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Ch 5: Rosemon's Jungle

The New Digimon:
Chapter 5: Rosemon's Jungle

"Hey, This is Matt. Ok, so we were walking through this valley, where Leathermon had said that there might be another of the 6 digimon that we were searching for. Next thing that we know, we are attacked by Raremon, who Izzy and Kabuterimon had battled back in the real world. Our digimon quickly attacked, but Gatomon was captured. That was when Noblemon showed up, which caused my crest to begin to glow. Everyone digivolved, and we were able to beat Raremon. Meanwhile, Tsunomon and the others met up with Ninjimon, who took them to Leomon, who told them where we were.

"After we rested up, we left Noblemon, who was on some quest, and could not join us on ours, and continued our search. We hadn't gone a mile though, when I noticed smoke near the area where we left Noblemon. We all headed back, and found that he was being attacked by Wingmon, who was being controlled by a black gear. Pyromon, Purrmon, and Leathermon quickly digivolved, and tried to fight off Wingmon.

After Noblemon saved TK and Patamon, he was knocked back, and I ran over to him only to be caught by Wingmon. This act of friendship caused Noblemon to digivolve into Griffimon. After saving me, Griffimon joined up with the others, and together they were able to defeat Wingmon and destroy the black gear that was controlling him. Later, after Noblemon decided to join us, we came up to a fork in the road. It was there, that Izzy and Mimi's crests began to glow. So we split up, TK, Joe, Mimi, Leathermon, Patamon, and Noblemon coming with me in search of Mimi's new digimon, and Tai, Sora, Kari, Izzy, Pyromon, Purrmon, and Gatomon in search of Izzy's. Hopefully we will meet up again real soon, and teach Rexmon a thing or two about challenging the digi-destined."

Demidevimon flew in over the prisoner, as he marched into Rexmons throne room. Rexmon looked at his prisoner, an evil and toothy grin covering his face. "So the proud Leomon, nothing more than another prisoner."

"You may have me Rexmon, but the digi-destined will soon return with their new digimon partners, and defeat you once and for all." Leomon proclaimed.

"Is that so Leomon," came a voice from the shadows, "I guess that we sill soon find out won't we."

Just then, a blast came from behind Leomon, hitting him, and turning him to stone. Cockatrimon came up from behind, "I always did like wildlife statues."

"Well done Cockatrimon." Came the voice again. "That is one less thorn in our sides."

Rexmon turned to face the digimon, "But he was right, the digi-destined may return soon. Wingmon was unable to eliminate them before Griffimon showed up, and destroyed the gear that was controlling him."

"Do not worry, I have learned that those children have split up into two groups in order to find the last two digimon. They are less powerful when not together, and I have already sent in several of my most powerful digimon in to take advantage of this moment, as well as sent a black gear in to get some assistance for them. Plus several other digimon that those children defeated have also joined up."

"Excellent." Rexmon said, as he turned back to Demidevimon, "And what of the search go for the Tsunomon and Yokomon?"

"Ogermon has returned to the cave, and is searching for them as we speak." Demidevimon reported.

"Good. You and Cockatrimon will join him in the search." Demidevimon was about to abject, "Is there a problem?" Rexmon asked. "Ah yes, you are worried that they will defeat you, again. Am I right?" The smaller digimon nodded, "Well in that case, you will have even more to worry about if you don't go."

"Yes master." Demidevimon said, as he flew off. 'One of these days, I will have what is so rightly coming to me.' Demidevimon thought as he flew off with Cockatrimon close behind him.

The 4 children walked along the path followed closely by their digimon partners. Matt looked back at the group that was following closely behind him. First there was TK walking along just fast enough to keep up with his big brother. As usual, Patamon rested on top of TKs hat. Next to TK walked Noblemon, who only two days earlier had joined the group.

Matt was surprised that Mimi was following closely behind Noblemon. He had come to know Mimi as sort of the lazy/spoiled type, complaining about everything and sometimes anything. But Matt thought that Mimi's energy in this endeavor might have something to do with the fact that they were now searching for her new digimon partner. Mimi had grown close to Palmon during the time since they had been sucked into the Digiworld, and knew that she, like Tai, Sora, Izzy, Joe, and Matt himself, wanted to do everything to get Palmon, Tsunomon, Tentomon, Agumon, Biyomon, and Gomamon back.

After Mimi walked Joe, and his new partner, Leathermon. They kept up a steady pace, and were as eager as everyone else to find out who Mimi's new digimon was as well as whom Izzy's new partner would be. The day before, the group had split up, in order to try and get both Izzy's and Mimi's new partners faster. Tai had taken Izzy, Sora, Kari, Gatomon, Purrmon, and Pyromon to do just that, while Matt, who had just recently been made the second in command of the group, had taken the rest of the group in search of Mimi's new digimon partner.

