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The New Digimon Guide

The New Digimon Guide

As with all other digimon, each of the new digimon has six stages of evolution: Egg, Baby, In-Training, Rookie, Champion, and Ultimate. This does not mean though, that they just have six different forms (example, Weregreymon and Metalgarurumon.). So here are the stages for my new digimon, and their attacks in each stage. They will be listed by their digi-destined partner. I know that these are not the most original names ever thought up, but they are the best that I could do.


Baby: Minimon
In-Training: Scalmon/Attack: Bubble Blow
Rookie: Pyromon/Attack: Fire Breath
Champion: Dragimon/Attack: Lava Flame
Ultimate: UltraDragimon/Attack: Mega Fire, Tail Slash, Fire Claw


Baby: Sawmon
In-Training: Puffmon/Attack: Bubble Blow
Rookie: Purrmon/Attack: Tail Slash
Champion: Tigramon/Attack: Blue Fire
Ultimate: Sabertoothedtigramon/Attack: Fire Stripes, Energy Ray


Baby: Skimon
In-Training: Newmon/Attack: Bubble Blow
Rookie: Leathermon/Attack: Tail Whip
Champion: Alimon/Attack: Laser Disks
Ultimate: Cyberalimon/Attack: Cyber Cannon (various attacks can be done with the Cyber Cannon)


Baby: Penmon
In-Training: Pupmon/Attack: Bubble Blow
Rookie: Noblemon/Attack: Laser Horns
Champion: Griffimon/Attack: Feather Launcher
Ultimate: Knightmon/Attack: Laser Sword Slash, Shield Protector


Baby: Sighmon
In-Training: Sproutmon/Attack: Bubble Blow
Rookie: Ivymon/Attack: Pauline Spray
Champion: Rosemon/Attack: Leaf Blade
Ultimate: Thornedrosemon/Attack: Thorn Missiles, Root Whip


Baby: Tanmon
In-Training: Hoofmon/Attack: Bubble Blow
Rookie: Torusmon/Attack: Super Charge
Champion: Toromon/Attack: Hyper Charge
Ultimate: Minitarmon/Attack: Atomic Horns, Lightning Club

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