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The Wrath of DarkLilymon [an error occurred while processing this directive]

The Wrath of DarkLilymon

By SuperCow

Prologe:As we return to our heroes, they are walking through a forest trying to find Tai's sister Kari. Tai was sure he saw her go through the warp with him, but she must've been transported to somewhere else.

"Hey guys, maybe its just me, or did we past that tree an hour ago?" Joe asked.

"Hey Joe, settle down. The map I made.. " Tai began.

"Tai, your map stinks more than my Mom's meatloaf after it's been sitting in the fridge all week." Izzy interrupted.

Suddenly a bush rustled nearby. "Hey did anyone else see that bush rustle?" Tai asked.

For a moment everyone stared, and continued walking. Suddenly Demidevimon jumped out in front of them from out of the bushes. They all stopped. "Agumon, digivo.. huh?" Tai stopped because the little digimon didn't attack them.

"Lord Myotismon has news for you," the twirp said. He held up a little flat screen in front of him. Myotismon appeared on the screen.

"Hello, digi-dumb," said Myotismon. "If you want the eight child back, come and get her. The little twirp will show you to my lair."

"Huh?" said Izzy. "It sounds too easy."

"What are you saying? Kari's in trouble and I'm not gonna stand by and watch. Lead the way, twirp." Tai said.

So the digi-destined followed Demidevimon through the forest. They walked and walked,and as they did, the settings around them changed. The shrubs became more poisonous looking, and the trees looked dark and dead. Finally they came to a garden, and everything looked dead. A nearby flower that was bright red and shot a dart at Demidevimon and he fainted. "Well, this might be it. But why would a vampire live in a garden?" said Sora.

"Yeah, bad taste" said Mimi.

"Fools!" said a high pitched voice. "You have walked into the garden of evil, owned by me, DarkLilymon!" A nearby flower opened up and out came a Digimon. It was Identical to a Lilymon, only its petals were black and blood red. And with that it shouted out it's attack: "Dark Flower Power!" A few large translucent flowers that were black floated towards Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon, Gomamon, Biyomon, and Tentomon. They picked them up, then dropped them.

"We digimon can't fight. Keep Palmon safe!" said Agumon.

"Right!" said Mimi. "Digivolve!" Suddenly Togemon was on the scene. "Needle Spray!"

"Dark Flower Cannon" The flowers picked up the needles and no harm was done to DarkLilymon.

"Digivolve again, we need you!" Shouted Mimi. Her crest lit up and before you know it, Lilymon was fighting her counterpart, DarkLilymon.

"Flower Cannon!"

"Dark Flower Power" But the beam shot right through the dark flowers and blew back DarkLilymon into a giant flytrap, trapping her inside. Lilymon picked up Mimi and the gang and flew away.

Digimon Fan Fiction