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A Light in the Darkness

A Light in the Darkness

A cold night filled with glittering stars hovered over earth, inhabited by an un-seasonal creeping fog, among other things. In one city over which it stood, two forces-good and evil-made their momentary homes there. The leaders of them were both lost in thought, which consisted of seemingly unanswerable questions and musings about the possible future. But one was of the night, of the dark, the other of day. Yet, at this time, they were alike in their thoughts.

Tai paced restlessly in his room, his head filled with wondering over many things, including their enemy, Myotismon. Last time they had attacked, they would have been defeated if it weren't for Angelmon. Lucky for them, Myotismon had decided not to risk it against T.K.'s Digimon, and fled back to wherever it was he came from. They had faced powerful Digimon before, Devimon and Etemon among others, but Myotismon was the most powerful-and evil-by far.

He sighed, and looked towards his bed, where Agumon was sleeping under a pile of dirty clothes. That way, nobody could tell he was there. He was softly snoring, and occasionally turned over in dream-filled slumber.

Shaking his head, Tai muttered, "I wonder what Myotismon is doing right now."

As was his opponent, Myotismon was pacing up and down, when finally he stopped. It was night. Why wouldn't he go out? After all, the night was his place, his home . . .

If it weren't for those Digidestined brats, he would have found the eighth child by now. Then he could return to the Digiworld. But no, his incompetent servants had not found him yet, although he was closer to finding him then the Digidestined. Even though that was true, as Gatomon said, "You can't turn over a rock in this place without finding a child." There were hundreds, maybe even thousands, living in that city alone.

Momentarily forgetting his search, a cruel, fanged smile played across Myotismon's face. For now, he would look on his own, since it was dark outside. And, since he was a vampire, the dark was where he thrived-therefor, it was to him as day was to humans.

The smile still there, Myotismon strode to face the outside world.

Meanwhile, at Izzy's house . . .

Izzy was busily working on his computer, carefully avoiding the messed-up screen savers that Gennai had installed. After all, Numemon doing the can-can isn't exactly a pretty sight.

Nearby, Tentomon was eating some snacks which Izzy had brought in from the kitchen. I wonder what he's thinking, Tentomon thought. He himself, for unknown reasons, had digivolving on his mind.

Izzy was working with his Digimon analyzer. As he flipped through various Digimon he had seen, he suddenly came to a stop on one, which he had never seen-or heard of-before. How did this get in here? He asked himself. I've never seen this one before!

The Digimon he was referring to was called Trumhaemon. It looked like a huge, black-blue dragon, with four blood red eyes and a whip-like tail ended by a gleaming scythe blade. Growing between its shoulders were two sets of dark red wings, all tipped at the joint by curved talons.

"That is the most evil-looking thing I have ever seen, except for Myotismon," Izzy said, to himself.

"What is?" Tentomon asked, having heard some of the phrase. He flew to Izzy, and looked over his shoulder. He was not at all prepared for the sight of Trumhaemon.

"Woah!" he exclaimed. "Izzy, what is that?"

"I don't know," Izzy answered, staring blankly at the screen. "I do not know."

The next day, Sora and Mimi were searching for the eighth child, although, if you saw them, you couldn't tell they were looking for anything.

Palmon and Biyomon were both in a very heavy baby carriage, occasionally fighting over space. It was cramped in there, to say the least.

They stopped with Mimi when she gazed longingly through a candy store window. "Some candy would be nice right about now," she said, face almost pressed against the glass.

"I agree," said Palmon, who was instantly shushed by Biyomon.

"You're supposed to be a baby," she whispered. "Don't talk!"

A piece of paper drifted by, blown by the unusually warm breeze that was becoming common. Along with the fog, the heat wave was odd weather. But it wasn't the breeze that caught Sora's attention, instead, it was something she saw written on the paper . . .

She bent over to pick it up, and tapped the preoccupied Mimi on the shoulder as she read it. "Look at this," she said. Mimi turned around.

It looked like a journal entry, written on a piece of notebook paper. How it had gotten away from its owner, they didn't know; all they knew was that the writing on it was not at all normal.

