slowly brought forth a small blue box and seven gleaming squares, Devimon allowed himself a satisfied grin. The Tags and Crests. One card he had to play against the Digidestined. But he had yet to deal it in...

"Of course..." his voice was soft, but hitting a dangerous chord,"I still have my hold over their true power...." The crests slowly moved in a circle, the box remained hovering, Devimon reached a talon under the glittering objects, daring not to touch them, he slowly wove several shadowy tendrils about it.

"And they are not mindless...." Devimon withdrew his hand,"They could win..." his wings tensed, and flared, as did the hellish glow of his eyes,"I cannot let that happen!"

He once more gazed across the ocean, past the hovering objects. The fragments still moved. And then...Eight gears rose into his sight. Eight...

"And it will not happen..." Devimon smiled.

* * * *

"Tai!" The boy stood on the ice touched boulder, looking across the ocean to the ever growing form of the mountain through his pocket telescope, at the sound of the voice he started, and almost dropped the object. In the process of regaining his hold over THAT, tumbled off of his perch and into a patch of snow, for a moment all but his messy brown hair vanished, then he peered up, spat out a mouthful of ice, and glared upwards at the cause of this blow to his pride.

"Yeah, Matt?" Matt of course, didn't miss the angry look Tai was shooting him, he smiled faintly, and after a moments hesitation, offered a hand.

"Need some help?" Matt smirked, obviously amused.

"No!" Tai snapped, then, upon realizing his momentary predicament, the boy gave a slight sheepish nod,"Uh...Yeah. Guess I do..." Grabbing Matt's wrist, he pulled himself to his feet, shaking the snow of of himself. And tried to keep his teeth from chattering,"What was that for anyway?"

"What was what for...? Oh." Matt assumed a serious look,"Gabumon and Agumon went off foraging, they wanted me to tell you."

Tai looked up, and frowned,"And...?"

Matt's looked distracted, his blue eyes were fixed upon Mount Infinity. "And I think we should be getting ready...."

"For what?"

Matt shot him a look that answered that question, it was, 'What do you think?'

"Oh..." Tai raised an eyebrow questioningly "I thought you wanted to find TK...."

"I do." Matt said quietly, more to himself than anything, Tai stared at him, and then Matt drew up defensively,"Of course I do," he repeated, in a louder, challenging tone.

Tai frowned, once more looking to the distance. Ignoring Matt's tone. "C'mon Matt, he's gonna be fine..."

Matt's eyes shut. "I can't be sure..." Once again, his voice was barely audible, and strained. Pain, confusion, and anger directed at himself and the world was all clear. Tai glanced over his shoulder, and sighed.

"Matt, you're not gonna wig out on me again?" He asked after a moment of uncomfortable silence, his hand went to the bruise on his cheek. Recalling the fight that had resulted from their first confrontation over the matter. Matt bristled, his eyes snapped open.

"Look, I'll say it again: They'll. Be. Fine. Right now? Keep your cool...." Tai continued, then he realized something, and grinned,"Shouldn't be too hard....All this ice..."

Matt shook his head some, wondering of where Tai's 'amazing wit' sometimes came from. He didn't say a word for a few moments, then, finally.... "Yeah...I...I guess you're right..." For once? I hope you're right... He added silently, Little brother? Where are you?

* * * *

Devimon was pleased. The shadow's Inferno slipped away back into the rocks, the crests flickered as if in pain from the searing cold they had to endure, then resumed their faint glow. The Cavern was silent. The turning gears had fallen silent...

Devimon shut his eyes, and folded his ragged wings in the cape...Fingers not his own formed from the shadows beneath his feet, they extended, and within them, the darkest ambitions of his mind... And it was answered, at first faintly...Then a clear voice.

"Father." And that voice was echoed. Seven times.

* * * *

Somewhere on a green shard of an island, nestled next to a sleeping child, and squishy hatchlings, a small digimon's green glassy eyes snapped open. He shook as one wakened by a nightmare, yet he found himself not able to recall what his dream had been of. Perhaps soaring above the clouds? Of white feathers drifting on a breeze? No. Those were good dreams, though he barely understood why he viewed them as such...

Whatever had caused this horrible sense of a hand tightly grasped around his throat....It was not something Patamon knew. But he wished he did, as often. Glancing back at the human, TK. His eyes tightly shut, every so often giving a little twitch. That tiny lock of blond hair as usually falling in front of his face....Innocence looking upon innocence.

