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Digimon NEWS!

Here you'll find all the news of Digimon and any miscellanous info on the TV show! And don't you worry, I will only put confirmed information here, unless it says that it's a rumor. Also, be warned there will be spoilers here.

November 24, 2012 I updated some dead links today in the links section, as a number of Digimon sites have dropped off the face of the earth once again. The old days seem to be disappearing.

March 19, 2000 Wow it's finally Spring Break! There's going to be Digimon02 out soon!!! Check my new updated links section for more info. There in spot #1 Piximon Digimon World, Digi-Vice or Digi Destiny, they give info on Digimon 02. That's Season two of Digimon, it's just coming out in Japan. The kids all look very different. The remaining digidestined that it focuses on is TK and Kari, the time frame is three years after. There are 6 digidestined in total but here's the twist. One of them is evil.

A lot of you have emailed me regarding the Mega Ultimate forms. I really can't answer the questions, we'll just have to see when the episodes start rolling out. I won't post the info up until I'm %110 sure that it is true. In the mean time you can check out what people said about the Megas and Ultimates. Here's what you wrote:

Gomamon-Marine Angemon"

"Yes...Digimon didn't want to get any flak on Angemon's ultimate level, Holy Angemon, so they changed it to Magnaangemon. I know for a fact that Angewomon's mega level is Magnadramon because it says so in the cards! Marineangemon is a form of Zudomon, according to the cards, and dosn't look a thing like Angemon. Plus, there's a digimon called Ladydevamon, the ultimate level of Devamon(Besides Myotismon).
Also, Venomyotismon and Lillymon never appeared in Tamogotchi toys. Megakabuterimon's mega form is Herculeskabuterimon, which I learned from the cards. Gaurdarmon's mega level is Phoenixmon (Hououmon is japan) and I don't know Lillymon's final form...Too bad. Plus...Numemon is in Champion form! NOoo! "

Here is what another said:
"Okay, here's what I know: Holy Angemon is Angemon's Ultimate. Also, Magna Angemon is Angemon's Utimate. How? Simple. In the japanese summeries I have(from episode 33-54, the last episode of season 1), his Ultimate is Holy Angemon. The Digimon DX toy says Magna Angemon. From this, I conclude that Magna Angemon is the americanized name for Holy Angemon. The other seven Ultimates we have seen. As for the Megas, there are possibilities. Holydramon has been said to be Gatomon's Mega, but the info for Season 2 shows that it is probably Nefertimon. Angemon's Mega is shown to probably be Pegasmon. As for the other six, we have seen Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon. Tentomon's Mega is probably Heraklekabuterimon, from the pendulum 1 version of the virtual pet. He is also known as Skull Kabuterimon, as in the e-mail below a few entries. Biyomon's Mega is probably Hououmon, or the alternate name for the same digimon, Phoenixmon, from pendulum 4. Pendulum 2 shows that Marine Angemon is probably Zudomon's Mega. As for Palmon, no idea. There is no possiblity shown that makes sense. Toei will probably make one up. That's my opinion, make of it what you like. But I can say that this info is probably the best available, except for what Toei Anime has. Oh, and one more piece of info: there's only one more episode for season 1 to be shown in Japan. Summeries for episodes 1-53 are available on Toei's site, and pictures are available up to episode 48. 49-53 have a black square with the words "Now Printing" on them. Unfortunatly, the summeries are all in Kanji, no english available.
-Rusty Leverett "

March 11, 2000 There a Dark Masters Digi-Thon on March 25!!! There will be the beginning Dark Masters episodes and a new episode. So stay tuned to FOXKIDS for that! I've been hearing a lot of controversy in Angemon Ultimate Form. Magna Angemon or Holy Angemon. Many people think it's Holy Angemon and his MEGA form is Magna Angemon. There is a form that many people have mentioned in emails and that is the MEGA forms. I do not know about this MEGA form. Once I find enough info, I will be posting it. Below is an email about this whole Angemon's Ultimate ordeal:

Let me clear some things up for you. I know that everyone is debating whether Angemon's ultimate level is Marine Angemon, Magna Angemon, Holy Angemon, or Holy Marine Angemon, but I know what it really is.