Written in bright red ink, it said:

7 August, 12 midnight: He came again. He just left about five minutes ago. This time, though, I got his real name: Lord Myotismon. At least, that's what he said it was. I myself prefer to call him Triinsahmur, which means 'vampire' in my language. After all, he is one . . . I know this because I asked him. Why he answered, I do not know; if I were like him, I wouldn't tell anyone. 'How do you survive?' I asked him. He had noticed that I sometimes stared at his fangs, though not exactly in fright. 'By preying on the blood of others,' he had answered. Yet, I wasn't at all shocked by his reply . . .

Now, he is gone. I have the feeling that he might come back, some time. But certainly not during the day. As a matter of fact, he only comes when I have my door locked, window unlocked, and light turned off . . ."

There, it ended. But for Sora it did not.

Flipping it over, so that the back was facing up, was the name of the author: "Ymparshthu" Ono.

"We have got to show this to Tai," Sora said to Mimi, who nodded her head. "I agree."

Emily, (called Ymparshthu,) the author, was sitting on her bed, contemplating too many things to name. Among others, she wondered where her diary page had gotten off to; she had ripped it out of her journal to hide it, but it had been blown out her open window by an unusually warm breeze. She would not forget Triinsahmur, though. He was too amazing.

Sighing, she shut her window. She could just turn on her ceiling fan if she got hot. The warm breeze outside did nothing to her room but heat it up.

As she sat back on her bed, she pulled put her journal and started to write something down in her alphabet; and she continued writing until sunset.

"WHAT?" practically yelled Tai into the phone. "WHAT did you find?"

He was talking to Sora, who had called him about ten minutes ago. And, during that time period, she explained what she and Mimi had found-not the eighth Digidestined, but a clue to Myotismon.

"I said, a weird journal entry that mentions Myotismon, though he's called 'Lord' Myotismon," Sora urgently said. "You need to come, quick! Meet me at Izzy's house; I've called everyone else up, and we're all going there! Hurry!"

With that, she hung up. Tai was left standing there, caught in mid-sentence. Then, gathering his wits, he went to ask his mom if he could go over to Izzy's house.

Everyone arrived at Izzy's house at exactly sunset. Each had their Digimon with them, of course.

"This is what Mimi and I found," said Sora, holding up the piece of paper. "It's some journal entry, and it mentions Myotismon."

Walking over, Tai said, "Let me get a good look at it." Sora handed it to him, and a puzzled expression spread over his face as he read it. "But . . . the only time we've heard him been called 'Lord' Myotismon was when Birdramon digivolved to Garudamon, and the only . . . thing that called him that was Demidevimon!" he exclaimed. Almost instantly, thirteen other voices shushed him.

Then, Agumon said, "I know. But, Tai, do you think you could be a little quieter? We don't know if there's anybody listening."

"You're right." Tai sighed. "It's just . . . we finally have a little bit of a clue, and why not try to use it?"

At this, everyone nodded their heads.

Just then, there was a semi-loud knocking on Izzy's door.

"Izzy, is everything okay in there?" asked his mom.

"Uh, yeah," stuttered Izzy. Then, he remembered something.

His mother replied, "Okay. I was just checking in on you." She then walked off.

As soon as the sound of her footsteps had faded out of hearing, Izzy told them about his discovery the previous night.

Starting up his computer, he began to explain what he had seen on his Digimon analyzer.

"Tai, can I see your Digivice?" he asked, holding out his hand. "Sure," answered Tai, and handed it to him.

"Okay, last night, as I was looking at my Digimon analyzer, I found this strange dragon called Trumhaemon. But, the thing is, we've never seen him before!" said Izzy. Tentomon nodded his head.

When he had flipped to it, Izzy said, "This is it." His hand was outstretched towards the computer screen.

There it was, with the same evil look as the night before. And, although they couldn't see it, there was something else added to it, at the bottom right corner-the words "Triinsahmur tunscharta"-Vampire servant.

