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A Light in the Darkness II

A Light in the Darkness II

Sora's words echoed in the silence that followed. Nobody could seem to take them in. But, after about five minutes, she continued.

"Since I didn't have Biyomon with me," she looked down at her Digimon, "I didn't know what to do. I wanted to turn, and run, but I just couldn't seem to."

The only sound in between statements was breathing. Other than that, there was total and complete silence.

"Looking up at him, a strange thought came into my mind: he wasn't going to hurt me. When I finally ran, he didn't even try to catch me, just stood there."

She stopped, having told her tale. The others looked at one another, when Tai finally stepped forward.

"Okay, that was weird. Why didn't he attack?" Tai asked.

Sora shook her head. "I don't know, Tai, I don't know." Tai accepted the answer, and continued speaking.

He demanded, "Well, why didn't you run in the first place?"

Looking at the scene around her, her friends, all gathered in her room, she answered him. "There was something in his eyes, Tai, that didn't make me want to leave. When I was frozen in place, it wasn't because of fear. Tai, it was because of the expression behind his blue eyes," she said.

Joe looked up from where he had been gazing at the stars. "This is weird," he said. "I mean, he would have attacked any other time. Why not now?" He pushed his glasses back into place, and then Matt stepped in.

"It is strange. Like Joe said, he would have attacked any other time. Maybe he didn't feel like it or something. I don't know." Matt shrugged his shoulders.

Sora, who appeared to be in deep thought, was staring off into space now. Finally, she said in a far-off sounding whisper, "A light in the darkness."

"A light in the darkness?" questioned Tai. "What the heck does that mean?"

Turning to look at him, Sora answered, "It's just something that I heard a long time ago: that, even in the most evil of creatures, there is some good, though overshadowed it may be-hence, a light in the darkness, good in all evil."

She sighed, and shook her head. "Earlier, when I ran into Myotismon, I could just sense something in the air. It was like he was telling me-without words-that he would not harm me."

Sora picked up her head, and looked out the window. The morning beyond was peaceful-almost too peaceful for the fact that there was an evil vampire Digimon living in the city. But, as Sora had implied-somewhere in Myotismon's mind, there was some good, though it was almost entirely overshadowed by evil.

That day, as Tai was watching TV, an emergency newscast came on. "There has been another monster sighted, this time near the waterfront. It appears to be some sort of a giant dragon, and . . ."

Suddenly, the image on the TV screen became static. That meant that communications were down, which probably meant it was by damage . . .

Tai jumped up and ran to get Agumon. "There's some monster down at the waterfront. That's our signal!"

Agumon leaped out of bed, pulled on his disguise, and ran out the door with Tai.

Little did they know, the others were doing the same. Matt and Gaubumon, Sora and Biyomon, Izzy and Tentomon, Mimi and Palmon, Joe and Gomamon, and T.K. and Patamon were all coming, too.

Upon arriving at the waterfront, Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and T.K. all ran into each other. Their reunion was cut short by the attacking evil Digimon. Pulling out his computer, Izzy got onto his Digimon analyzer. When he found this Digimon, he gasped. The attacking Digimon was Trumhaemon! It was about as tall as a three-story building, and it was definitely not in a good mood. It smashed buildings at the waterfront, and also dove into the water and wreaked general havoc on everything around it.

Reading through the information on Trumhaemon, Izzy informed the others, "Trumhaemon is an evil virus-type that is never in a good mood. He has puppy-dog loyalty to its master. His attack is 'Scythe Storm,' in which he whips his tail round and round, slicing through things before creating a small tornado that quickly dissolves."

It was then that Izzy noticed the writing in the bottom right corner of the screen. "Huh?" he said, scratching his head. "What does 'Triinsahmur tunscharta' mean?"

"It means vampire servant," sounded a voice behind him. He quickly turned, and saw a tall eleven-year-old girl, with blond hair and green eyes. "My name's Emily," she said. "And 'triinsahmur tunscharta' means vampire servant in my language."

"So you actually know what this thing is?"

