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"Together We Stand..."

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the Digimon, or their friends (except for the ones I made up). I AM NOT making any money off this story, it's written justfor fun so, don't sue me! I PROMISE that I'll return all the characters I usein relatively the same shape.;o)

This story takes place right after the episode "Sora's Crest of Love," with Myotismon still large and in charge. Go easy on me because this in my very first fan fic. OK, grab some popcorn and Junior Mints 'cause here we go!...

"Together We Stand..."
Part One

By, Brittany S.

The lake shore was still and quiet. The pink sky slowly faded into darkness asnight was cast over the Digiworld. All was calm and the only sound that couldbe heard was the faint tune of a harmonica, echoing off the water. A dim glowof a campfire couldbe seen on the lake shore, where the famous Digi-Destoned lay. All the kids andDigimon were sound asleep--due to the excitement of the previous day--except forMatt, who sat apart from the group, playing his harmonica.

The fire crackled and sparked, waking Tai from his slumber. He sleepily glaredat the flames, sitting up to check on the rest of the group. Adding anotherpiece of wood to the hungry fire, Tai stood, noticing Matt leaning against atree.

"Hey," Tai sleepily whispered, sitting next to Matt.

Matt stopped his playing to look over at Tai, "hey," he replied.

There was silence between the two as they stared out at the lake. There hadalways been tension between the two for one reason or another, usually due toleadership conflicts.

Matt was the first to speak, "couldn't sleep?"

Tai turned to Matt, "I should be asking the same question."

Matt cracked a smile at this, "tough day, huh?" He gestured with his harmonicato their sleeping comrades.

"Yeah," Tai agreed, his gaze falling on their friends. "I'm sure glad we'reall together again," he yawned. "It feels right again, ya know?"

"I know what you mean," Matt said, "It hasn't felt 'right' since youdisappeared, then when we all met up again today..."

"It's like we're all connected," Tai helped out, "If one of us is missing, wecan't work, or fight as well."

"Right," Matt sighed, "Only together will we be able to restore the Digiworldand return home."

The two stared out at the rippling water with solemn expressions on theirfaces, pondering their thoughts.

"I wonder if we can beat him," Tai mumbled to himself.

"Who?" Matt asked.

Tai sighed, "Myotismon. That threat he made earlier was pretty convincing."

Matt put a hand on his friend's shoulder, "We've handled worse, don't worryabout it. As long as we're all together, we can handle anything." "Your right," Tai yawned, turning to look at their sleeping friends once more. He sleepily smiled, everything was all right now. They were together, and whenthey were together, they could beat anything. Tai yawned and shut his eyes ashe heard Matt startto play his harmonica again. This was the first time he had felt at peace in along time, since they had come to the Digiworld. Tai's last thoughts driftedthrough his mind with the harmonica's comforting sound... 'I wonder how longthis peacefulness will last...'

* * *

Not too far away, in the dark of the night, Myotismon paced back and forth within his castle. "These children!" he bellowed. "These puny children havebeaten my evil Digimon time and time again!" Myotismon grabbed one of the batsflapping about in theair and shook it vigorously, "WHY?! WHY DO THEY ALWAYS WIN?!" He threw the batacross the room and it made contact with the other wall, sliding to the groundwith little stars circling it's head.

Myotismon glared at the other bats, who now cowered in fear, when an ideastruck him. "The Digi-Destoned are strong only because they are with theirDigimon," he grinned to himself. "The Digimon do all the fighting, so if theywere preoccupied...the children would be left defenseless!"

Myotismon looked out the window of his evil castle and laughed sinisterly."This," he smiled, revealing his sharp fangs, "is going to be fun."

* * *

The warm rays of the morning sun shone on the lake shore, sparkling like little diamonds. The Digi-Destoned slowly began to wake up.

"Oh my! What a lovely morning!" Mimi loudly exclaimed.

"Since when have you been a morning person?" Joe mumbled, trying to shade hiseyes from the bright sun.

"Since I'm having a great hair day!" Mimi happily replied in her bubbly voice.

Patamon sat up and stretched his wings, nudging TK, "Hey TK, wake up!"

TK opened his eyes a crack and mumbled, "Mom, I don't want to go to schooltoday," and fell back asleep.

