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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please don't flame me! I only saw the series till when the Digidestine get back to their world with the cards. And I get confuse with the Digimon names, so don't get upset if I get them mix up.

In one of the early episodes in Digmon, when Devimon was a giant and was getting ready to destory T.K. and Patamon, he said that it was said that the smallest would destroy him. I thought about that part and I came up with this story. A story that takes place before the Digidestine come to Digiworld and about the person that told Devimon about the smallest that would one destory him.

Beautiful, graceful was what all thought when they look upon her. Her body was slim and slender and her skin was creamy white, like most Angemons, but she was not one. Her two long silk wings carried her along the air currents, giving her full control. She wore a cut off silk shirt revealing her middle and long pants. She wore small thin boots on her small feet, which she landed on. Golden blonde hair fluttered behind her, along with her many scarfs, like a cape.

No wonder many Digimon mistook her for an Angemon.

She was not an Angemon, nor an Angewomon and possibly not a Digimon at all. She knows not her species, but she knows she is the last of her kind.

Her anklets and armlets glittered gold in the sun as she walked on the beach of File Island. Her footsteps make not a sound as she walked nimbly over the sand, her wings folded behind her back.

There was only one misperfection of this heavenly creature. She was blind. A silk blindfold was binded around her head, covering her sightless eyes.

Even though she was blind, she had had many visions of the future and dreams of people she had never met. Some inner mind power guided her on her way to File Island to give news of her lastest vision.

She sensed the person she wanted to speak to up above on the Infinity Mountain. She thrusted her wings downward giving her a thrust upwards. She caught the wing and flew upward, allowing her mind to scan for a landing spot near her wanted person.

Unimon was drinking at a small stream mountain, near a cliff. His own drinking place that only he knew about.

She landed on the other side, almost not making a sound. Her wings folded behind her as she stood.

He lifted his head and greeted her, "Welcome to Infinity mountain of File Island, Oracle."

Oracle was her name. If she had had a different name, she knew it not and nor did anyone else.

"Thank you, dear Unimon." She said, her voice ranging out like crystals glittering. "Its a bright morning, is it not?"

"Yes, it is. But I do not believe that you have come all this way from Server to tell me good morning."

"Indeed, no. I had a vision about this island."

Unimon looked up, his face grim and his wings tense, as if reasy to fly if any trouble occurs.

"I am sad to say it is not all good." Oracle said. "Many years from now, an evil force will come and break the island. This evil's goal is to take over the Digiworld and all that live in it."

Is there a way to avoid this or stop it before it happens?"

"Nay. There is no way to stop it from happening, but seven very special human children will come by that time and save us all from all the evil in Digiworld. They will be known as the Digidestined."

Unimon stared at her in awe. "Centaurumon said that the ancient maze has spoken of seven children known as the Digidestined. Are they the same?"

"Yes. I believe so."

"Then I must spread the news."


"Will you still be here? I believe that Leomon will want to ask you a few questions."

"I suppose so, but I already told you all that I saw."

"I'll be back soon." He spread his wings and leapt off the cliff. His gray wings lifted him upwards and toward the sun.

Oracle cupped some water into her hands and sip water from them. She could still remember what water looked liked. It was clear, sometimes green and blue in the ocean.

Whenever she remember what something looked like, she remember the being that blinded her and took away her world of colors and the time her parents were still alive. They had called her a different name, but she could not remember it.

She remembered:

She was young then. Only four years old when she was standing on a high rock flapping her small wings vigoriously, trying to get airlift.

Mommy had told her to wait a few years until her wings grew bigger before she could learn to fly. Daddy had chuckled then and said his little girl was like him. She'll fly when she puts her mind to it.

Young Oracle wasn't sure what 'put her mind to it' meant, but she's still trying.

She jumped forward and fell onto the dirt, skinning her knee. She pushed herself up on her knees and blinked dirt out of her eyes.

"That was a nice try, kid."

She looked to behind her and saw a small Digimon that looked like a ball with wings. It had two small talons at the bottom and its large yellow eyes watched her.

"Who are you?" She asked turning around and sitting on the grass.

"Allow me to introduce myself." It said with a bow. "I'm Demidevimon."

She smiled, the strange creature seemed friendly enough. She looked at it's wings and asked, "Can you fly?"

"Oh, yeah. I can show you how its done, if ya want." Demidevimon said giving his wings a flap. "But we can't do it here. We have to somewhere better."

"Mommy doesn't want me to be far away."

"It isn't far and think about how your ma would be surprise to see you fly back home."

Young Oracle's widen as she imagine flying back to her mommy's arms and her daddy saying, 'that's my girl,' whenever she accomplish something good.


"Alright then, follow me!"

Demidevimon led her toward the east away from her home. She followed him across a river, through miles of forests and she was climbing up a mountain till she became afriad.

