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DiGimon Episodes

Digimon Episodes

As you can see, the episode guide is currently unfinished. It will grow as I have time to add to the episode summaries.

Episode 1: And so it begins...

The world is going haywire. There are floods and freak snowstorms and other strange occurences going on around the globe. We are introduced to the first seven digi-kids while they are on vacation at camp. Tai, Sora, Izzy, Matt, T.K., Mimi and Joe. When a freak snowstorm hits their camp, they all go outside to play. Suddenly, a rift opens in the sky and fires down what look like meteors. The kids watch as the seven shining objects rise from the snow, each kid grabbing one. They are instantly sucked into a dimensional rift. Each kid gradually wakes up, startled by small talking creatures that follow them around. The creatures are called Digimon, and each kid has one for a partner. The Digimon and their kids face off agains Kuwagamon, a giant stag beetle who is trying to eat them. The Digimon digivolve in the process, kicking Kuwagamon's exoskeleton! Just as they celebrate the victory, Kuwagamon pops out again, using his scissor-like mandibles to chop off the ledge the kids were on. Kids and Digimon plummet down the canyon towards the water. Will this be their end? Guess!

When it comes down to it, I'm not sure that many people really rely on the season 1 episode guide. In any case, The DigiPort has a nicely made and complete guide which I would suggest visiting.

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