You are right when you say that his Ultimate level is Holy Angemon. And believe me when I say this because I have reliable sources. Magna Angemon is Patamon's mega digivolved form. And Marine Angemon ,also known as Marinengemon (I'm not quite sure yet.), is Gomamon's mega digivolved form. I know that they all digivolve to mega at least once. Tentomon's mega level is Devil Kabuterimon, Salamon's (Kari's Digimon) mega is Holydramon. Some say it's Holy Seadramon but it's not. The last one I know is Biyomon's mega level is Hououmon. There, that's all I know right now. I hope that I cleared all that up. I'm not absolutely sure how the angels get to their mega digivolved form, but I think that the prophecy is different when they are back in the digital world. Anyways, I hope that you can use that information. Bye

March 8, 2000. Alright the person in charge of all your Digimon Merchandise is none other than Nick Farmer! You can email him, regarding any Digimon Merchandise questions. His email is Alright new toys! Digidestined figures, transforming Agumon and Gabumon, Digimon plushes, Beanie Babies, New Mini Skateboards, Digimon yoyo. These are just some of the action figures that will be out: gomamon,palmon,biyomon,tentomon,gatomon,zudomon,lillymon,ikkakumon,wargreymon ,monzaemon,tyrannomon and metalgarurumon. Action figures that are out now that are new are: Kabuterimon, Birdramon, Monzaemon and Devimon.

Magnaangemon or Holy Angemon? To help you all I have an explanation... Holy Angemon is definitely the name of Angemon's Ultimate form in the Japanese show. But you know, translating it to English; the Japanese names seem to change. So many people have emailed me and asked me is Magnaangemon Angemon's Ultimate form? I'm not saying yes and I'm not saying no. But I have a strong feeling it is. Translating the Japanese show, they might have changed Holy Angemon to Magna Angemon. And here's a pic of him!

Now for the spoilers...You all might have an idea, but in episode 52 where the Digidestined all fight the Dark Masters...guess who is going to Digi-volve to his Ultimate level? You guessed it! Angemon!!! Magna Angemon will be Angemon's Ultimate form and he will defeat Piedmon. Season Two starts three years later after season one ends. There will be four new Digidestined in the group with their new Digimon, but here's the twist. One of them is evil. Thanks to Golden Kuwagamon and fjuska for your cool info!!!

March 3, 2000 This information I have will be rather old, but hey! Old news than no news eh? Anywayz, you have a Bi-Mart in your area, I suggest you go there. You can pick up a ton of Digimon trading cards there; as well as buying several of the figurine packs, which included Agumon, Koromon, Greymon, and others! They also had transforming figures! Thank you Jonathan H. for the info.

More news... Episode Guide for the upcoming shows on FOXKIDS!
"Whamon In The Deep, Silent Ocean" March 4
"Pinnochimon's Dangerous Game" March 4
"Jyuremon & The Forest Of Delusion" March 11
"Wargreymon Vs. Metalgarurumon" March 11
"Metaletemon Strikes Back" March 18
"Leomon, The Aloof Warrior, Falls" March18
"Mugendramon's Powerful Attack!" March 25
"The Collapse Of The City" March 25
"Piedmon, The Dark Noblemon" April 1
"Into The Darkness" April 1
"The Holy Warrior, Holyangemon" April 8
"The Final Battle" April 8
"The End Of Summer" April 15

The above show titles may not appear exactly as shown and the air times might be different, thank you for submitting these episode names.

March 2, 2000 Ok, ok I know I need to update the page, but please just give it time. It'll be slowly updated, hey I got a life too! Alright I uploaded all the new pics, so I'm hoping it'll show up. I will be posting Nick Farmer's email up, so if you have any Digimon toy questions, you can email him. He also found many action figures, I will post the info soon. Cause I don't have the info with me now. Next order of business, Season One of Digimon will be ending soon. The last episode of Digimon will be called "End of Summer" So if you still want to watch Digimon, tell FOXKIDS to buy the next seasons! Or Digimon as we know it will soon be gone!