"I'm too far away from home!" She wailed stopping and sitting down. Her feet were sore and her small boots were worn out and dirty.

"No, you're not. It's seems far because you don't like walking. We've only been walking for ten minutes."

"Ten minutes?" She looked at the sky. The sun was setting and when she first started on this strange journey, it was bright in the sky.

"See, you're still too little to tell time. I know the sun is setting, but where we first met, the sun was still up in the sky. Here the sun is setting. Its a Time Zone thing, get it?"

Young Oracle slowly nodded her head, but still not understanding. "So mommy won't miss me?"

"She doesn't even know you're gone." Demidevimon said lying faster than a cobra strikes.

"Okay." She said standing ignoring her sore legs' protest.

He led her to a large dark castle. Her small blue eyes widen at the tall fortress. "Wow!"

"Neat, ain't it." Demidevimon said with a leer. "Wanna go inside?"


One hour later, she was sitting on the cold floor of a cold dungeon of the castle. Her so called 'friend' had led her to this dungeon and roughly shoved her in and locked the door. He laughed saying how stupid she was to believe him.

She whimpered and her small wings hugged around her giving her what warmth they could. She wanted her mommy and daddy to come and take her away from this horrible place. She whimpered and buried her face into her knees sobbing softly.

Footsteps echoed in the hall. She looked up. They sounded heavy. Daddy was coming to get her!

She wiped her tears away on her wing and watched the door expecting her father to come and lift her into his strong arms and fly her away from this room.

The footsteps stopped at the door. There was a jangling sound of keys and a loud click. The door swung open.

It wasn't her father.

This person was tall, almost taller then her daddy. He wore a red mask and a large long cape was drapped over his shoulders. His skin was a grayish pale color.

He frightened her.

He took long strides to her and knelt onto one knee near her. He still tower over her small body.

A large hand stroke her hair as she trembled. She said, in almost a horse whisper, "I want my mommy and daddy."

His chuckle echoed throughout thedungeon, chilling her to the bone. "I'll take you to your 'mommy and daddy' soon, child."

Yound Oracle knew she should feel happy from what he said, but how he said it, made her feel much more scared.

To her horror, his hands lifted her off the floor and he stood. His cloak wrapped around his body and her. Her small head pressed against his chest as he walked out of the dungeon.

She struggled against his grip. His hands tighten around her and she was still. His hands were cold and there was a foreboding evil about them. Like they would be happy to wring her neck and worse.

She struggled to peek through his cloak and caught a glimspe of a giant Devidramon connected to a large carriage. It snorted and moved its wings meanancely. She gasped with fright and looked away. Her captor stopped suddenly.

"My lord Myotismon, we have found no traces of the traitor, Devimon." A high pitch voice said from below. Young Oracle took a quick peek and saw a small kitty speaking. "I'll take a crew and search near the beach. He was last seen heading out toward the oceans to the northeast."

"Don't bother, Gatomon. Once I get this child's parents to serve me, then he won't matter anymore."

"Yes, my lord."

So Myotismon was her captor's name. He entered the carriage, and she felt it move as the Devidramon took flight.

The cloak uncovered her and she was sitting on his lap. His hand touched her chin and made it tilt up to his face.

"You look so much like your mother when she was younger." He said with a devilish smile.

Young Oracle blinked her eyes to blink away the tears. Daddy has always told her that if there was something that was frightening her, then she must never show she was afraid, or it will take advantage of that. But she had a feeling that Myotismon could still feel her fear, even if she hid it and he seemed pleased by it. A small sobbed escape her lips, and his smile grew wider.

" need to be afraid of me....yet." He said. "I know your parents. Your father and I were friends once."

Young Oracle had the feeling that they weren't friends anymore. Then she found herself asking, "Were you friends with mommy, too?"

"Yes." He said with an amused grin. "As I said before, you look so much like your mother. Your mother is a beautiful creature. Perhaps, you'll be like her when you grow up." He chuckled and leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "That is, if your parents are willing to cooperate with my plans."

Her forehead tingled from the kiss. She rubbed it, his lips felt so cold. Whatever he wanted, it wasn't good and he is willing to hurt her to get it.

"Here we are!" Said a voice.

She noticed for the first time Demidevimon was sitting across from them. She glared at him, her blue eyes narrowed.

Myotismon carried her out of the carriage. It was dark now, way past her bedtime. She looked around and saw her parents.

They were standing not far away, alert and ready for battle.

Her father stood, his wings spread to their full 14 feet wingspan. He wore golden armor matching his shimmering golden wings. His fair hair was tugged by the breeze. He held his sword menacingly at Myotismon.

Her mother stood beside her father. Young Oracle always thought her mother was the most beautiful creature alive. Her long golden hair was always pulled back into a ponytail and her silver wings glittered in the moonlight as they were spread to their 9 feet wingspan. She held a whip at her side.

