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The Past 1

The Past

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon or anything related to it. I want to thank Saben in advance for realizing this and not sueing me.

This fanfic occurs right after "New Guy or is it an Old One?" as in minutes afterward.

late night: the digidestind and Goli sit around a campfire talking

Tai: so you said that you and a couple others were here first right?

Goli: Yes I did.

Tai: well no offense but the description you gave us was kinda short do you think you could give us more of the story?

Goli: ok, its been a while though and it isn’t exactly short but bear with me.

Goli: I’ll begin with something’s I have observed. In my original group there were only five of us. Also I notice that your group seems more "hand picked" to fulfill different aspects needed to survive in the digiworld. Ours however was more random of a choice. We lacked the leadership that you all seem to have. Also just by observing your interactions I have noticed that you and your digimon’s personalities seem to either emulate or contradict each other or add a certain element. In short When paired you seem to create a "Happy Medium" We however seemed to have been paired with the Digimon that duplicated our personality and that tended to create an "overkill" Of that particular trait. So what I’m trying to say is that the "powers that be" in the Digiworld that brought us here realized they/it would need to be more careful in their/it’s selection. Not that we were and awful group its just we could have been much better. Well here goes.


When It All Began

It started out at camp Tiowanus (Author note: I know that’s not the name of the camp I just don’t have the ability to go and look to see if they even show it. Tiowanus just sounds better than not giving it a name at all.) I don’t remember the date because time gets meaningless when you are now in a place where they days aren’t even the same length as your home world.

It began when for some reason we got lost hiking from our cabin to the mess hall for dinner one night. We all knew the way like the backs of our hands but for some reason whatever route I took lead me back to the lake shore. Then after I tried to leave a couple of times I decided to rest and wait for it to get lighter until I tried going back.

Then other people started showing up. There was John he was a youth counselor for the camp but he was so unsure of himself that nobody ever listened to him. Then there was Ashley who was a camper who wasn’t thrilled with being there. She had to go because her parents had a long business trip and it would be safer to send her to a summer camp then to have her stay at home. She was with her twin brother who’s name nobody could pronounce so we all just called him Zeek. He was there for the same reason she was but he had a better attitude about it. Actually his attitude was a little too happy because he was supposed to be taking pills but he only brought enough for a one week long summer camp, so he ran out after a short time in the digiworld. The last to show up was Toya and she was the more athletic out of all of us.

We all tried to get our bearings. John actually had a flashlight but for some reason it wasn’t working. So while he fiddled with that and the rest of us talked about what we should do we had the same experience with the digivices falling out of the sky and the tidal wave that you guys did. The only difference was that our digivices being older were larger and bulkier. They also came with a Tag. I guess your didn’t because that devimon guy hid them.

Anyway after that I remember waking up in a location several miles from here (we started out here we didn’t have to cross an ocean or anything) then I met Tnepresmon but he was in his Snakemon stage. He looked like a somewhat head except he had like a 6 inch tail.

We then walked around a bit and one by one found the other people who were sucked here with me. There was John who had met Retemon who would later digivolve to Hydromon. Ashley was with Thgilmon who would later digivolve to Auramon. Zeek found Telamon who would later digivolve to Kenettamon. Toya was paired with Kcumon who later digivolved to Thgimon. They all had the same basic "talking head" look but with different eyes, ears and tails and such. Over time what exactly they looked like became cloudy to me so that’s as good of a description as I can give.

when they evolved they got distinctive attacks instead of the basic "bubble" attack. You probably already noticed that tnepresmon has "Poison Sting" which attacks the enemy with a acidic fluid. Hydromon had "Ocean Crusher" it was a sphere of water shot at his opponent. Auramon had "Light Beam" which was a beam of laser light shot from it’s eyes. Kenettamon Attacked with "Psychic Shower" which greatly confused enemies to the point where they could accidentally fall off of cliffs. Thgimon Used "Power Hit" an attack where it would actually dive forward and deal hits with its feet and hands to the opponent.

We didn’t get attacked by a digimon straight off like you did we just got aquatinted with our surroundings and our digimon evolved just because of the proximity to us over time. Your evolution due to the need of it may have given you a head start. Not to seem paranoid but the fact that Kuwagamon attacked you the moment you got here does seem rather suspicious as if someone wanted you to get on with it right away. We were a rather disorganized group at first since none of us had any real leadership qualities. After a while we tried a kind of democratic way of doing things but nobody ever agreed on things like which way to go and such. so eventually we started only going places when we had a reason to.

So a couple days later we heard some strange noises coming from the nearby woods and went to investigate. That’s where we had our first confrontation with a digimon. Kenettamon identified it as Monocromon and then against its peaceful nature it attacked us. All of the Digimon attacked it but that just distracted it long enough for everyone to run away. It found us a couple minutes later and when it charged then Thgimon digivolved to kcattamon and with its "Turbo Fist" attack it defeated Monocromon. After it was hit a strange dark cloud came from its mouth before it fainted. We would have looked into it but we all wanted to get away before that thing woke up again.


TK: Matt I’m tired

Saura: I think we all are.

Tai: Maybe we should hear some more of the story later ok?

Goli: (Yawns) Sounds good even I was about to start nodding off.

They all go to sleep and leave the story to be finished another time.

Hi its me the Author again. Did you noticed I didn’t describe the new digimon yet? Well I can’t do everything! That’s why I want to hold a contest! If you like the story and want to help shape it you can draw a picture of what you think the digimon or person looks like and send it to "" If I choose your picture I will show it in the next fanfic I write after I get it along with your name and a link to your web site (if you have one) so don’t forget to include those in your email! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I’d suggest sending something because otherwise I will have to draw them myself and REALLY can’t draw! But if you force me to I will.

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