Patamon sighed. And slowly moved himself away from the boy, and from the tiny muffled squeaks of the Digihatchlings. TK stirred slightly, mumbling several names, his brother's included. Patamon glances back, smiling faintly, then turned his eyes towards the distance. That one black shadow against the horizon. Patamon could almost see the form come to life, wings spreading claws outstretched....A cold breeze rustled his ears lightly, chilling him. He looked away.

And found himself peering at a different shadow, his own, for a split second it seemed odd, altered...Larger than it should be and a different shape.

Then...No. It was simply his shadow. Patamon shook his head, and turned back to TK, already starting to shiver from the sudden change in the winds. Patamon stood over him for a moment, his eyes sad. Wishing he had the inner strength the others had...And, not for the first time, wondering why fate had dealt him this hand. He wanted nothing more now than to be able to help his friend. Be able to stand by his side and fight for him...Like a Digimon Guardian should...

"I'll protect ya, TK.." he promised, barely audible, and once more returned to the childs side. TK's shaking stopped, thus comforted, he settled once more into his dreamland. But Patamon did not, his eyes remained open.... Those phantom claws on him were tightening...

* * * *
"...I wonder what you'll do when you meet them...."

Devimon's eyes burned with a mix of insanity and triumph. Ignoring the pain that ripped through him as his strength left him. The horrible feeling of his muscles freezing and that horribly bright light slowly devouring him was lost in one thought.

His enemy was going with him.

Angemon too, was slowly being ripped down, but his face-or what could be seen-was completely emotionless, he too had accepted fate.

Devimon laughed, the fool. He did not understand. No, you have not won, Angemon. And you never will, fool...Fool... And his heart, his very real-though dark stained-beating heart, succumed to the Digimons Death. But of course, somethings remained similar between the humans world and the digiworld. For the laugh? It echoed.

* * * *

She was on the hunt.

She ran through the forest, laughing, smiling, claws ready, mind as well, she lunged for her frightened prey. Muscles tensed, claws ready to flick and end this ones life. Thoughts of her mission had been sacrificed to instincts in her mind. She tasted blood before it stained her lips, metal fangs were forever locked shut, but the jaws beneath were not...

Closer! Closer!

The glassy eyes of her prey turned to her in despair just as the muscles jerked, everything. She found herself embedded in the dirt and plants, but did not feel the fall. Death was what she felt. His death. Her failure. She gasped, and tried to find her voice to scream, but what came out was a ragged yelp.

No! NonononoNO!

* * * *

He walked proudly. In his mind he had a right to. Straight backed and on hind legs, he did not appear the strongest nor the tallest of the digimon, but his manner bleeded of his opinions of himself. One could admire his confidence. Or despise his arrogence.

Hard call sometimes.

The mission was completed, he was tired. He would not hunt like his sister, his belly was full, he had no need. His ideas turned to what would be the next battle. Sure he would have to retrieve her, and everyone else. But it was a task he was quite ready for. Poised, powerful. Movements like a feline and the speed of a snake. His feet flashing in battle were only rivaled by his claws. Warrior. The word had a nice taste on his tongue, and he repeated it, slightly obscured by his caged teeth, but quite audible.

He was ready for anything. He did a slight skip and a whirl on his heels, the earth cringed but didn't resist. He was sure. Nothing could hurt him. Nothing.

A bullet of pure white burst into his gaze. The world just seemed to slip away as he felt an odd warmth, and then a terrible spider web pain branching from his heart, or the black gear that substituted. His game and illusion shattered before him, and now the shards were digging into his skin. Forget nothing.

* * * *

A pair of wary green eyes opened, and a small child's form uncurled from a dreamless sleep, long pointed ears perked slightly, and vaguely cat like features moved into an expression of curiousity. The child brushed dainty fingers against the fine dust of her prison, watching gold particles illuminated by the faint ray of sunlight that was her only evidence of the days spiral upwards and bud, then once more springle into her hand.

She sighed. Slowly, the little ones hand went to the black gear that dangled from her neck. The humming from it converting her as a kitten is comforted by the ticking of a clock. Her quavering gaze went to the entrance of her prison, the guard rested lazily, enjoying the days light, his prisoner mattered not to him.