Her father spoke first. "Myotismon, release my daughter now!"

Her captor smiled devilishly, sending chills down her spine. "Now, now, Arlen. You don't want the darling here to get hurt, do you."

"Please, don't!" Her mother called desperately. "She had nothing to do with this."

"What do you want from us?" Arlen demanded.

"I want you to serve me. I want you to give me the power to see all and know all."

"That's impossible! You know as well as I do, that that kind of power can only be used by our people!"

"What people? You are the last of your kind. Who will enforce the rules that you so foolishly live by? I gave you a chance long ago, but refused. Now I'm giving you one more chance. Join me, and the universe will be ours."

"You mean yours!" Arlen yelled. "I know you. I pity the Digimon that serve you. You've blinded them with with lies and false promises of wealth and power, but they get nothing but slavery and misery. Are you foolish to think that I will trust you after you betrayed me years ago."

"No, you are the foolish one. You've rejected power and riches just to live like a peasant when you can have so much more!" Myotismon hissed. "I'm giving you one last chance to join of your own free will. Join me and become more than what you are now or die."

"We rather die than join you." Sirena, Young Oracle's mother said softly.

"So be it!" Myotismon set Young Oracle on the ground. "Demidevimon, watch her and make sure she doesn't get away."

"Sure thing, boss!" Demidevimon said.

Myotismon turned to her parents. "It really came down to this, eh? We used to be such good friends."

"We were friends." Arlen said softly. "But the friend I knew died that day your greed for power became dangerous."

"Enough, let's go!'

Arlen swung his sword and yelled.

* Crsytal Shards *

A large crytal shard was shot toward Myotismon. he held his arms out toward the shard.

* Grisly Wing *

Millions of bats flew from his cape and into the shard breaking it into pieces. They flew about Arlen and Sirena, tangling their hair and plucking their feather from their wings.

"Get back!" Sirena screamed. She snapped her whip causing several to freeze into ice. She turned to Myotismon.

* Ice Whip *

The tip of her whip turn into a cold blue color, ready to turn anything it touched to ice. Myotismon's cloak came up and blocked the hit. He retiliated with a punch to her stomach. Her mother keeled, clutching her stomach and kneeling at his feet.

Yound Oracle could bear it no longer. She ran forward toward her mother, ignoring Demidevimon's angry shouts.

He cackled loudly at her. Arlen flew forward enraged. His sword held high ready to cut Myotismon in half.

* Crimson Lightening *

A shot of red lightening, shot through Arlen's chest. Blood spurted from the wound and dripped from his mouth. He fell back mortally wounded.

The red lightening streaked in front of Young Oracle, it's red light shone into her eyes burning them. She screamed and fell forward rubbing her eyes.

Sirena screamed as she watch her mate bleed to death and her child wounded in front of her eyes. She felt strong hands grab her slender shoulders and she stared into the terrifying face of Myotismon.

"Now, what should I do with you?" He asked as he snatched her whip from her hand and tossed it out of her reach.

Sirena stared into his cold blue eyes, then she was wrapped inside his cloak. The last thing she felt in the last moments of her life were two small sharp pins piercing her neck.

Later, Myotismon licked away a small trickle of blood from the corner of his lip. At his feet was a dead Sirena. Her skin was deathly white and her eyes were glazed. Two small puncture marks were on her neck and drops of blood escape from them.

Myotismon chuckled and nudged the body with his boot. "Too bad her mate was too stubborn to join me. It would have been nice to see her beauty more often, but then again, I wouldn't have had such a tasty meal."

"Her hubby ain't doing so good either." Demidevimon said motioning to a dead Arlen nearby. He had bled to death from the wound.

"No matter. He was a fool anyway. We still have their child, do we not?"

"Oh yes. She's right other there."

By this time Young Oracle was waking up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. They hurt a lot. She opened them and kept blinking. She couldn't see anything. It was as if her eyes were closed, but she knew they were open. She stood and took a step before stumbling over a rock and falling forward flat on her face. She couldn't catch herself with her hands.

"What's wrong with her?"

She turned to where she heard the source of the voice, but she could only see darkness. She heard footsteps coming toward her.

"Gee, I don't know."

She felt a finger touch her eyelash and she blinked and turn away.

"She's blind, you idiot!!!" A deep voice yelled. There was thud as something hit another object and few bumps were that object hitting the ground several times.

A voice grumbled. "It mustav been your Crimson Lighten. Hurt the kid's eyes, I suppose."

"Then she's useless! How can she see the future if she is blind!?"

"Want me to take care of her?"

"No, leave her. She's not worth the trouble anymore. Let's go."

"See ya later, kid."

And they were gone.

"Mommy, daddy? I...I can't see! Mommy! Please, it's so dark! I'm scared. Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?"

