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The Past Part 2

The Past Part 2

Goli wakes up and remembers where he is and how he got there. He approaches Izzy who is keeping watch and tells him he is going down to the stream to wash up. Izzy acknowledges him without even looking up from his laptop. Tnepresmon follows him quietly.

Goli: Well do you think we can trust them?

Tenepresmon: and how did you know I was here?

Goli: Its been over a year and you still think you can sneak up on me. Well? Can we trust them?

Tnepresmon: So far we don’t have a reason not to.

Goli: Well while that is true we don’t exactly have a reason to trust them either.

Tnepresmon: Look at it this way. There are 14 of them and 2 of us..... If they wanted to do something to us they would have already.

Goli: that may not be true.

Tnepresmon: Oh? And why is that?

Goli: I don’t know maybe we intimidate them. After all they probably know that after so much practice you are an above average fighter but they don’t know how above average.

Tnepresmon: Maybe we should give them the benefit of the doubt.

Goli: Maybe our groups weren’t so different.

Tnepresmon: And what do you mean by that?

Goli: What I said about personality’s contradicting and emulating each other. Now that I have looked at it from an observers perspective maybe we were the same way.

Tnepresmon: You were right about the leadership part. We lacked that and it was our downfall and the "powers that be" saw that and fixed it.

Goli: The question is should we trust whatever brought us here? Geni denied having anything to do with it but he knew too much about us. I always had the feeling he was just using us for his dirty work.

Tnepresmon: Maybe if you were a little less paranoid......

Goli: That’s the point I’m trying to get to. I’m paranoid but you aren’t! You trust others it’s in your nature! I didn’t say this to them but for those first couple of days I tried to stay as far away from you as possible! You didn’t suspect anything from it you just patiently waited for me to get over my meaningless fear of snakes (especially ones your sise that talk) until I was ready to accept things. That’s how we form a "Happy Medium" and if you look for it so did the others!

Tnepresmon: I was wondering when you’d notice that..... I just didn’t think it would take so long.

Goli: You figured that too?!?! How long?

Tnepresmon: From the start. You were to busy trying to see the flawed relationships that you looked in the wrong places. You looked for emulation instead of contradiction and vice-versa. Now that there is a completely different group and they haven’t affected you too much you can take an outsiders perspective. That’s why they never noticed it in their group and you never noticed it in yours...... There’s also another difference between us.

Goli: What’s that?

Tnepresmon: You talk a lot.

Goli: I have to catch them up on a lot of things.

Tnepresmon: If you say so..... We’d better head back. If any of them is nearly as paranoid as you are they will wonder what we are up to.

They head back just as the group is starting to wake up. After a short breakfast they are ready to move on to part two of the story.


After escaping the Monocromon we started to make plans for what to do next.

John: We should probably try to find out exactly where we came in and wait there until someone at the camp finds out how to open it.

Ashley: What? We came in through a tidal wave! That’s not exactly something you open and close!

Zeek: Calm down a little so the rest of us can think about this ok?

Goli: Besides if we stand still we have a better chance of something in here finding us. I’m not looking forward to another encounter with that rhino thing!

Toya: Maybe we should try to find a way out instead of waiting around the way we came in.

John: Sounds better than our other options.

Eventually we agreed to start exploring. We decided to head to the mountain because it was the only landmark other than the occasional fields we found. We hiked until it was dark and we had to set up camp. we could light a fire back then because Auramon could focus an intense beam of light on a piece of wood until it caught on fire. Sort of like what you can do with a magnifying glass. We spent most of that night finding out what plants were safe to eat.

The next morning we began to go look for a water source. Hydomon was able to find a freshwater lake rather quickly. We should have thought that since it was the only water for quite a distance we wouldn’t be the only ones coming for a drink. It wasn’t long before several digimon called Numamon showed up. They looked a lot like slugs. They usually aren’t dangerous except when they are in large numbers. And there were quite a few of them. We managed to avoid them rather well but then after a while they had us surrounded. As they began to close in Auramon digivolved to Flashmon who used a couple of intensely bright attacks to drive them off.

Now I think it may be better to compress the story a bit because repeating the evolutions like this gets repetitive. After we had battled with several monsters and our Digimon had gotten rather strong we had reached the base of the mountain this Geni thing told us about the overlord that lived there who was causing the hostility of all the digimon that attacked us. He told us that to restore peace to the land we would have to destroy him. Its name was Nightmon and it was planning to rule both of the worlds. In your case evil Digimon were wreaking havoc in the real world because of the trouble here it was causing severe ecological disaster the likes of which hadn’t been seen in many years. I don’t know if what we did helped but I hope it did.