Mimi pulled her Crest of Sincerity out, and looked at it. "I think that it is broken." She said, giving it a little shake. The crest then began to glow, "Oh, that's better. I guess that it is not broken."

Matt looked back, and shook his head. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, causing TK who was not paying attention to where he was going to run into him, knocking Patamon off of his perch on top of TKs head. "Hey Matt, what gives?" TK asked, then looking ahead, he saw what was up. Joe and Mimi also saw who was standing in front of them.

"Hello boys," Digitamamon said, "it has been a while since our paths have crossed, and the restaurant just has not been the same since you left."

"Not long enough you fowl poacher." Matt said defiantly. He then looked back at the others, "Get ready for action."

"You won't have the chance," Digitamamon said, increasing his size, "Nightmare Syndrome!" And a black glob came out of the opening in his shell. Everyone was able to dodge the blob, and the digimon came back up to strike back.

"Laser Horns!" Noblemon said, as two beams left his horns.

"Boom Bubble!" Patamon yelled, shooting out a bubble of condensed air.

"Tail Whip!" Leathermon said, his tail stretching out, and wrapping around Digitamamons legs.

Both Noblemon and Patamon's attacks did not even put a dent in the eggshell, but Leathermon's attack knocked the other digimon off balance, causing him to fall hard to the ground. "You will pay for that one." The evil digimon said, as he somehow got back up.

"Then I think that it is time for a change." Matt said, looking back at he Noblemon and the others. "Time to digivolve." And the digimon nodded in agreement.

"Noblemon digivolve to………..Griffimon!"

"Leathermon digivolve to………..Alimon!"

"Patamon digivolve to………..Angemon!"

The 3 champion digimon stood in front of Digitamamon. "Is this it, I would have thought that you would have found some tougher digimon than these guys."

Digitamamon was about to use his attack, when he was sprinkled from above by powdery type stuff, which blinded the digimon who screamed in annoyance. Then a small plant type digimon jumped down from above them. "It is about time you all showed up, I have been waiting for you for days." The small digimon said.

"Who is that?" TK asked.

"That is Ivymon." Angemon said, "She may look like a beautiful flower, but she is one tough digimon."

"You will pay for that Ivymon." Digitamamon said, "Nightmare Syndrome!" The blob came out of the crack in Digitamamons shell again, but this time it grabbed Angemon and Alimon. The blob was then sucked back in, and a few seconds later, both digimon were spit back out.

Escaping the blob, Griffimon flew up high in the air, "Feather Launcher!" he yelled, and a large number of feathers shot out from each of his wings, hitting Digitamamon hard, but still not phasing him.

"Pauline Spray!" Ivymon shouted, and a stream of the dust that hit Digitamamon before flew out again. This time though, the digimon dodged the attack.

"Is that all that best that you got Ivymon, if it is, this battle will soon be over." He told the smaller digimon.

"Talk is cheep, lets take this to the next level." Ivymon said, as Mimi's digi-vice activated. "Ivymon digivolve to………..Rosemon!" Rosemon was a larger digimon, with pink pedals all around her face and several leaves sticking out of different places on her body. Rosemon stood before Digitamamon.

"Wow, she's big." Mimi said. Matt quickly ran over, and grabbed Mimi's hand, and pulled her out of harms way. He then looked up at Griffimon.

"Last time, Garurumon had to digivolve to his ultimate level so we could defeat this overgrown egg." Matt said, looking over at Alimon and Angemon, who reverted back to Leathermon and Patamon. "And it looks like Rosemon and Griffimon are the only ones left to do that. But if they both work together, they can do it." As he said this, Matt thought back to all the good times that he had with Gabumon, and looked forward to all the good times left with Noblemon. Just then his crest began to glow, as did Griffimon. Matt looked up, "He's doing it, he's going to the next level."

Griffimon landed. He stood up straight, his wings disappeared, and his snout grew into his face. Electrical energy started at his head, and moved down his body, covering him with armor. A sword appeared on his back, and a shield with the symbol of the Crest of Friendship formed on his arm. "Griffimon digivolve to………..Knightmon!" He then drew his sword, and swung it around, bringing it into a position right in front of him, with the point sticking in the ground.

Knightmon walked up beside Rosemon. "Is thou ready to finish this evil creature off my lady?"

"It would be an honor Knightmon." Rosemon responded.