Tiny fangs glistened as she silently snarled at him, her innocent eyes flashed with the look of a predator. A snake about to strike. She gathered herself to her feet, and slowly, shaky from lack of food and nourishment, she called the shadows for support, they understood her, they didn't cower, mock or lock her away. They were her friends. Her only friends.

She was not a beautiful sight the behold, had the guard glanced over as he was supposed to, he would have seen that. Clumsy looking and ungainly to begin with, the little ones mistreatment had only furthered her awkward appearence. Her oversized black shirt was ripped and frayed, dust had stained the hem, which dragged well beyond her feet. She was pale, not yet sickenly so, but obviously illness would be her next stage. A hairless creature, all but the absurd mop of black hair that framed her face and ears that most digimon saw as useless and foreign. Not much of it could be seen, for a large helmet-too large-covered most of her face, pressing her ears lower then they should have been. The not quite wings on her shoulders were slightly bent. But that hardly made a difference, they were merely primary feathers. Not muscle, not bone, just several useless things that could stir up a few leaves. Her eyes were what seemed strange. Almost innocent, yet they hid something, the black gear around her neck had been what had led to this. She knew, but she had no other choice. She remained proud to wear it, it was her life-literally. Their attempts to try and take it away had been met with undersized fangs and Abyss Bubbles in their faces.

She stopped near the entrance, the guard shifted, her light mimicked him. And she squinted. Slowly, she reached out a small shaky hand...And closed it into a fist... The guard yelled.

The shadows moved, breathed, and began to sing, her eyes flew open no longer with a thought out calm but with fear. Spiralling around her, it danced, it celebrated, and at the same time writhed in pain. She turned in full circle, her bare and raw feet scraped up even more...Something had gone terribly wrong. "Fatha'..." her voice was softer than her feathers...

The shadows reared back, and surged towards their target. Her. The humming of her black gear sped up, something burst into the cell, something that the shadows ignored. The guard. But he meant nothing. Dark light bled from every crack of the building, and bit into her. Into her Heart. "Father!" Her voice was louder, clearer stronger...

The building around her flew apart, the guard was thrown. He gazed upwards, only to see a magnificant darkness rise, a hole in the sky. Beautiful in it's own dark right. The last thing he saw. As the village itself was burned in the fury that had somehow come from that strange otherworldly child...

* * * *

Fluttering, teased by winds playful breaths...A fine black feather spiraled up towards the sun.

* * * *

Another battle, another victory...Barely. The travelers were bushed, a small campfire flickered nervously, surrounded by the fourteen forms. Seven were easily recognizable in any onlookers eyes. Their appearence only slightly obscured by the shadows and flame's glow dancing across them. Digimon: Neighbors, Friends or Enemies, but still digimon. And the others? 'What could they be?' would ask the onlooker. 'The Digidestined'. Would have been the answer beyond them. Legends had begun to lose their effect. In the mist of the darkness, the swarms of gears, the laughter of the Dark Digimon like Devimon, Etemon, or even the odd Demidevimon who seemed to lurk just beyond alls wits. A myth, nothing more. Fading in memory, giving way to pain...

But, then again, there were no onlookers. Just seven hungry digimon, and seven hungry humans.

"Well 'fearless leader' you're the one who's supposed to come up with great plans...."

"Hey! Let's see you try then!"

And seven hungry humans that were set in a foul mood.

Matt and Tai glared at each other across the firelight. Not unusual for the two but still quite unsettling to the audience of the battle of wills. Neither were in very good shape, Matt had several gashes across his cheeks, his hair even more unkempt than usual, blue eyes glinting intensely, at the moment it was hard to tell him apart from his digimon partner Garurumon in battle mode. Tai wasn't much better. He was sported several bruises and scorch marks. And he stared back stubbornly.

"Hey, you two, enough," Sora finally intervened, and almost jumped as two sets of angry eyes turned on HER for a split second, she wasted no time,"It's not going to do us any good with you two trying to rip each others throats out..."

"....Again..." Several Digimon chorused from their various vigils at their friend's sides. (Or in Patamon's case, perched on TK's head.)