When we came to the mountain we discovered it was really a Gigantic fortress. When we approached it must have detected us somehow but we were attacked by several of his minions. He said that they were the previous Warriors sent to destroy him and they now serve him so if we didn’t want to end up like them we should turn back. We were too far already and the monsters weren’t exactly going to let us leave so we had to fight. All of our Digimon Digivolved and began to fight the monsters that had appeared. Every time we downed one it would exhale the familiar black mist that the others had but it didn’t go away this time it stayed and formed a growing cloud of darkness. Then after a short while of fighting the could began to condense and take on the features of each of our Digimon. Then the dark misshapen monster it had become began to attack us.

The monster tried to possess one of my friends but it was driven out. It seems that all of the previous things sent to fight him were the strongest monsters that could be found but not the smart ones. Our intelligence was needed to stop him from taking control of us.

However when it wounded Flashmon to the point where it lost consciousness it was able to take control of it. Eventually it came down to just me and the others were either under its control or to badly wounded to fight. But While Reliomon covered me I gathered the digivices and transferred their power to my digivice through the link at the top. This turbo charged reliomon and weakened the digimon he had taken control of but it was still difficult to defeat Nightmon.

Just before we both blacked out Reliomon made one last attack that was more powerful than any of the others he made before. The monster lost its ability to hold its shape and control our Digimon so it dissolved back into a cloud. In its rage it unleashed a final attack that caused the fortress to crumble and fall down on top of us.

It wasn’t fast but we were all to weak to run fast enough to get away. I was closer to him so I was hit before the others and I knew there was no way I could go back and help them.

Reliomon turned back to Tnepresmon and fainted during it. I was about to pass out from the continuing force of the attack but I saw it was creating a tear in the fabric of the Digiworld and since I didn’t know up from down it was the only place that looked like somewhere to go so I grabbed Tnepresmon and dove through it. I ended up in the same place but at a different time.

When the battle happened the area was a forest but when I exited the rift I was in a very different forest and the trees were taller, but other landmarks were mostly the same. Also the fortress was gone and judging by the area it had been gone a long time.

After that I’ve been wandering around here for almost a year in earth time. During that time I did find a crest to go with my tag. It won't go in though, its too large. It was odd because that was a place that we had passed several times before but for some reason in the future it had our 5 crests in it. I have all of them with me but I don’t know what I’ll be able to use them for.


Izzy: So your from the past but you were transported here by a rift in the digiworld. Interesting.

Tai: Well if you want to I don’t see any reason why you can’t come along with us.

Goli: It would probably be better to have strength in numbers so I guess I’ll tag along.

The next morning.

Once again separate from the group Goli and Tnepresmon talk.

Tnepresmon: What’s bothering you this time?

Goli: what do you mean?

Tnepresmon: something’s bothering you I can tell these things.

Goli: I’ve just been thinking more, and more over the past couple of days.

Tnepresmon: About what? Are you still worried about them (gestures to still sleeping group.)

Goli: Maybe, you never know about these things. but its not that.

Tnepresmon: I have about 3 dozen other reasons I could guess at, but I think it would be better if you just told me the right one.

Goli: I just don’t feel very useful. Now that I’ve been analyzing my life to tell it to someone else I just seem to sit off in some corner while you go fight something.

Tnepresmon: Your the whole reason I digivolve. Isn’t that enough?

Goli: Is that all I am though? "The carrier of the Digivice"?

Tnepresmon: You are so quick to diminish yourself! Didn’t I tell you that we share an essence? Have you ever woken up before me? After me? Of course there’s the occasional time when you get knocked out but I barely remain awake when that happens and I’m certain its the same for you. Haven’t you noticed that when the fighting is over you are more tired than I am?

Goli: well I guess I haven’t.

Tnepresmon: Have you ever cringed when I get hit during a battle? Compared to most Digimon you humans have an amazing amount of energy and also a great deal of pain and injury tolerance.

Goli: Wait, do you mean your pain gets sent to me in a battle?

Tnepresmon: I don’t try to! it just works that way. Other wise I would faint in like 10 seconds! We aren’t designed to have this much energy or to stand up to that much despite our appearance so we draw it from out partners. You said earlier that I cant sneak up on you anymore, when was the last time I could sneak up on you?

Goli: Well.......... I don’t know.

Tnepresmon: I haven’t. That’s because you can tell when I’m around. Have you notice that some of the things I catch have ears larger than their heads?. Do you really think you would stand a chance at hearing me?