For all you people that want to know what Angemon's Ultimate form is.....Okay people that don't want to know, just cover your eyes and don't read it. I've been receiving mail, and you guys just come up with the most unique names. First there was MarineAngemon, Holy MarineAngemon or Magnangemon. Where do you guys get this stuff? The truth is it's Holy Angemon. If you pay close attention to the Digimon intro song, you can see Holy Angemon. He will appear in the part with all the Ultimate forms flying behind the digi destined, pay close attentiont to the figure flying behind TK. It's no other than Holy Angemon. He seems to be loaded with armor!

Feb. 20, 2000 Alright I updated the Unofficial Digimon Domain, I hope you all like the beginning story.

January 9, 1999. Did you know you could go to to find a transforming Garurumon??? eBay is the big auction site, I guess you could just look at pictures. Thanks Nick Farmer for the info. If you want to look at some Digimon cards... " In , you go to auctions, trading cards, other, then go all the way to the bottom ad type in digimon. Once the screen has popped up you can click on the (show only photos) and just scroll threw them and find the cards you want and if you have an account you can bid on it. " Also want to know a place that sells cheap Japanese Booster packs? has them. Thank you Dustin Gary for the tips. There's a new Digimon game up at Foxkids Thanks Chris for the news. According to Garry Vath, Digimon World, the Digimon game for Playstation is going to come out on March 9, 2000. And not March 15, 2000; this is what Electronics Boutique says.

I wonder why FOXKIDS isn't airing any new episodes? Well don't worry, I hope they show the episodes soon. They are showing the more newer episodes, so I guess we can all catch up on all the missed episodes.

January 8, 1999. What more can I say?

Decmeber 30, 1999. Volume 1 of the Digimon Home Video Series is out. It features the first three episodes of the series. Thank you so much Thomas Ng!!!! Thanks for sending in all those 3D Pics of various Digimon!!!! THANKS!!!

December 29, 1999. I don't believe it, my grandpa did it again! Last year at his staff party, he won a computer writing pen recognizer. He gave it to me, cause he didn't have a computer. I didn't need to use it so I traded it in for a new computer. This homepage cannot be complete without my new computer's help. The old one just lacked a lot of stuff. This is year at the staff party, my grandpa is so lucky. He won a SCANNER!!!! And a cool, thin, USB cable, black SCANNER!!!!! It's cool. So now, expect to see some art work from your truly, or some original Digimon pics.

December 27, 1999. Thanks goes to Nick Farmer, he found a digi-volving Greymon at F A O Schartz in Chicago. He reports that it's an English version, it transforms and everythin. He also got some of the cards from Navy Pier. Thanks again, Nick Farmer.

December 26, 1999. I collected a lot of Digimon information, all courtesy of Grace. Visit her Digimon Website Here You all are probably wondering what is Gatomon's ultimate form? Well, you heard it here first! It is officially Angewomon! Yes, look out Angemon; now there's 2 ANGEL-MONS! For all of you that thought Gatomon's next stage was a giant lion-like Digimon with red stripes, Grace did not see this in the scripts. Angewomon does exist and on many Japanese pages. The following Ultimate forms are from the Japanese Digimon Series, their names might be different.


Angemon-??? (hasn't happened yet, if it ever will)

Episode 42 and so on, there are WARP forms of the digimon. So far only Garurumon and MetalGreymon can do it. Garurumon turns into MetalGarurumon. MetalGreymon turns into WereGreymon. The warp process happens when the Digi-Destined are fighting Myotismon. Gennai appears and tells them that there is a prophecy which says:

The Angels, will shoot arrows of light and hope, and a miracle will happen. The Angels are Angemon and Angewomon. They help Agumon and Gabumon to warp evolve into those forms. That only happens the first time, though. After that, they seem to be able to warp evolve at will, just as with any other evolution.

