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About Me ~The Lost Story of Winwin95~

*eerie music* On this page, weary will find information about the crazy hp maker of this site. "Ooooohhh...Aaaahhhh" *eerie music stops*

Okay a little about me is that I'm 13, turning 14. On *cough-cough*, so maybe some of my FRIENDS will plan to do something...*hint*hint* Already heard an idea about writing "HAPPY B-DAY *my name*!" on the sky. That's nice, very thoughtful. But it really doesn't have to be that expensive, maybe just a phone call, saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY *my name* will do. That's nice too.

I go to High School, surprise! surprise! It was really rough for me the first term, I was NOT used to it. New friends, old friends all muddled together some left some stayed. Just really confusing. Just really miss the nice quiet times, we had in Elemenary School. *sigh* What's gone, you can only remember....

THis is actually my second homepage. I first did one in Geocities but I was a beginner back then. Now I'm still learning, I just hope this ones gonna be better. Anywayz, have an idea or something you wanna see on this homepage? Email me.








*My Ambition= To one day become an actress, either acting in Movies or just Theater Works

*My Favorite Car= The Dodge Viper

*My Favorite Color= BLUE!!! I LUV BLUE!!! SKY BLUE!

*Sports I Play= Tennis, Badminton, BasketBall, etc.

*Favorite Song= Don't 'really' have a favorite song, I like almost everyone. EXCEPT HANSON!

*Most Favorite Subject in School= DRAMA! I LUV DRAMA!

*Least Favorite Subject in School= Boring Socials...boring boring Social studies

*Most Memorable Memory= The day at Playland. Me and my two REALLY GOOD friends decided after grad, we'll go to Playland (an amusement park, with rollercoasters etc) So after grad, we changed and headed out. It was SO much FUN. I was really nervous around the rollercoaster, but with my friends I can overcome anything! So after my first ride on the rollercoaster, I realized. "Hey, this isn't so bad!" We went on it for about twenty more times. We went on the corkscrew for about ten or so times. It was really fun. One part my friend played that bowling ball game (where it has to go over the hill and stay there). Anywayz, she rolled it. We all thought it won't make it and start walking off. But then after three steps, we looked back and saw the bowling ball just about to roll out. It didn't! It rolled back down in the hill! My friend won! That was hilarious. My other friend won a very cute little gorilla, holding a banana! It was a day to remember. We played until we didn't have money to call home! We were fine, it all worked out.

Another nice memory I have is of Christmas. The last day of school before Christmas vacation. It was raining. I was with my friends (we go to a school and swing when it's nice out). I asked them if they wanted to walk, since it was gonna be a long time since we see each other again. They agreed and we went out in the pouring rain with a broken umbrella. And we sang CHRISTMAS CAROLS!!!! We were way hyper, we sang all the way. There was this guy walking a dog across the street and did he have a wierd look on his face, when he heard us. We were singing THAT loud! The funny part is that we don't really know the lyrics to most of the songs. It was fun, very nice memory, very nice.

*that's it for now*