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The Story...

Myotismon reveals himself as a powerful foe. In their time of need, Gennai once again shows himself. Gennai finds them and tells them to visit him in his underwater home. Gennai tells the kids information in classifying Digimon; they can be classified as Data, Virus and Vaccine.

Myotismon learns about an eighth digi-destined, he and his evil Digimon travel to Japan to find the eigth child. The kids use Gennai's special Digimon key cards to open the gate and enter their world.

Back at camp with their Digimon, the kids travel to Heighton View Terrace to find the eighth Digi Destined. They realize that they all had once lived there and they had witnessed the first ever Digimon battle, the news reported that it was a terroist bombing. But the kids realize it wasn't, it was Greymon fighting another Digimon. Izzy predicts that the Eighth Child must have witnessed this spectacle too, they all go in search for her.

Meanwhile, Myotismon and his henchmen are also in search of the Digi Destined. Gatomon, Myotismon's most loyal Digimon finds a young girl and has a distinct feeling about her. Gatomon's friend Wizardmon finds the Digi Vice and explains to Gatomon that she is the Eighth Digi Destined's Digimon and that the Eighth Digi Destined is none other than Tai's younger sister Kari!

Gatomon meets up with Kari and explains that she is the Eighth Digi Destined, Gatomon and Wizardmon head off to Myotismon's hide out in search of the tag and crest. Myotismon captures Gatomon, after he realizes that she is the Eighth Child's Digimon!