December 20, 1999. The magazine, Game Informer reported that "Digimon World" a Digimon game for the Playstation is going to hit North America on March 15, 2000. Digimon World is a RPG (Role Playing Game), just like the story line of Digimon. "Digimon World is for the Playstation and the company that made it is Bandai. So you play a character and you start off with a Koromon and you raise it well to fight other Digimon. You fight other Digimon to save the world and so forth. I will update on the game information soon, once I have enough information. So on March 15, 2000 look for Digimon World! Thank you chris for handing in this information. There's also a rumor that there's a Digimon game for Game Boy Color, so we'll have to see if this is true or not.

Sorry everyone. I misinterpreted the information. Here it is again. This time it's correct. In each pack of cards you get 6 normal non-foil cards and 1 silver-foil card. There are 34 regular cards. There is also a parallel set of cards which are identical except that they have silver foil. There are also 8 ultimate level cards randomly inserted into the card packs (They take out a card so you still get the same amount of cards). Chances of getting one of these are 1 card for every 11 packs bought. There are also 100 of each regular cards that are gold foil cards. They look like the silver foil cards except they have gold foil and the silver seal is gold. In addition there is a number beside the info like so, ie. Champion 30/100. Since there are 34 cards and 100 of each I assume that means there is a total of 3400 of these cards.

Oh and here's the checklist:
1. Selected Kids
2. Ready for battle! Rookies!! Rookie Digimon
3. Digivolve Champions!! Champion Digimon
4. Tai & Koromon *In-Training Digimon
5. Matt & Tsunomon *In-Training Digimon
6. Sora & Yokomon *In-Training Digimon
7. Izzy & Motimon *In-Training Digimon
8. Mimi & Tanemon *In-Training Digimon
9. Joe & Bukamon *In-Training Digimon
10. T.K. & Tokomon *In-Training Digimon
11. Agumon *Rookie Digimon
12. Gabumon *Rookie Digimon
13. Biyomon *Rookie Digimon
14. Tentomon *Rookie Digimon
15. Palmon *Rookie Digimon
16. Gomomon *Rookie Digimon
17. Patamon *Rookie Digimon
18. Kuwagamon *Champion Digimon
19. Greymon *Champion Digimon
20. Garurumon *Champion Digimon
21. Seadramon *Champion Digimon
22. Monochromon *Champion Digimon
23. Birdramon *Champion Digimon
24. Meramon *Champion Digimon
25. Kabuterimon *Champion Digimon
26. Togemon *Champion Digimon
27. Ikkakumon *Champion Digimon
28. Leomon *Champion Digimon
29. Ogremon *Champion Digimon
30. Devimon *Champion Digimon
31. Frigimon *Champion Digimon
32. Bakemon *Champion Digimon
33. Angemon *Champion Digimon
34. Cockatrimon *Champion Digimon
U1. Andromon *Ultimate Digimon
U2. Monsimon *Ultimate Digimon
U3. Etemon *Ultimate Digimon
U4. SkullGreymon *Ultimate Digimon
U5. Piximon *Ultimate Digimon
U6. MetalGreymon *Ultimate Digimon
U7. WereGarurumon *Ultimate Digimon
U8. MegaKabuterimon *Ultimate Digimon

December 19,1999. It's confirmed there are Digimon Cards out! Six cards in the pack with one silver foil cards in each one and a checklist card in every pack so you know which Digimon you already mastered.Your odds for getting even rarer cards are 1:11. There are also 100 of each regular card that has gold foil. That means there are 3400 of these TOTAL. Thank you Jason Wong for this information. There's also other Digimon merchandise like posters (laminated ones that have character poses), Ultimate Form posters that have the Digimon names in Japanese $5 and Digimon figurines (miniture and palm-sized).

Alright, you've been hearing it. And yes, it's true! There Digimon can digi-volve furthur than the Ultimate form! Some where in the story-line....there's gonna be something like a WARP. This WARP enables the Digimon to digi-volve furthur. Here's two for example....WEREGREYMON and METALGARURUMON.