"Hey guys," Sora whispered to the group, "check this out," she pointed to the two sleeping forms of Tai and Matt leaning up against a tree.

"Well," Izzy happily stated, "It looks like they are getting along now."

Gabumon smiled at his sleeping friend, then sniffed the air, "hey! There are fruit trees nearby!"

"All right! Breakfast!" Tentomon happily exclaimed, following Gabumon off to gather food.

Tai was peacefully sleeping, when cold water was dumped on him. His eyes flew open and, after he got done coughing and gagging, he glared around. Tai spotted Gomamon swimming in the water, laughing histarically.

"Rise and shine!" Gomamon grinned, waving a flipper at Tai

"Oh, you are dead!" Tai exclaimed, leaping forward to capture the Digimon.

"Uh oh!" Gomamon exclaimed and dove under the water to safety. Tai halted his pursuit, not wanting to get anymore wet, and returned to thegroup, grumbling.

"You look a little soggy there, Tai," Agumon playfully joked to his friend.

"Just wait till I get that walrus back," Tai glared at the swimming Gomamon.

The playful squabbling continued throughout the morning until Tentomon andGabumon returned with breakfast. Everyone finally awake, the group sat aroundthe dying fire to discuss plans for the day.

"Well, we can't just sit here and wait for Myotismon to attack," Sora wasexplaining, eyeing her de-Digivolved companion, Yokomon. Sora's Crest of Lovewas what made Biyomon Digivolve, but the negative effects were that her friendwas reduced back down to a primitive level.

"What do you want us to do? Go looking for him?" Joe said sarcastically.

"That's not a bad idea," Tai commented.

"WHAT?" Joe was shocked, "are you kidding? Go up against thatguy...willingly?"

"We're going to have to fight him sooner or later," Matt pointed out.

"Right," Izzy added. This life in the Digiworld was definitely educational for Izzy, but he had a longing for home like everyone else, "Remember what Genni said, we can't go home until the Digiworld is restored, which means we'll haveto fight Myotismon sooner or later."

"I'd prefer later," Joe mumbled.

"Do we even know where he lives?" Sora asked the practical question to the group.

"Probably in some icky, musty, castle with no taste in interior designing,"Mimi added, with a revolted look.

"Actually, you are correct, Mimi," Tentomon added, hovering above her head, "He lives up over that mountain." The group turned to face where Tentomon's claw was pointing to a tall, dark mountain in the distance.

"You mean we're gonna go up there?" TK said, amazed.

"Remember the last time we climbed a mountain..." Gomamon warned, glaring at Joe.

"It's either that, or wait for Myotismon to surprise us down here," Tai said,standing up, "I say that we change from the defensive to the offensive!"

"This isn't soccer, Tai," Sora added, "It's not a game." "I know Sora," Tai said quietly, remembering his run-in with the electrical force field, "but we can't just stay here, or run. Myotismon is holding quite agrudge, he'll eventually find us."

"I guess we have to go," Matt stood up, looking worriedly at his littlebrother.

"Anyone else think otherwise?" Tai asked the Digimon and the kids. The group was silent, all eyes focused on the mountain in the distance. "OK then," Tai said, "Let's go."

* * *

Myotismon sat in his castle, trying to decide his next move when DemiDevamonentered his chamber.

"My master," the flying Digimon stated, out of breath, "I..."

"SILENCE!" Myotismon shouted, "After all the trouble you caused me, you DAREto come here?!" He raised a finger, as if he was going to blast DemiDevimon.

"Wait master! I have important news about the children," he cringed, awaitinga blow that never came.

"Hmmm," Myotismon sat in his throne, "this better be good. Continue." The little Digimon looked relieved, then relayed his information, "I spotted the Digi-Destoned on the move, their!"

"But why?" Myotismon pondered, "do they really think they can defeat me?"

"Well, uh...I've seen what they can do together, It's a pretty strong force,master!" DemiDevamon replied.

"Indeed," Myotismon added, "which is why I plan to divide and conquer," hebegan to laugh. "Besides, I have a team of my own!" In the back of Myotismon's throne room, three sets of glowing eyes could beseen. "Go," Myotismon smiled, "Go do as I have planned." Throughout the castle, Myotismon's evil laughter could be heard. ·

* **

"My feet hurt! I'm hungry! I'm tired!" Mimi complained while the group was climbing up a steep trail on the mountain.

