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A New Evil:Chapter Three

A New Evil

by Cat Zimgirl

Eckanmon's Defeat

"Hi. This is Sora. Last time on Digimon, This evil Digimon called Darkspectramon arrived. We found out she was Myotismon's brother. She made fun of us a lot until this snake-like Digimon appeared in the window. Darkspectramon ordered him to kill us and we have no time left!"

"Aaaa!" the three girls screamed as Eckanmon lunged toward them. Suddenly, he was knocked out of the way by a pink wing, orange and blue paw, and a long white tail.

"Saaaaaaah!" he bellowed as he tumbled toward the ground. Eckanmon was immediately back on his feet. He glared at the Digimon. "You'll pay for that, you goody-goodies! Ha!" and with that Eckanmon lashed out at the Digimon with the speed of sound!

Biyomon flew up just in time and flapped rapidly. "Spiral Twister, caw!" she yelled as a miniature green tornado erupted from her wings.

"Yeah, Biyomon!" Sora cheered.

"It's not over yet," stated Uchida. She stood erect and watched, apparently calm.

"Snake Fang Strike!" Eckanmon hissed as millions of poison-tipped arrows flew at them from his mouth.

"Aaaa!" Miki screamed.

"Miki, watch out!" Dracomon screamed. The digivice was activated and Dracomon began to digivolve! "Dracomon, digivolve to...Dragoniamon!"

"Ha!" Dragoniamon shouted as she used her gigantic foreclaw to swipe at Eckanmon.

"Watch out, Dragoniamon!" Miki yelled to her friend. She was startled when a comforting hand alighted on her shoulder. Miki turned around and saw Uchida standing over her.

Uchida smiled, "She'll be alright. I'm sure Dragoniamon can take care of herself."

Miki nodded acknowledgingly. "Mmhm," she said.

"Lets take this-" and Dragoniamon barreled toward Eckanmon. She made contact and they hurtled through the wall! "-outside!"

The three digi-girls and the two Digimon ran over to the gap to watch the scene.

Hey Digimon hey Digimon, monster friends for the boys and girls. Hey digimon hey Digimon, champions of the digital world.

"Icicle Crash!" Icicles flew from Dragoniamon's mouth and pinned Eckanmon to the ground.

Hey Digimon hey Digimon, monster friends for the boys and girls. Hey Digimon hey Digimon, champions of the digital wo-orld.

"You'll pay for this, digi-brats!" Eckanmon hissed as he teleported back to their castle.

"Big talk for a little snake!" Sora, Miki, and Uchida chorused as one! Dragoniamon digivolved back to Dracomon and flew into Miki's arms. Miki kissed the forehead of her little Digimon, causing her to blush.

"You're the heroine for the-"and Miki paused. It wasn't day anymore, so... "-night!" Everybody laughed as the problem for now was solved.

Digimon Fan Fiction