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A New Evil

A New Evil: Chapter One

By Cat Zimgirl

Introducing...The New Characters!!!

Uchida: Koushiro Izumi’s adopted sister. She is a tomboy and good friends with Mikiri (or Miki, as she is called in the story) and Sora. Uchida has a bit of a crush on Yamato. Her digimon is Tigramon. Uchida has hair that looks like Izzy’s, only longer and more red. She wears clothes similar to Izzy’s, only different colors. Uchida towers over her shorter little brother.

Tigramon:Tigramon is Uchida’s digimon. Tigramon digivolves from Tiggymon. Her champion stage is Tigresiamon, and then on to Tigaramon. She looks like a tiger cub, with long floppy ears and blueish stripes crisscossing along her back. The stripes on her forehead form the shape of Uchida’s crest(Joy).

Mikiri: Matt’s fraternal twin. She is Matt’s full-blooded sister(obviously). Her intense green eyes are the same shape as Matt’s. Mikiri(also called Miki) has long golden-brown hair which she wears in a french braid. The braid reaches down to her waist. She wears a pale green tank top and yellow jean shorts. Miki is also a tomboy and good friends with Uchida and Sora. Her Digimon is Dracomon. Miki’s crest is Trust. Miki seems to be a bit embarrassed when around Izzy...

Dracomon: a small dragonish digimon, Dracomon is gentle and sweet. Her personality is the opposite of Miki, who is a reckless athlete. Dracomon is white with small, iridescent wings. Her attack is Sonic Splash. She digivolves from Maradamon. Dracomon’s champion stage is Dragoniamon and then onto Dracadamon. Sometimes, Dracomon can remind you of a fancy shoelace/snake.

Darkspectramon: A horribly evil Digimon who hates Myotismon’s guts. As a matter of fact, she is his sister. They look a lot alike, so you can tell they are related. She has attempted to overthrow her brother many a time, each time failing. Darkspectramon vowed after her last battle that she would not lose again. Eckanmon: One of Darkspectramon’s many henchmen. He has the resemblance of a coral snake, but his poison is much more venomous. Eckanmon faithfully follows his mistress’s every order and has not been known to let her down. Mechatomon: This henchman of Darkspectramon’s is exceptionally evil. He looks very much like a Devidramon. Mechatomon has a mechanical appearance, but he is very much flesh and blood. The frills that Devidramon have where their ears would be are sharp drills upon Mechatomon’s head. He usually teams up with Eckanmon. Starkaimon: A truly evil Digimon. She is equipped with many weapons. Starkaimon is always arguing with Mechatomon and Eckanmon. Many a time has she deceived the two and made them look bad in front of Darkspectramon. A mistress of illusion, Starkaimon is a formidable opponent for the digi-destined. Starkaimon looks like a bat girl, with long purple hair and red eyes.

This is a story about a Digimon even more powerful comes to taunt the kids.

Digimon Fan Fiction