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Have a Progidious Christmas!

Have a Prodigious Christmas

A Digimon Christmas story
By Paige Jones

(Note: Okay, here it goes. This is a Christmas song parody using fan-fic; using Digimon stuff instead regular type Christmas stuff. This takes place before 'Cards', sort of. Kari's in it, though. Enjoy!)

Disclaimer: Digimon belongs to it's creators. The songs ("I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas", Twelve Days of Christmas", "White Christmas", and "It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas") belong to whoever they belong to, and "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" belongs to the people it belongs to. However, the parodies all belong to me, as I was the one who wrote them. Please don't sue me! I just wrote this for fun. Ciao, for now. Read on!

Fade in: the Digidestined and their Digimon are sitting around a fire, and the kids are looking depressed .

TK : It's getting real close to Christmas

Mimi :Don't remind me

All the kids sigh .

Agumon says (to Gabumon and the Digimon) : We have to do something to cheer them up.

Gabumon: Yes, but what?

Palmon: This Christmas thing is what's upsetting them, right?

Biyomon: Yeah, but what is it?

The Digimon look back and forth at each other.

"I want a WereGarurumon for Christmas, only a WereGarurumon'll do!

Don't want a doll, or inker-dinker toy, I want a WereGarurumon to play with and enjoy!

I want a WereGarurumon for Christmas, I don't think Santa Claus'll mind, do you?

He won't have to use no dirty chimney flue, just take it through the front door that's the easy thing to do!

I see me now on Christmas morning, creeping, down the stairs!

What joy and what surprise, when I open up my eyes and see a Wolfish hero standing there!

Mommy says, a WereGarurumon would eat me up but then, it won't eat me if it's my bestest friend!

There's enough room for him, in our two-car garage.

I'll feed him there and wash him there and give him his massage!

I see me now on Christmas morning, creeping, down the stairs!

What joy and what surprise, when I open up my eyes and see a Wolfish hero standing there!

I want a WereGarurumon for Christmas, only a WereGarurumon'll do.

Don't want a Numemon, or Garudamonseses, I only like, WereGarurumonseses. And WereGarurumonses like me to-oo!

I see me now on Christmas morning, creeping, down the stairs!

What joy and what surprise, when I open up my eyes and see a Wolfish hero standing there!"

The kids are discussing their Christmas traditions.

Mimi: My favorite part is Christmas morning. I love seeing what gifts everybody got.

"On the first day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the second day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the third day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the fourth day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, four Agumon, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the fifth day if Christmas, my good friend gave to me, five Bakemon! Four Agumon, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the sixth day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, six Goma's swimming, five Bakemon! Four Agumon, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the seventh day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, seven crests and ta-ags, six Goma's swimming, five Bakemon! Four Agumon, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the eighth day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, eight Garudamon, seven crests and ta-ags, six Goma's swimming, five Bakemon! Four Agumon, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the ninth day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, nine Cockatrimon, eight Garudamon, seven crests and ta-ags, six Goma's swimming, five Bakemon! Four Agumon, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the tenth day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, ten Garurumon, nine Cockatrimon, eight Garudamon, seven crests and ta-ags, six Goma's swimming, five Bakemon! Four Agumon, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, eleven Monochromon, ten Garurumon, nine Cockatrimon, eight Garudamon, seven crests and ta-ags, six Goma's swimming, five Bakemon! Four Agumon, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my good friend gave to me, twelve Centarumon, eleven Monochromon, ten Garurumon, nine Cockatrimon, eight Garudamon, seven crests and ta-ags, six Goma's swimming, five Bakemon! Four Agumon, three Palmon, two Kawuagamon, and a Biyomon in a hiding tree!"

TK: I like waking up really early!

Izzy: I like putting up the Christmas tree.

"I'm dreaming of a prodigious Christmas, just like the one's they've never known.

Where the tree tops glisten, and Digimon listen, to hear sleigh bells in the snow.

I'm dreaming of a prodigious Christmas, with ever Christmas card I think I forgot to write!

May your days be merry, and bright, and may all your Christmases be white!"

Tai and Matt (almost at the same time): My favorite part is the Christmas feast.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

No matter where we go.

Take a look at the lake and then,

Look at it again,

No candy canes, but still it is aglow."

Joe: Well, I always read "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve.

Sora: I like singing Christmas carols.

Kari: I like spending time with my family.

"'Twas the night before Christmas, and throughout the world,

Not a creature was stirring, I give you my word.

The stockings were hung, on the nearest tree with care,

In hope that somehow, St. Nick would be there.

TK and Kari were snug and asleep,

Dreaming of Christmas, not making a peep.

With Tai in his jammies, and Sora in her cap,

As they all settled down for what would be a short nap.

When out nowhere there arose such a clatter,

That they all awoke to see what was the matter.

And what to their young eyes should appear,

But their Digimon pals, and the kids gave a cheer.

For the Digimon had listened in on their chat,

And created a Christmas tree, presents, and all that.

Their eyes shown with happiness,

Their hearts again merry.

This unexpected surprise

Lightened the load they must carry.

Joe actually smile, a rare sight indeed,

And Mimi gave them a concert under the tree.

TK and Kari opened their presents with delight,

Izzy loved the tree, so far they've done it right.

Tai and Matt ate the dinner, Joe read his story,

And by the end of the day, all sang out glory.

And as the day left them, the sun sank out of sight,

They thought, 'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!'"

The End

(That wasn't too bad, huh? Well, first and foremost, take heed of the title, and it's meaning. Never forget that FanFics a written for enjoyment, of both the reader and the writer. Have a happy holiday, and don't eat too much for dinner. Ciao!)

Digimon Fan Fiction