"You won't get the chance, Nightmare Syndrome!" Once again, the back blob left Digitamamon, and headed right for Rosemon and Knightmon.

"This one is mine." Knightmon said, raising his shield up, "Shield Protector!" The crest symbol glowed, and then left the shield, positioning itself in front of the two digimon, protecting them from Digitamamons attack.

"I don't believe it." Digitamamon said, as he watched his attack fail.

"Believe it." Rosemon said, as she jumped up over the barrier. "Leaf Blade!" Rosemon shouted, as several hardened leaves left her body, and slammed into Digitamamon.

"And I will finish thines evil once and for all Digitamamon." Knightmon said, as he drew his sword. "Laser Sword Slash!" Knightmon shouted, as he jumped over Rosemon, and brought his sword down on Digitamamons shell. The blade of the sword struck Digitamamons shell and it began to crack, and then shattered altogether. A white light surrounded Digitamamon, and he vanished in it.

Rosemon reverted back to Ivymon, while Knightmon reverted back to his 'In-Training' form. Matt walked up to his friend, and picked him up. "So, who are you now?"

"You can call me Pupmon Matt." Pupmon said. Meanwhile, TK and Joe quickly ran to their fallen friends, and helped them up. Matt, Pupmon, Ivymon, and Mimi joined up with them.

Gabumon and Biyomon were still hiding out in the cave, when they had heard Ogermons voice outside. They then heard 2 other voices. One of the voices was undoubtedly Demidevimon, and the other Biyomon recognized immediately as Cockatrimon. They listened in as the digimon talked.

"Rexmon sent us to assist you in the search for the Tsunomon and Yokomon." Demidevimon said.

"I would have thought that he would have kept both of you at the castle to help guard Leomon and his group."

"You won't have to worry about Leomon for a long time." Cockatrimon said.

"What do you mean?" Ogermon asked.

"He is currently a lawn ornament, courtesy of Cockatrimons Petrifier." Demidevimon said.

Ogermon laughed, and they continued talking as the 3 digimon moved further into the cave. Biyomon looked away from the hole, tears forming in her eyes. "Leomon does not deserve to be a statue. We have to help him somehow Gabumon."

"You are right Biyomon, but at the present, there is nothing that we can do." Gabumon said looking out the hole again, "Until Matt and Sora and the others get back, we must guard the digi stone, and make sure that Rexmon can't get a hold of it."

"Right, but I just hate waiting here while Sora is out there, possibly in grave danger."

"Trust me, I know how you feel, but it won't do her any good if you get caught." Gabumon told her.

"I guess that you are right Gabumon." Biyomon said, closing the conversation.

After the battle, Ivymon had taken the group to a small camp that she had set up. After the children and the digimon had finished eating, Matt was the first one to ask the question that everyone else was wondering about, "Ivymon, you said that you had been waiting for us, but how did you know that you were one of the six."

Ivymon looked at Matt, "I didn't, but Snoutmon had sent word to us here in the jungle that the digi-destined were headed in this direction, and in their search for the new digimon partners that were for told would help them fight Rexmon and his evil digimon."

"Well," Joe began, "that explains why you were waiting for us, but how did you know that you were one of the 6?"

"I didn't, until I had seen Mimi's crest begin to glow. I knew that Digitamamon had not set it off, so I through caution to the wind, and took a chance that it started to glow because of me. And my gamble paid off."

"Lucky for us." TK added.

"Then does that mean that you are going to join us?" Mimi asked.

"It is my destiny to fight by your side Mimi, but first, I need you to help me out."

"With what?" Pupmon asked.

"Well," Ivymon began, "yesterday, about the same time that Digitamamon showed up, I spotted one of those black gears, that turn good digimon to evil, flying overhead. I also spotted another digimon with Digitamamon shortly before you arrived."

"Another digimon, did you recognize him?" Leathermon asked.

"No, but all that I can say, is that he was a hot head, and I mean hot." Ivymon said. "Anyway, he went off in search of the digimon that the black gear would take control of, while Digitamamon took care of you." Ivymon paused for a moment, and then continued, "I ask that you please help me to stop this other digimon, and to help the poor digimon that was taken over by that black gear."

"You had better believe that we will Ivymon." Matt said. "We will rest here for a little longer, and then move out." And the others all nodded in agreement with Matt's plan.

A few hours later, Matt, TK, Joe, Mimi, Pupmon, Leathermon, Patamon, and Ivymon were on the move again, and it did not take them long to find the trail of the other digimon that had come with Digitamamon. "Is it just me, or is it getting hotter." Joe commented.