"Come on, Mimi. we've only been walking for 10 minutes!" Joe shot back, eventhough he was feeling tired himself. Joe had probably the best climbing skillsof the group, and he was beginning to have second thoughts about this steep mountainside.

"Hey guys!" Tai called from the front of the group. Tai was looking throughhis mini-telescope with one hand, and was holding on to the mountainside withthe other, "I think there's a flat part on the mountainside up ahead!"

"Oh boy, Patamon, we can rest for awhile!" the excited TK said to the Digimon perched on his hat.

"TK, pay attention!" Matt scolded, "you're gonna lose your balance!" TK pretended that he wasn't hurt by the comment, and continued his climb,silently. Matt could be an awesome big brother sometimes, but he was way over-protective. TK wanted so much to be like Matt because he always seemed to know the right thing to do.

"We're almost there!" Tentomon announced happily, flying above the group.

"Finally," Gabumon said, relieved, "I'm not meant for climbing." There was a sharp ledge, and then the mountain's edge flattened off into alarge clearing. Small shrubs, grass, and even trees caught root on the drysoil, creating a little section of woods.

"I believe this large plateau will serve as an adequate resting place," Izzy inquired, looking about.

"Um, yeah..." Tai obviously never understood what Izzy was talking about.

"How much further do you think we have to go?" Palmon asked Tentomon, who appeared to know the way...that Digimon always knew everything.

"It should not be too far," Tentomon estimated.

Joe peeked over the steep edge where they had just emerged from, and then looked up to where they would have to go. "Well, It certainly doesn't look as steep anymore...looks like the worst part if over."

"Is anyone else beginning to think this was a bad idea?" Matt asked the group,who were already beginning to sit down and relax.

Tai rolled his eyes at his friend, "now why would you think th..." Before Tai could finish his sentence, he heard a low rumbling from higher up onthe mountain. Small rocks began to roll down from the slope above the group and a growling could be heard.

"Something is coming down the mountain!" Agumon exclaimed to his friends overthe growing noise.

"Ya think?" Tai added sarcastically, to his friend's comment. Inside, though,Tai was scared. whenever they meet a new Digimon, it always attacks them,sending the group running for their lives. It probably won't be any differentnow... All heads turned to look up the mountainside where three Digimon could be seen sliding down the rocks surface. The Digimon's feet were stationary, allowing them to "surf" down the mountain, dodging trees in the process. The group was frozen in fear, eyes fixed on the oncoming figures. When the three Digimon reached the plateau, they stopped moving to make a stand against the Digi-Destoned.

"They don't look very friendly," Mimi whispered to Palmon, looking warily atthe Digimon's glowing eyes. She had a nagging feeling that her pink outfitwould get all dirty again...ick.

"Oh no!" Tentomon exclaimed, recognizing the trio instantly. "It's Gatormon,Sharkmon, and Octomon!"

The stats screen popped up, revealing a picture of the three Digimon: Gatormonhad neon green armor scales, with a metal plate for a stomach and big jaws. Sharkmon was gray, with a large fin on the top of his head, and sharp, pointedteeth. Octomon was orange, with two long tentacles for arms, and she had purplespots all over her. While the stat picture was being shown, Tentomon's voicecould be heard: "It's the Terrible Trio! They work for Myotismon, and youdon't want to mess with them because they never lose!"

"Surrender to Myotismon, children!" Octomon stated, waving her tentacles intheir direction.

"No way!" Tai exclaimed, clenching his fists.

"Yeah!" Matt added, "we haven't lost either!" He carefully inched overtowards TK to protect him if need be.

"I'm goin to enjoy this!" Gatormon rushed forward, his long tail sweeping in Sora's direction. "Sora! Look out!" Yokomon exclaimed, in her tiny little voice...

"Yokomon, Digivolve to...Biyomon!" Sora ducked under Gatormon's swinging tail and Biyomon flew up above her."Spiral Twister, Raa!" Biyomon exclaimed, barely making a dent in Gatormon'splating.

