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Lighting Shoes!

Are you stressed? Does fighting evil digimon give you major headaches? Do you have to hide your Digimon from you parents? Do you think there is no end to your digi-problems? Well fear no more! Now you can be just like Izzy and have a pair of rocking cool lighting shoes! Yes thats right your own pair of lighting shoes! Just see the difference it made in Izzy.
Poor Sad Izzy
Before i had my lighting shoes i looked like this. I was constantly stressed and my mounth was five times larger than it should be. But now that i have Lighting shoes, I'm a whole new me. I feel smarter more confident, and my mouth isn't as large. Acually it's too small. But I also can jump higher and run faster. These shoes are prodigious!
Izzy looking alot better
And now you too can have these remarkable shoes! For only $19.95 plus shipping and handling. Void in the real world. File Island add 6% tax.

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