"Stop complaining Joe." Leathermon said. "It could always be worse."

"Don't get on his case Leathermon," Matt said, "I've noticed that it is getting hotter myself."

"This reminds me of an evil digimon that Sora, Tai, Togemon, Birdramon, Greymon, Izzy, and Kabuterimon battled back home." Mimi said, "Now what was his name again?"

"Skullmeramon?" Ivymon asked.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" Mimi asked.

Ivymon pointed straight ahead of them all, "That's how." The rest of the group looked, and there stood Skullmeramon, his flame intense as ever, and he was staring right at them.

"Good, Digitamamon did not destroy you. I will have the pleasure of doing that myself."

"You and what army." TK said, he then looked back at the digimon, "Do it guys." Leathermon, Patamon, Ivymon, and Pupmon all nodded.

"Leathermon digivolve to……….Alimon!"

"Patamon digivolve to………..Angemon!"

"Ivymon digivolve to………..Rosemon!"

"Pupmon digivolve to………..Noblemon!"

The 3 champion digimon rushed into action, while Noblemon stayed back to protect the digi-destined.

"Is that the best that you have?" Skullmeramon asked, "Metal Fireball!" A fireball popped put of Skullmeramon's mouth, and went right at the 3 digimon.

Angemon dodged the attack, and flew at the other digimon with his staff raised up for the attack, bringing it down hard on Skullmeramon. The impact caused his to loose his balance, but he regained it really fast. Just then several sharp objects struck Angemon, and another digimon that looked like he had been used as a pincushion, jumped down from the top of a tree.

"Pinmon." Noblemon said as soon as he saw the other digimon. " He is a fully evolved digimon. His attack is called Pin Needles. He must be the digimon that the black gear took over, because usually, he is a gentle and friendly digimon."

Angemon quickly recovered from the attack, and looked at Pinmon. "Pinmon, you must fight the power of the black gear, and come over to the side of good once again."

"I am sorry Angemon," Pinmon said, "I am not strong enough to fight it." Pinmon looked away from Angemon, in time for Rosemon to nail him with a punch to the face.

Meanwhile, Alimon had taken on Skullmeramon. "Laser Disks!" Alimon shouted out, as several glowing disks shot out at the other digimon.

Skullmeramon countered this attack with his own, "Metal Fireball!" and the two attacks met up in the middle, and exploded.

"Mimi," Joe asked, "how did you beat Skullmeramon before?"

"Mimi thought for a moment, "Wait, I remember, Greymon digivolved into MetalGreymon, and blew him up."

Joe nodded to Mimi, and then turned to the battle, "Alimon, you have to digivolve to your ultimate level in order to win."

"Ok Joe, I will try." Alimon said.

Pinmon shot out its attack again, hitting Rosemon hard. Angemon flew in front of Pinmon, blocking Rosemon from his attack. "Angemon," Pinmon said, "I do not wish to fight you, so please get out of the way."

"I cannot Pinmon do that Pinmon." Angemon said, "You must fight the gear that is controlling you."

Pinmon screamed out in agony, "I am sorry Angemon." Pinmon said, as he lowered his head, "Pin Needle!" he shouted, as a large number of razor sharp needles shot out at Rosemon.

Acting quickly, Angemon started to spin his staff as fast as he could. This act blocked all of the needles from getting through to Rosemon. When the bombardment was finished, Rosemon got up, and walked over to her comrade. Meanwhile Mimi could not watch this any longer. "You big bully," she started, "don't you dare hurt her any more, or else you will be in big trouble." This act caused her crest to begin glowing again. Rosemon also started to glow.

"Rosemon digivolve to," Rosemon's pink pedals turned into a bright shade of red, and all of her leaves turned into thorns, her arms and legs doubled in size, as well as the rest of her body. "………..Thornedrosemon!"

"Who is that?" Mimi asked.

"That is Thornedrosemon Mimi." Noblemon said, "She is a fully evolved digimon with incredible strength, and cunning. Her attack is called Thorn Missiles."

Thornedrosemon walked up in front of Pinmon. "So you like to shoot pointy stuff at other digimon? Well, try this on for size, Thorn Missiles!" Several of the thorns that covered Thornedrosemon's body, shot out. They all struck Pinmon hard, and exploded. This explosion caused the gear to be knocked out of Pinmon's body, and it disintegrated immediately after that. Pinmon fell to the ground, and Thornedrosemon reverted back to her in-training form. And Mimi quickly ran over to get her.