Goli: well I guess you have a point. Have you always known about this stuff? why don’t you tell me?

Tnepresmon: Its better that you figure it out on your own. but if it takes you this long every time I’m seriously considering telling you the other stuff in advance.

Goli: What other stuff?

Tnepresmon: Never mind

Goli What other stuff!?!

Tnepresmon: oh look..... they’re starting to wake up, we’d better head back.


Tnepresmon slithers back to camp chuckling softly and Goli quickly stops trying to chaise him. Instead he goes over to talk to the others

Izzy. Goli do you think you could remember the location of that battle?

Goli: I think so. why?

Izzy: I want to take some samples of the area to see if I can find out exactly what happened during the attack. A tear like you described would be interesting to study.

Goli: That may be a good idea unless you guys were going somewhere else before I came.

Matt: Look around (indicates to forest) Doesn’t look like we’re going anywhere to me.

Goli uses his knowledge of the area to guide the group through areas of the forest. They continue to travel until they get close to the area where he indicates that the whole thing took place.

Goli: something is wrong here.

Tnepresmon: What’s that?

Goli: those trees (points to a area of forest) Shouldn’t they be taller than when we were last here?

Tentomon: (flies over and examines top of tree) No it seems there’s been something eating trees here a while ago. Some flying digimon do that they take the entire top off of a tree for a meal!

Goli: but couldn’t that mean...... they walk more.

TK: I don’t think I’ve seen anything like that rekcohsmon before.

Goli: That’s not unlikely. The only other time I’ve seen one was.......... (stops walking)

Tai: This could make things difficult.... it looks like some copycat rebuilt the castle over there. We may have to deal with something new.

Goli: (Thinking then looks up) copycat is the wrong word, so is RE-built.

Goli takes off at a run toward the direction they were going.

Tai: Hey wait up!!!

The digidestined slow down as they notice sounds of a battle coming from near the fortress. Goli continues to run but gestures for them to stop with him behind a large rock far from the action. His digivice begins to beep and it shows 5 dots positioned at the distant battle, A couple of the dots begin to grow dim.

Goli: (speaking quietly) I should have seen this coming! The only other time we saw a Rekcohsmon was while we were making our approach on the fortress a couple days before the attack..... and didn’t finish the battle so it ran off. That was the first time Tnepresmon Digivolved and he was the one to fight it. that’s why that one that went after us a couple days ago had such a grudge. It was the same one and to it the battle happened hours ago.

Tnepresmon: What are you trying to say?

Goli: The rift didn’t send us forward in time! Now we need to be quiet. They seem to be waiting for the correct moment. Goli tells the others not to interfere. Then he breaks off at a dead run toward the sounds of battle. Tai takes out his mini telescope and looks where he’s going.

Tai: There are other people out there and they’re fighting that cloud thing he told us about. Wait (Adjusts knob) One of them looks like him but younger. Does this mean what I think it does?

The younger Goli and Reliomon are loosing to the dark monster but before the final hit can be made Reliomon fires his Acid Spray attack and the monster wasn’t prepared for the new attacker and he went down just like he had described. a blinding flash of light a shock wave begins to sweep over the battlefield and Tai sees the younger Goli beginning to be hit by the wave and diving through a small portal that appeared.

Then Reliomon rushes in and with speed only a snake can posses. Reliomon assumes a defensive circle around Goli and the other 8. He manages to withstand the brunt of the attack’s force. Goli, now pale faced and shaken form exhaustion, heads back to Tai and the others.

Goli: I had made a mistake. It wasn’t a rift forward in time, but backward. I hadn’t thought about trees getting smaller over time, but it happens, or at least it does here. I’ll try to tell them what’s happened when I understand it myself. I said before that we lacked a leader. Someone with the right confidence or experience to know what to do. I think I can handle that job now. For now its best we go our separate ways, but I’m positive we’ll see each other again. Good-bye.

They exchange farewells and Goli walks back to group as they start to wake up.

Goli: Here you will probably want these.

He pulls the crests from his pocket and they all shrink slightly and float into the tag of their owners and he is finally able to slide his crest into his tag.

Ashley: Where did you find these?

Goli: Down in the ruins about a mile back.

John: But we searched those already!

Goli: lets just say I got there a little before you did.

Authors note. Well what’d you think? I plan to use these characters again depending on if I’m talking about their adventures or teaming along with the regular cast of Digimon. If any of you want to use them in one of your fanfics or if you have suggestion you can e-mail me at "" I’d appreciate it!

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