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Overshadowed III [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Overshadowed III

The moon was eleven twelfths of the way covered when they reached the top. Emily and Myotismon were already at the top, much to the surprise of the other Digidestined.

Seeing her former master, Gatomon gasped.

"You have nothing to fear, Gatomon. I now know how you felt, waiting for Kari. For I am the ninth Digimon," Myotismon said in a soft voice, not at all evil. Gatomon almost gave a sigh of relief. Pulling out the Crest of Faithfulness, he said (again softly), "Now is the time for you to regain what was once lost. Here is your crest, of Faithfulness."

With that, he handed it to Ymparshthu. It seemed to glow a little as Emily took it from her Digimon.

But still, Sora was not there, and the moon's face was rapidly being covered. In less than two minutes, it would be completely hidden-and, if Sora was not there, than the ninth Digidestined would never become fully one.

When there was about thirty seconds left, Myotismon hung his head. "I was sorry then, and am sorry now, for what I did. She did nothing, nothing! Why did I attack? Why must I be this way?"

"It's not your fault," said Emily, comforting him. "It's not your fault that you are like this. Don't be ashamed of who you are."

Ten seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds, seven, five, four, three . . .

And suddenly, there she was, standing tall and proud in the moonlight. Her hair blew a little in the wind . . .

Two seconds . . .

Emily held up her hand, with the Crest of Faithfulness in her palm.

Myotismon moved closer, as if to protect her from anything that might come when the moment of truth arrived.

One second . . .

The crest glowed with a dark, yet piercingly bright, light, and her Digivice-which was attached to a belt loop at Emily's waist-started to beep.

Suddenly, the last and brightest rays of moonlight streamed down from the night sky, as if they were spotlight beams fixing themselves on Emily Ono and her Digimon. The crest glowed even more, and the Digivice was beeping louder than ever. And suddenly, when it became too bright to bear, Myotismon stood side-by-side with Ymparshthu. They stood there for a moment, two incredibly bright figures in an even brighter pool of light, and suddenly, they were gone-vanished into thin air.

For a moment, they were all blinded by the light which was now gone. But, when their eyes had once again adjusted to the darkness, they noticed that Ymparshthu and Myotismon were gone. There was no trace of them left, only the memory of that last moment in the moonlight.

Just then, Mimi started crying. "Why did the go, and where to?" she sobbed. "They just vanished . . ."

"There, there, now, Mimi," said Sora, patting her on the shoulder. Then, as she looked at the night beyond, she whispered, "They are where they belong, wherever that may be."

Emily Ono and Myotismon found themselves standing in a bright place in the Digiworld. Neither one of them were dazed, and they both remembered this place . . .

"This was where I lived before the Dark and the Light broke their unity," said Emily, looking around. "And this is home."

Digimon Fan Fiction