They kept looking at it, almost amazed by its evil expression-a snarl baring four large, dagger-like teeth was on its lips, and its scythe-like tail blade gleamed with its own light. The blood red eyes appeared to be staring right at you, giving you whatever it had for the Evil Eye. But, still, no one noticed the red words of the same hue as Trumhaemon's eyes. And, if they had, no one would have understood them, anyway-it was in Emily Ono's secret language.

"Boy, and I thought I'd seen ugly things before," muttered Tai. "But this takes the cake!"

Hearing him, Gabumon looked up from the monitor. "Did you just say something about that thing being ugly?" he asked, in his airy, Oriental voice. He, too, thought it somewhat unpleasant-looking, as did everyone else, even though they didn't admit it.

"Well, I've told you everything I needed to," sighed Sora. "If anybody else needs to say anything, now is the time." Silence. "Are you sure?" Silence. "Okay, everybody. 'Meeting adj-'"

"I've got something I have to say," said T.K., stepping forward.

Sora hit her palm against her forehead. "Okay, go for it," she said.

"Well, last night, on the news, it said something about people getting an-ane-"

"Anemia," finished Matt. "It said that 'otherwise healthy young women were being struck down with sudden and severe anemia.' What do you think it means, Tai? I have a few ideas myself."

"Myotismon," said Tai. Matt nodded his head.

"I think it could be Myotismon. It would explain a lot of things," Matt said. "For instance, that could be why we've never seen him during the day."

The others weighed this in their minds, and soon came to the conclusion that Matt had been implying.

"Oh, goodness, don't even make me think about it. It gives me the creeps!" Mimi said, shuddering. "But I'll have to admit-it's probably true."

Looking out the window, at the stars, Joe said, "He's a vampire."

In Ymparshthu's room, she was sitting on her bed, writing in her diary again, yet again in bright red ink. Her entry read:

"7 August, 9:10: I am waiting for Triinsahmur. He might come, he might not. I don't know . . .

I remember when I first met him. I was walking home from Jo's house, at about sunset, because she only lives a block away. The sun was rapidly setting, and it soon was dark. Very dark. Pitch black, almost, because of the fog. Then, I saw him.

To me, he was but a shadowy figure, shrouded in mist. All I could see was a silhouette. I turned to run, but . . . Something held me there. Something I couldn't quite place, can't quite name. But, I stayed, and in doing so changed my life.

When I got closer, I saw that he had deep blue eyes, somehow soothing to me. I'm usually in a far from soothed mood, but there was something in his eyes that comforted me. I don't know how, or what. But, they were like a light in the darkness to me, drawing me to him.

I looked up at him, since he was about a foot taller than me, with amazed eyes. Who was he? I did not know.

Now I do."

She shut her diary, and looked out the window. The stars were shining brightly. A sliver of a moon was out. And so was the creeping fog . . .

Just then, Ymparshthu heard a sound, coming from below her window. When she looked down, to see what it was, she found . . . Triinsahmur.

That morning, as Tai sleepily stumbled out of bed, he heard his mother talking on the phone.

"Is he up? I'll go see, Sora," she said. His mom then started walking towards his room. When she saw him, she said into the phone, "Yes, he's awake. Here he is now." So saying, she handed him the phone.

"Hello?" Tai almost snored.

"Tai, I have something really important to tell you," Sora, on the other end of the line, said. That woke Tai up.

"What?" he asked. She had his attention now.

"Come over to my house, and I'll tell you. I've got everybody else here, just like last night. Be quick! Bye!" Sora said, and hung up the phone. Tai just stood there, half awake, before running back to his room, pulling on some clothes, and going-all without breakfast.

At Sora's house, everybody was waiting for him. When he finally got there, Sora went straight to the meeting's point.

"Last night, I was walking home from playing soccer against one of my old friends, when I came to a really dark stretch of the way home. Normally, it's lighter. But it was almost pitch black," Sora said.

"Anyway, I was about half way through it when I heard a sound behind me. When I turned around, I saw . . ."

She paused, as though thinking it over.

"I saw Myotismon."

Digimon Fan Fiction