Skullmeramon was not letting up on Alimon, as he sent out another fireball at him. Suddenly Angemon flew in, and brought his staff down hard on the larger digimon. But instead of striking at the head, he brought the staff across the other digimons legs, tripping him. Skullmeramon fell hard to the ground, and Angemon ran over to help Alimon up.

Watching the battle, Joe was trying to come up with a way to help his friend to digivolve to the next level. 'What can we use on a fire type digimon?' Joe thought. 'To bad we don't have any water near by, we could just use that to cool him off.'

Skullmeramon got up, and went back on the attack. Angemon took to the air, "Hand of Fate!" Angemon yelled, as he shot out a beam of light at Skullmeramon. But the larger digimon just shrugged it off, throwing his chain up, wrapping around Angemons leg.

"Time for you to kiss the ground pretty boy." Skullmeramon said, pulling down on the chain hard. This caused Angemon to fall hard to the ground, causing him to revert back to Patamon. Skullmeramon turned his attention back to Alimon, "Now, let's finish what we started." Skullmeramon said, as he through his chain out again, wrapping it around Alimons arm.

Joe then felt something hit him on the head, and when he looked up, and found that there was moisture all over the place. 'Of course,' Joe thought, 'now I know what this place reminded me of, a rainforest.' "Alimon!" Joe shouted, "if you can, spin him around really fast."

Alimon looked back at Joe, and nodded. He began to spin around as hard as he could, gaining enough momentum to lift Skullmeramon off the ground, and into the air. As Joe had thought, the moisture in the air was causing the flame on Skullmeramon to go out. Suddenly, the chain busted, and this caused Skullmeramon to go flying back into some trees, setting them on fire.

Alimon looked at Joe, "Any other ideas Joe?"

"Sorry, but I'll work on it." As Joe finished saying this, his Crest began to glow, as did Alimon.

"Alimon digivolve to," Electricity, starting at Alimons head, worked its way down his body. The electricity left in its wake, cybernetic parts. When the electricity had reached his feet, a canon appeared on his left shoulder, and a small computer panel on his right wrist. A nasty looking weapon type device appeared on his left wrist, and two more cannons on ether side of him. "………..Cyberalimon!"

Cyberalimon looked at Skullmeramon, and at the fire that he had started. "It is time to cool you off hot head." Cyberalimon said.

"You and what army Cyberalimon?" Skullmeramon said, "Metal Fireball!" and the intense flame leapt out on his mouth, going right at Cyberalimon.

"Cyber Cannon!" Cyberalimon yelled, as his 3 cannon fired all at once. The all shot out water, which met up with the fire that Skullmeramon was using, and neutralizing it in a fog of steam. The blast ran along the fire path, until it struck Skullmeramon. The digimon holed in pain and despair as the water hit him.

"You have not seen the last of me." Skullmeramon shouted as he began to glow, and then exploded.

Cyberalimon then directed the water on the fire that had been started by the other digimon. When the fire was out, he then reverted back to his in-training form when his task was completed.

Gennai heard a knock on his door, 'I wonder who that could be, I am not expecting anyone?' when he went to answer it, he got the shock of his life, as when he opened it, several digimon came in. "I was not expecting you so soon."

"Well," one of the digimon started, "We are here, Yup Yup."

"Good," Gennai said, "Because I have learned that Leomon has been captured. But I also know that the digi-destined will soon be returning with their new partners."

"Then we must prepare for their arrival." Another of the digimon said, "For we must be ready to move when they arrive." And all of the others shouted in approval.

Several hours after the battle, the 4 children and their digimon were leaving the forest, heading for their meeting with Tai and his group. Joe and Mimi both carried their digimon partner, whom where now Sproutmon and Newmon. Pinmon had led them out of the forest, in appreciation for saving him from the black gear. "Thank you Pinmon." Matt said, "We may not have gotten out of the forest without your help."

"No Matt, thank you, for saving me from that black gear." Pinmon looked ahead, "Are you sure that you will be fine if another evil digimon shows up, with only Patamon and Noblemon to protect you it could be dangerous.

"Don't worry about us," Patamon said, "we will be fine."

"Then I wish you all a safe trip, and hope that our paths will cross again."

"You can count on it Pinmon." Sproutmon said. And the group left to meet up with the others, and then head back and save the other digimon and stop Rexmon.

(Mimi) I am so glad that we found Ivymon when we did, because that moisture in the air was murder on my hair. But the biggest thing that we got out of this trip was not finding Ivymon, but how much closer it brought all of us together. I just hope that Palmon is ok. Because when we meet again, she will have to tell me how my clothes clash."

To be Continued in Chapter 6: Toromon's Charge

Digimon Fan Fiction