It was fortunate she was blind. Then she would have seen her parents dead on both sides of her. Leaving her alone to the darkness.

A small tear escape the blindfold around her eyes. She wiped it away and sighed. The joke was on Myotismon then. She could still see her visions despite her handicap.

She gently touched the whip at her hip. It was her mother's, the same one she had use to try to save her baby, but died trying.

Oracle dismiss the thoughts from her mind. It was not good for the soul to dwell on terrible memories. She splashed water on her face to cool her down. It was a bright morning and she was feeling hot.

She stood and walked at the edge of the cliff, keeping a hand on the rocks so she shouldn't leave the side. She had to find the other being that she had come. On the way to File Island, she had had another vision.

Her visions were for all. It wasn't right to keep a vision from the one that had the right to know. She had to find Devimon.

She could feel his presence on Infinity Mountain. She flapped her wings and jumped off the cliff and began to climb higher.

She remembered his name from before. It made her feel uncomfortable to be approching something from her past, back when she could see.

She landed on the top at a small castle like structure. If she could see, she would have thought it looked Roman.

She started toward it. Her boots kicking up dirt and dust. It clung to the bottom of her wing making them look dingy.

"Stop where you are."

She stopped at the voice. She touched her whip, ready to use it just in case. "I have a message for you if you are Devimon."

Devimon appear from the shadows of the rocks nearby. His red eyes glared at her back. "Message? If you are from Myotismon, then you have met your final day."

"No, I have nothing to do with Myotismon. I had a vision about you."

"Vision?'re that Oracle creature." He glared at her. "Turn around."

She turned to the sound of his voice. Her hand still on the whip's handle.

He studied her from top to bottom. From the toes of her boots to the tips of her wings. "I see that you are the so-call seer."

"So-called? I believe that my visions have always came true." Oracle replied stiffly.

"Perhaps. What is your vision of me?"

"I had a vision earlier before yours. I saw you breaking this island into pieces and turning good Digimon into evil monsters in your quest for ruler of the world. But then I saw seven children, the Digidestined come and save the island. On the way to share my vision with the inhabitants of this island, I had your vision. I saw the smallest of the Digidestined destory you."

She felt a large hand with incredibly long fingers wrap around her small throat.

"You lie! Wench!" Devimon snarl as he lifted her off her feet. Her wings spread and she kicked her feet to get free.

"If I'm a 'so-call' seer, then you shouldn't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid!" He snapped throwing her down.

She fell onto her side, brusing her shoulder. She sat up on her knees and rubbed her shoulder. "I may be blind, but I can still sense your fear."

He snapped slapping her across her beautiful face. Her head was knock to the side, but she turned it back to face Devimon bravely.

"Don't blame me. I'm only the messenger." Oracle said strongly.

"Go! Leave me!" Devimon said. "Get out before I scar your beautfiul face for life."

"Scar me if you want. It matters not to me. I can't see it no more than you can see the truth of my message."

Devimon slahed out with his claws, but Oracle expected that. She leapted into the air and her strong wings took her further upwards. She took flight and headed east, away.

Devimon watched her leave thoughtfully. He strongly admired her spirit and beauty. Too bad she was for good instead of evil.

She must be that brat that Myotismon wanted to capture before he left his services long ago. So the stories are true, Myotismon did blind her.

Now about her message? He tried to dismiss her words, but it kept nagging at his mind. How could the smallest destroy him?

He didn't know, but Oracle's visions had ways of coming true. Well, this will be one vision that will not come true. He would see to that. Preparation was all he needed to avoid that.

He took one last look at Oracle's fading form with a strong longing to fly by her side, then he went inside his fortress. He had a few plans he wanted to change.

Oracle landed near a lake, surrounded by trees. She dipped her hand into the water and splashed it onto her shoulder, easing the pain.

She waded into the water, knee deep and washed the dust and dirt from her wings. Devimon had a nice voice, she remarked. It told her he was strong, determine to follow his goals, and cunning. Too bad he was for evil instead of good.

She flicked her wings several times to shake the water out of them. She brought her left wing around and she smoothed the feathers out.

She had to find Leomon and answer his questions. She'll stay on the island a few days and rest after the long flight and her encounter with Devimon. Maybe she could catch a ride on Whamon, if she finds him.

She waded out of the water and sat down at the shore to let her wings dry a bit before flying. It wasn't good to fly with wet wings.

The sun was setting, making the sky a bright orange and red. She could feel the air getting cool as the sun was setting.

Oracle's body tensed as she had another vision. She saw swirls of light with her sightless eyes. She saw seven creatures coming to this lake with seven Digimon. They were like her, except more heavy and wingless. The Digidestined. They'll come to this lake when they come.

The vision disappeared and she smiled. They will come soon and one day she will meet them.

The End

Digimon Fan Fiction

Unofficial Digimon Domain