"Need some help?" Patamon arrived with Mimi cheering her on in the background.

Octomon kept trying to entangle Joe and Izzy with her long tentacles, inching them and their Digimon towards the cliff's edge. Sharkmon started attacking Matt, TK and Tai, who were defended by theirDigimon.

"Pepperbreath! Pa!" Agumon exclaimed.

"Blue Blaster! Ha!" Gabumon added.

"Boom Bubble! Pow!" Patamon finished.

The three forces combined hit Sharkmon head-on, sending him pin-wheelingbackwards. The Digimon regained his balance, and called to his friends "Enoughplaying around! Let's get this plan into action!"

Octomon complied and suddenly called on her attack against Joe and Izzy, "Oilslick!" A slick of purple oil was shot from Octomon's mouth, covering the ground under Izzy and Joe's feet.

"Woah!" Joe exclaimed, "I'm losing my balance!" Gomamon and Izzy were having just as much trouble and Octomon rushed forward toshove them off the cliff.

"Izzy! No!" Tentomon shouted from hovering above...

"Tentomon Digivolve to...Kabuterimon!" Kabuterimon flew down between his friends and Octomon, but the monster keptcoming! Octomon slammed into Kabuterimon with such force that he landed on theground, sending the whole group over the edge of the cliff, including themonster. The rest of their friends watched helplessly as the five disappeared over the cliff's edge.

"Nooooo!" Tai exclaimed, racing forward, only to be stopped by Sharkmon'sattack...

"Fin Torpedoes, Away!" Sharkmon exclaimed, releasing over a dozen small,teeth-shaped, torpedoes towards Tai's location.

"Tai, look out!" Agumon warned... "Agumon, Digivolve to...Greymon!" Greymon swung his tail to hit the torpedoes, like a batter would in a ballgame, making them explode in mid-air. Sharkmon grumbled and retreated away into the forest, "come and get me!" he growled.

"Gabumon, go after him!" Matt exclaimed.

"Right," Gabumon obeyed... "Gabumon, Digivolve to...Garurumon!" Garurumon raced forward after Sharkmon, unaware that he was leaving Matt-who was busy watching TK--unguarded.

"Let's go, Greymon!" Tai exclaimed, also following Sharkmon into the forest.

Meanwhile, Biyomon and Palmon were trying to fend off Gatormon...

"Green Fire!" Gatormon exclaimed, emitting a blast from his mouth which scorched the Digimon a little.

"You don't play fair, Uglymon!" Mimi shouted.

"Palmon Digivolve to...Togemon!"

"Biyomon Digivolve to...Birdramon!"

The two rushed forward to attack Gatormon.

While Gatormon was distracted, Patamon flew up from behind, "Boom Bubble, Pow!" he exclaimed, catching the monster off guard.

TK attempted to run forward after Patamon, but Matt held him back, "Stay here,TK! Patamon can handle it!" TK sighed. He just wanted to help, after all, they had to go find their friends who fell over the cliff. Angry at his brother, TK ran forward to help Patamon when Matt was watching the fight.

Meanwhile, Sharkmon had led Garurumon, Tai, and Greymon away from the rest intothe forest where he continued his attack, "Fin Torpedoes, Away!"

Greymon ducked beneath the torpedoes and growled at the monster, "looks like you missed your target, heh heh heh." Sharkmon grinned, showing his many jagged teeth and whispered under his breath,"Have I?" Myotismon's plan was for them to separate the Digi-Destoned fromtheir Digimon, which he had successfully done.

Sharkmon watched out of the corner of his eye as a dozen torpedoes headed toward TK's direction...

Matt was watching Togemon attack with a Needle Spray, when he heard a sound from behind him. Spinning around, Matt saw the small torpedoes heading towards something in front of him. Matt looked down to check on TK, who wasn't there anymore! His mind clicked in a milli-second as his eyes shot forward to see his little brother...

Concerned for Patamon, TK did not see the torpedo heading straight toward him.

"TK! look out!" Matt shouted, running toward him. Instinctively, TK turned to face Matt, instead of the oncoming danger. Without a second thought, Matt leapt forward, shoving TK out of the way of the blast. Matt felt a searing pain run through his side as he was flung through the air, then all was black.

To be Continued...

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