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A New Evil:Chapter Two

A New Evil

by Cat Zimgirl

Darkspectramon's Decision

"Hi. Miki here. Last time on Digimon, Uchida and Sora were over at my house. I was trying to figure out how to use the digivice to get back to our own world. Finally, we tried calling Izzy. Uchida didn't want to interrupt his studies and we got in a big fight. Next thing we knew, we were rolling on the ground with laughter. And then, we all stopped laughing because an evil Digimon called Darkspectramon arrived! What do we do now?"

"Y-y-you look j-j-just like Myotismon, o-only f-female!" Miki stammered.

"Please," the Digimon pleaded, " don't ever compare me with that wretch of a brother. It embarrasses me so!"

"You're Myotismon's sister?" Sora exclaimed.

"That I am, Digi-brat," she replied, courteously bowing. "My name is Darkspectramon, and as I said before, I come to ANNIHILATE you digi-destined."

"You're not getting away with this," Uchida said angrily.

"Ooh. I am so scared!" Darkspectramon taunted. "Don't hurt me, oh great digi-destined! Hahahahahahaha!"

"Grrrrrr" growled Uchida through gritted teeth.

"Woof woof! Heeheehee!" the evil Digimon laughed. Sora was immediately at Uchida's side. Miki quickly joined them both. "Ooh, I am so frightened!" Darkspectramon placed one hand on her chest and waved the other in front of her face, as if to protect it. She then doubled over in convulsions of chilling laughter.

"You dare make fun of us?!" Tigramon asked coolly.

"Yes," Darkspectramon crouched so she could see the smaller Digimon in the eye, "as a matter of fact, I do dare make fun of you digi-pests." Another digimon suddenly appeared in the window.

"Missstresss," he hissed, "You called?"

"Yes, I did, Eckanmon. I want you to dispose of these-"she paused and gestured over at the three-"nuisances. But leave the others to me! Ahahahahaha!" And with that, the evil digimon left in a burst of freezing air.

"Lady Darkssspectramon will be sssso pleasssed with me! Ha!" and Eckanmon lunged at the three girls and their Digimon, fangs bared and glistening.


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