The attack had taken all of them by surprise. Vicious and fast. A strange digimon Airdrammon had simply appeared in the skies, his wings had been pillowed by storms. The vicious golden eyes had been hungry...For them. He was powerful in muscle and control over his abilities, but he lacked in the wits department. Nonetheless, the winds of his artificial tempest and lightening breath had almost once again nearly made them lunch. And once again, they had somehow managed to get out of the scrape.... With some help from the digivices of course. But not without minor injuries, Tai and Matt were not the only ones sporting bruises. A normal day in a not-so-normal world.

TK stood, and Patamon leaped off of his head with a few quick wing beats, hovering above the boy like the tiny guardian he was, but all knew better than to ever consider the digimon too small for the job anymore. Behind the innocent green eyes that almost matched his human companion sometimes...There was the six-winged warrior Angemon. Never again had anyone looked at Patamon quite the same way as before that final battle with Devimon. Whether or not that was a good thing, neither side had yet to decide.

TK, silent, made his way to sit next to his still battle-ready brother. Matt's eyes darkened as he shot Tai one more defiant look, then turned to his brother, all signs of hostility seemed to fade at this, and his gaze softened...A moment. Catching himself, Matt turned to stare intently at the fire, becoming distant once more. Tai watched this exchange with an inward shake of his head. Matt still confused him at times. He'd brush off his brother like a bug one moment, and then next he'd throw himself into an attack for the kid. Tai thoughts automatically wandered to his little sister...Wondering if she was allright in this strange kalleidscope the rift between the two worlds had formed.

The thought of her in danger gave Tai a sick feeling, he bit his lip and frowned. Maybe he understood Matt better than he realized sometimes. Mental silence came upon the group quickly. They talked, they laughed, related stories, but no heart was put into it, this was one of those nights when the true gravity of their situation was on them. Two worlds resting on them. And them prisoners in what lingered on the border between a dream and a nightmare.

TK leaned against his brothers arm slowly, his eyelids drooping, Patamon let his feet once more touch the ground and snuggled next to the little boy as sort of a blanket. Gabumon trundled up, adjusted his furry hood as it drooped across his eyes and also took his place near Matt (Thought keeping a safe few inched away from the fire.). Gomamon had simply nodded off back to back with Joe, who's glasses slipped unnoticed across his nose. Agumon stood a little way off in guard duty, occasionally swaying on his feet and then once more returning to his watch....

Yellow eyes laughed in the brush. A pair of black ribbony ears flicked from side to side in excitement, Demidevimon was in his element, and doing what he did best: Spying. With a sly grin he buzzed his notched wings and took up a bobbing position just above the bush he had hid behind a moment before. Preparing to take flight. "Hehe, Digidestined. Ya gonna be Tyranomon meat..." his eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Patamon, lost in some peaceful dream,"Not ya though....Ya gonna be MINE, little flyin' bag a dirt! I'll jus' ask-" Something was behind him, he could feel it. A breath against one of his wings, he turned slightly, rustling the brush some....And then he found his ears snatched, and he was ripped out of his flight. He found himself meeting a frozen snarl, and a pair of calm feral looking eyes. "-Nothing." it finished for him.

* * * *

Agumon perked, he blinked his large green eyes and glanced towards the sound of muffled rustling and...Was that a voice? He blinked again, and then assumed a ready position.... It stopped. Agumon waited... ....And waited... "Hmm. Wind?" he wondered out loud, then looked up,"Funny. No breeze..." He waited some more...And yawned loudly. "Need...Sleep..." He fought the valiant battle several moments more, squinting, shuffling his feet, and clicking his claws, then, he lost the great battle. And Agumon fell onto his little stubby tail...And started to snore.

* * * *

"MMMmmm-mmmm MMMM!" Demidevimon rocked back and forth helplessly, moonlight dying on his black leathery mask, wings beating desperately, watching the world from a perspective he had come to absolutely loathe: Upside down. The ropes dug into his legs, he could feel every fiber as it dug into him. The gag pressed his most potent weapon...His tongue, against the top of his mouth. Incrediably uncomfortable. He rotated, seeing the patchwork of dark green that the forest shed around him, the roots that knotted beneath the trees. It was be beautiful...Or would be. To one who wasn't bound and gagged. "Mmmmmm!"

The dark form of his captor must have been smiling, but it's jaws didn't move, it moved towards him a moment more, brought a claw almost gently to one of his swaying ears...And flicked it. All he could do was glare menacingly. Or at least his attempt at menacing. The shadow forms eyes showed it's amusement, then it stepped back, and went bounding off.