December 13, 1999. I went to a mall here in British Columbia, Canada. And I saw Digimon cards. It's the same as Pokemon cards, still in a tin foil packaging. The picture packaging is the digi-destined with their digimon and the Digimon logo on top. I read that it has something like 6 cards and 1 holographic card in each pack. I didn't buy one, it cost about $4 CDN. In Japanese Stores like Sanrio, they carry Digimon toys, like the Agumon moving his hands or the Patamon moving his ears. If anyone bought the pack I was describing, email me and tell me how it is. In conclusion, THERE ARE DIGIMON CARDS OUT! THERE ARE DIGIMON TOYS OUT! THERE ARE DIGIMON VIDEOS OUT THAT COME WITH DIGIMON CARDS!

December 9, 1999. A translator of the show filled me up with the information about the show. If you want me to spoil it and tell you exactly what happens, email me! Alright, the Digimon toys don't come out til January/Feburary 2000! This whole week's Digimon are reruns.

December 7, 1999. From a new source, that says she's one of the translators of the show, told me some of the furthur evolutions of Togemon, Ikkakumon, Metal Greymon and WereGarurumon. She is in charge of translating the Japanese show to Saban to turn it into English.
I've read all the Japanese scripts because I work as the translator for Digimon at Saban. I just translate the show, though, I don't write the English scripts.... She is not sure, that the names will be the same. Like Tailmon to Gatomon. She also told me that Metal Greymon will evolve into Were Greymon. And WereGarurumon into Metal Garurumon. She got this information from the Japanese Show.

December 4, 1999. It is confirmed, the Digimon cards are in English! And you can get them and the videos in Zellers, BUT WAIT! My source says that it may not be in all provinces or states. He lives in Edmonton, Alberta CANADA! But then another of my sources says you can get them at Kidsport, she lives in Ontario. So try your luck and go find those Digimon cards! If you'd like to chek the cards out go to this website,

December 2, 1999. I got the following information from this email addy:
"While the card game is set to release sometime next year, there are digimon cards available. You can get 7 (the characters and their digimon) when you purchase the video. Also there are collectable trading cards you can buy right now (at least where I live). I've bought some and should have a page on my web site with the cards I've bought soon.

Nov.27/1999 Digi-athon were four of the previous episodes. "WereGarurumon's Diner", "Curiosity" ,"Princess Karoke", & "Sora's Crest of Love". Kari's Digimon is called Gatomon, but could Gatomon be on the good side ot the bad??? We'll see!

Nov.24/1999 Digi-athon is on FOXKIDS starting at 3:00 on Nov.26 this friday! There's like two hours of Digimon on. So remember to set up the VCR if you don't come home that early.

Nov.12/1999 Many people have been asking about Digimon trading cards. I personally I don't know EXACTLY when it's going to out. It's probably going to come out some time between Christmas and Spring2000. Meanwhile you can go to these sites, they have info on the trading card game
Info on the cards and the Digimon Playstation game

Also "Digimon" the Playstation game, where you raise your own Digimon is out in Japan. Not really sure if it'll be out in Canada or America. What the game actually is, is that you can play two players and battle your opponent's Digimon. You save your Digimon on your memory card and bring it to a friends' house to play. Or you can play one player and go on a RPG, you'll have an Agumon with you. You basically be Tai in the Digimon, TV show. More info at this site, which is the same one as above

Many people have been asking me if their's Digimon toys. Yes there is, but unfortunately some of them are in Japan. Just wait till they know Digimon's popular as Pokemon and they'll be sending LOADS of Digimon stuff here. All except the Digimon handhelds, if you want to know more about them, go to and type in Digimon. It'll give you a HUGE list of sites relating to the game. Anyways, the two sites I gave pretty well covers it, especially the first one. There's Digimon plush toys, talking figures and transforming figures.
Nice toys huh? This site has nice pics of Digimon toys....This site even lets you order them off the web!

Thank you Jonathan H. for his findings, he was over at the Saban website and asked about some Digimon figurines. This is what he found out:
"52 Digimon figures were to be made. They also informed me that these stores would carry them: Toys R Us, Walmart, K-Mart, Target, KayBee Toys, and FAO Schwartz." Thanks Jonathan!

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