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A Light in the Darkness

A Light in the Darkness

Staring Tai directly in the eye, Emily introduced him to Triinsahmur, even though they didn't need it. Tai looked Myotismon over. "Oh, man, he's someone you don't want to run into at midnight," he muttered under his breath. Then, realizing his situation, he slapped his palm against his forehead.

Myotismon, meanwhile, was lost in thought. He had only come because this girl, called Ymparshthu, had convinced him to. She was the only one who understood him, even though there were things he had kept secret, almost forgetting himself, which he had never told anyone . . .

He had always been treated cruelly as a young Digimon. If he ever had found something to do under another Digimon, they always took advantage of him. He had been small then, and weak, like Patamon. But, also like Patamon, he had Digivolved into a powerful creature, one that few dared to mess with. And, if they did, not all came out alive.

Sighing inwardly, he also thought of his position now. He struck terror at the very souls of most Digimon, and he was lonesome, oh, so lonesome. Nobody ever stuck around him much, except for the idiotic, incompetent Demidevimon. And Demidevimon was the nothing more than a black, red-taloned Digimon who was constantly trying to take the credit for everything-and, in the process, sucking up to him.

Even more possessive of his thoughts was this human girl, one who had enough courage to face him-and one sweet and caring enough to understand him. She wasn't frightened by him, and would probably defend him among the humans, if she had to. Wishing to be called Ymparshthu-it meant "darkness" in her language-she took the time to listen to his stories, share in his troubles. She also had her own problems, and other things, but every night she faithfully waited, sometimes never getting any sleep. And yet, she still did not abandon him. She was, to say the least, a true friend to he, a lonely vampire Digimon-who wasn't on the side of good, either. Ymparshthu also knew that he lived on the blood of others-and didn't care.

On the ground, Mimi was coming to. Everyone except he and Ymparshthu were bent over her, making sure she was all right.

When she finally did wake up, she said, "Sorry everyone. I just couldn't help myself. I don't like the dark very much, and-no offense, Myotismon-but Myotismon kind of scared me there. I mean, I knew he had fangs before, it's just that this time, in a very dark place at midnight, it was a little too much for me." It was then that her suspicions were proved true-there was something on the back of Emily's hand. "What's that?" she asked, pointing towards Ymparshthu's hand.

"Huh? What? Oh, that," answered Emily, "is a birthmark, I do believe. Moon in the night sky, I always said." Holding up her hand, so that the Digidestined could look at the back-she had already shown it to Triinsahmur-she explained, "People always made fun of me because of it. One particularly nasty person called me a freak. Now, though, they've stopped; why, I don't know." She shook her head, and looked over at Myotismon. He was the only one who truly understood her, as she did him. He was, to her, a true friend.

With out thinking, Sora blurted out, "Myotismon, why do you always wear that mask?" She of course was referring to the red mask covering his nose and eyes. She had not meant it as an insult, but, Myotismon was hardly ever questioned over it, so . . .

"She wasn't insulting you," whispered Emily. "She was just curious."

After about five seconds of utter silence, Myotismon finally answered Sora's question.

"When I was young, I was constantly taken advantage of," he said slowly, fangs shining in the pale moonlight. "I was weak, like the little Patamon-"he motioned towards Patamon-"but, also like him, I Digivolved into a powerful being."

He stopped for a moment, and contemplated his situation. He was explaining some of his dreadful past to the Digidestined, who were his enemies. But, at this moment, they were almost as friends. Almost.

Starting again, he said, "I was almost always punished for crimes that I didn't commit, if I worked under another Digimon. As a matter of fact, I once worked for the same slave driver of a Digimon which you did." At this, he gestured towards Matt and Joe. "But, when I Digivolved, Veggiemon was terrified of me. He fell over himself apologizing to me."

He remembered that. Veggiemon had been cruel to him before, but was sorry when Myotismon had Digivolved into what he was now. "Lord Myotismon, Lord Myotismon," he had said. "I am so sorry. I did not mean to!"

Myotismon reached a gloved hand up to his pale cheek. He was trying to draw out his story as long as possible, not wanting to say why he hid his face behind a mask. The answer only reminded him of the beatings he once took, when he had done nothing. Nothing! If something broke at Veggiemon's diner, he was always blamed for it . . . even if it had been some other Digimon.

"And why I wear this mask . . ." He sighed. "Is because of the scars from being taken advantage of, being punished when I did nothing."

Pausing, he ran his fingers down his cheek. The scar left from his younger days, hidden under his mask, was a slash mark across his right eye-Veggiemon had given it to him in punishment for something that Digitamamon did. Yes, the idiotic creature hidden within an eggshell. He had almost destroyed-and I mean destroyed-the kitchen in Veggiemon's diner. The old slave driver had known that it was Digitamamon, but had blamed Myotismon for it instead.

Just then, Joe broke Myotismon's train of thought with the question that everyone had been wondering about: "When Sora ran into you, why didn't you attack her?"

Abruptly pulling his hand down, he answered, "She did not do anything to I. And, she had nothing to protect her. Why should have I? I needed not blood."

Joe shuddered at the reply. The mention of blood was not at all pleasant to him, although he knew very well that Myotismon survived on the blood of other creatures.

Mimi shut her eyes. She did not like the mention of blood, either. She felt herself beginning to sway . . . Coming up from behind, Tai caught her just as she was about to fall over again. "Thank you," she said. "I didn't really want to faint again, but the mention of blood always does that to me . . ."

Myotismon softly shook his head. He then turned around, and started to stalk away.

"Hey! Where are you going?" called Joe, who wanted to know why Myotismon was leaving.

"I need to be alone" was the chill reply, which soon vanished into the surrounding blackness, as did the vampire Digimon. Not even Ymparshthu went after him, but understood that he needed to be by himself. There are just some things that must be thought of alone . . .

With that, they all headed home, leaving Ymparshthu behind. She, too, needed to be alone-and the surrounding night, she felt, was her place.

The next day, everybody met at Joe's house. All they could talk about was the night before, even though they were all very tired.

But Sora said nothing, only wondered what Myotismon-once her enemy, but the previous night her friend-was doing.

And somewhere, hidden in an utterly dark place, among shadows-the vampire Digimon smiled.

Digimon Fan Fiction