She nodded her head. "And it's a servant of Triinsahmur," she whispered. Her words were barely audible, but Izzy could just make them out.

"Huh? Who's Triinsahmur?" asked Izzy.

Lowering her head, so that she was looking at the ground, Emily answered, "You may know him better as Lord Myotismon."

That made Izzy think. Turning round, he called, "Hey, guys! Come over here!" Those who were not busy came scrambling over, which were Mimi, Matt, Joe, and T.K.

At the water's edge stood Tai and Sora. "Hey, Agumon, it is Digivolving time!" said Tai. Agumon nodded his lizard-like head.

"Agumon digivolved to . . . GREYMON!"

Soon, Greymon was charging at the rampaging Trumhaemon. His eyes glinted with the lust for battle.

Looking down at her Digimon, Sora said, "Do you think you should go help him?" she asked Biyomon.

Her Digimon answered, "Uh-huh!"

"Biyomon digivolved to . . . BIRDRAMON!"

Birdramon flapped towards where a battle between Greymon and Trumhaemon now ensued.

Meanwhile, back with Izzy, Emily was explaining everything. "I like talking to him," she said, when everyone asked her why she had anything to do with Myotismon. "And it is more than just that. He understands me. He's the only one who does . . ." Sighing, she shook her head from side to side. "He's told me about you," she stated. "About both you and him are searching for the eighth child." Emily paused, and gazed at the group of children standing around her. They looked like they didn't understand Triinsahmur like she did. "Maybe, if you wanted me to, I could get him to come, and you could speak with him," offered Emily, brushing her bangs out of her face.

Mimi nodded her head, as did Joe, Matt, T.K., and Izzy.

She said, her head nodding also, "Okay, it's settled then. I'll see if he'll come tonight. And, do you want me to call off Trumhaemon? He'll listen to Triinsahmur, and also I."

"Sure," said Mimi, smiling. "it would be wonderful if you would."

So saying, Emily walked about fifteen feet closer to Trumhaemon, and shouted something at the top of her lungs in Styri, one of her languages. Trumhaemon, Birdramon, and Greymon all stopped battling. Trumhaemon listened intently before lumbering off. "I told him to return to Myotismon," she said. Then: "Meet me tonight, at the darkest place in the city. I'll be there, if I can get Triinsahmur to come."

With that, she walked off. Mimi thought she saw something written on the back of Emily's hand, but, she was probably just imagining things.

Just then, Tai and Sora came running up, with Agumon and Biyomon at their sides. They both wanted to know what had just happened, and who the strange girl had been. Izzy explained it all to them. "She said to meet her in the darkest place in the city," he said. "Most likely at midnight. Certainly not during the day."

"But how are we going to do that? I mean, we all have parents," worried Tai, which was unusual for him.

Izzy just sighed. "Tell them you're at each others house," he instructed. "And we will, for a little bit." So saying, everyone headed home, prepared for that night.

At exactly eleven fifty-two, all the Digidestined were headed, in a group, towards the darkest place in town. As they walked along, their footsteps echoed terribly in the vast blackness of the night. Each small sound sent them looking in every direction, expecting to be attacked at any moment.

When they finally reached their destination, at exactly eleven fifty-nine, Tai shuddered. "Oh, man, this place gives me the creeps," he said. "And to think of the fact that Myotismon is coming, too, just makes me want to faint." He shuddered again. And, exactly midnight, they heard a sound coming from the surrounding shadows.

"This place gives me the creeps, with all these noises," muttered Joe.

Then, he appeared. There was an air of dignity surrounding him, their enemy, as he stepped, out of the shadows, into the small, moonlit area. Beside him was Emily, as she had promised.

At this, their first time to ever see their enemy face-to-face (except for in battle), the children all noticed that Myotismon had blue eyes, with very large pupils- perfectly adapted for seeing in the dark.

They also noticed-very accented in the pale moonlight-his fangs.

"Oh, goodness," said Mimi, and fell over, unconscious.

Peering over her, Emily said, "Yeah, that almost happened to me when I first saw Triinsahmur."

Digimon Fan Fiction