A garurumon howled. Demidevimon wanted to recite every swear word he knew. He gave up struggling, finally deciding to take THIS situation with at least a little dignity. And the dark is supposed to be my FRIEND. He thought to himself angrily, shutting his eyes. From the distance he could hear the digidestined snoring. So close.. He went about thinking of those swear words over in his head again. Ways to torture whatever had done this to him. And then ways to get revenge of that little orange buzzard that he had determined was some how the cause of ALL of his problems. And-

He became aware of a clear sound. Gnawing. And felt small particles fall across his face, he dared a glance up... A reddish black bat perched partially gribbed the rope just above his feet, it's eyes were empty black, it looked sewn together, seam along the back included, the slash of darkness that was it's mouth was sloppily sewn shut, and it tore at the rope with one of it's claws. Demidevimon gulped.

"I hope you can explain yourself THIS time." The rope snapped, and Demidevimon came to a 'graceful' landing on his head. He clawed at the air then scrabbled to his feet, spraying dirt, and caught the edge of his gag with a purple talon, ripping it off and gasping.

"Myotismon! Master! I...I can explain this! Really! It's not-"

"It would appear it is, though. " The bat flew back to circle around the gaunt digimons head along with dozens more like it. He waves a hand dismissively, and regarded the cowering Demidevimon with annoyance. "I do not even want to know this time, Demidevimon..."


Myotismon turned the hand into a fist, Demidevimon's words turned to a croak. "You have failed many times, Demidevimon, but this HAS to be the most-"


The eyes turned red, and his features were illuminated. "DON'T interrupt me again, Demidevimon."

Demidevimon sweatdropped,"Yes master!" he said quickly, his jaws shutting with a click.

"A-hem. This has to be the most pathetic. Your shaping up to be a very poor servant indeed. "

"S'not my fault," the little digimon muttered,"'Wasn't built to be a lackey...'

A growl,"What was that?"

"Nothing!" Demidevimon stiffened, and saluted with a wing,"Nothing sir!"

"Do not get smart with me, Demidevimon, I will NOT tolerate it. I would punish you..." Demidevimon cringed,"But..." Relief,"...I am finding you do not learn..." His victim tensed once more. Myotismon smiled his nasty, fanged smile.

"I...Will let you live to think about this...Embarassing defeat, Demidevimon. But, only because, it amused me...I suggest you be grateful."

"Yes Myotismon! I AM grateful! I am so grateful tha-"

"You may stop acting grateful now." Demidevimon obeyed. Myotismon shook his head, and turned on foot,"Do not fail me AGAIN Demidevimon, I will grow bored of seeing sights like this one as well..." Demidevimon winced. The bats surged around Myotismon, and the digimon once more was gone.

He collapsed in relieved heap of wings and claws...Then the thought occured to him. "I'm never gonna get rid of this one am I?"

* * * *

A little ways off, nestled where the forest gave way to a dark pit that by day was a sandy colored gorge, but now, it was a mouth in the earth that yawned open, and from it, the shadows spoke.

"Ok, tell me AGAIN why you tied up the little rat?"

"He would've...Ruined everything."


"Element of surprise, it's generally considered a key point in a strategy...."

"You threw him to his boss?"


"You didn't torture him TOO much..."


"And you didn't come get us?!"


"Well, forget it. Question is, what are the digidestined doin' now?"


"Details would help."


"I think that means...They're sleeping."

"I marvel at your skills in observation brother! And...Demidevimon?"


"Ah. Well, what do you suggest?"

"Are you...Actually ASKING me for once? Not ordering?"

"Yes, and don't get used to it, sis."

"Ok. Well....Think, they work as a team. We've gotta split 'em up. It's logical. Though expected."

"Father tried that."

"He didn't follow through. That's our job."

"Yeah but..."

"Trust me."


"Don't give me that look! Ok we strik-"



"You said they were sleepin' right? So we attack now."


Silence. And then...

"We have hidden long enough. Justice must be dealt out..."

"Hey! I thought I was leader!"

"You agree with me do you not?"

"I do but..."

"Brother. Give the order. When do we strike?"

"You wanted it...Say it."



"We strike now."

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