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You Know You Watch Too Much Digimon When…..

You Know You Watch Too Much Digimon When…..

(Note: This is based on somebody else's list. None of them are the same, but I got the idea from else where.)

1.You find yourself talking to the characters on a daily basis.

2. You and the characters are close friends

.3. You sign all your reports with your pen name: 'Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi'

4. You sign all important documents in your life like this: 'Taichi "Tai" Kamiya' and a small drawing of Matt.

5. Your name is legally Mimi Tachikawa.

6. You've thought about legally changing your name to Taichi Yamato Jyou Sora Koushiro Mimi Takeru Hikari Tai Matt Joe Izzy TK Kari Kamiya Ishida Kido Takenouchi Izumi Tachikawa Takaishi Kamiya.

7. You've actually changed your name to Taichi Yamato Jyou Sora Koushiro Mimi Takeru Hikari Tai Matt Joe Izzy TK Kari Kamiya Ishida Kido Takenouchi Izumi Tachikawa Takaishi Kamiya.

8. You daydream about the day when Tai and Sora, Matt and Sora, Joe and Mimi, Izzy and Mimi, or TK and Kari get together.

9. You think your name is TK. (But it is!)

10. You ask Izzy for help when you mess up your computer

11. When you're on the computer, the world around you becomes invalid, and you only answer to the name Izzy.

12.You go to the mall daily trying to find Mimi.

13. You play soccer in hopes that your team will go international and you'll meet Tai or Sora.

14. You have no friends in school, but that's okay, because you have Gabumon to talk with.

15. Your Birthday list looks like this: Girl:1.Yamato 2. Taichi 3. Jyou 4. Izzy 5. TK 6. Gabumon 7. Agumon 8. Gomamon 9. Tentomon 10. Patamon 11. All of the above* *I really want this one Guy:1. Mimi2. Sora3. Kari4. Palmon5. Biyomon6. Gatomon7. All of the Above**I really want this one

16. Your schedule includes at least two hours for Digimon, and it's the most important object in your schedule.

17. When someone asks you your name, you automatically answer Tai or Sora.

18. You find yourself rehearsing a concert with Mimi.

19. You daydream about the Digimon MegaKabuteriMetalGreyWereGaruruGarudaZudoBlossoMarineAngemon.

20. You think every parade you see would be better if there was a Digimon float (which they all would be).

21. You're convinced your principal is Myotismon and the majority of the school staff are DemiDevimon.

22. You've thought about legally changing your name to MegaKabuteriMetalGreyWereGaruruGarudaZudoBlossoMarineAngemon.

23. You've actually change your name to MegaKabuteriMetalGreyWereGaruruGarudaZudoBlossoMarineAngemon.

24. You cry if you miss a new episode of Digimon.

25. You cry if you miss a rerun of Digimon.

26. You call the radio station to request the Digimon theme song.

27. You can name all the dubbing mistakes in any episode

.28. You peed your pants or screamed when Devimon tried to kill TK.

29. You were happier than the people on Digimon when Patamon Digivolved.

30. You cried at the end of 'Legend of the DigiDestined', when Angemon was disappearing.

31. When somebody calls you a name, you turn around, fall to your knees, and cry (like TK did in 'Forget About It.)

32. You despise Burger King for having Pokemon toys.

33. You write FanFics for no reason other than your own personal entertainment.

34. When somebody says Joe or Matt, you look around to see if it's the Joe or Matt on Digimon.

35. You answer the telephone with: "Hello, Ishida residence."

36. You find yourself measuring your boyfriend up to Matt, Tai, Joe, Izzy, and TK.

37. You find yourself measuring your girlfriend up to Sora, Kari, and Mimi.

38. You find yourself wishing on stars that you would get transported to the Digiworld.

39. Your neighbors call during Digimon to tell you to turn it down.

40. When they call, you spaz cause they called during Digimon.

41. You've thought about doing your room in Digimon stuff.

42. You've done your room in Digimon stuff.

43. You hiss at anything Pokemon.

44. You hiss at anyone who insults Digimon.

45. You're the first in line to get Digimon stuff.

46. You wrote this.

47. You read this.

48. You sit in school and wait to go home and watch Digimon.

49. You learn Japanese so you can read what the Japanese Digimon sites say.

50. You visit the Digiworld daily in your dreams and once a week in your daydreams.

51. You visit the Digiworld daily in your dreams and daily in your daydreams too.

52. Someone spies on you every night gets nerve and asks you who Yamato is.

53. Your taken aback when somebody doesn't know who or what Palmon is.

54. You attempt to sing the Digimon theme song during the beginning of every show.

55. You lip-sync the Digimon theme song during the beginning of every show.

56. You sing the Digimon theme song during the beginning of every show.

57. You sing the theme song without it being on.

58. You compare Jeff of 98º to Matt.

59. You compare Jyou to Justin of N'Sync.

60. You compare all five of the guys on Digimon to the Backstreet Boys.

61. You compare Mimi to Christina Aguilara and Brittany Spears.

62. You compare Sora to Mia Hamm.

63. You find yourself wishing Izzy was adopted just so you can say your related to him, and become a member of the Digimon crew (hey, it worked for Kari.)

64. You've made up several characters for Digimon.

65. You've made up several new Digimon

.66. Every day, you worship this little picture of Matt you have in your wallet.

67. You find yourself claiming to be adopted, and saying that you're related to Sora

.68. You do the above so you can go after Matt.

69. You faint when someone calls the name Tai out.

70. You claim to be the girlfriend of Matt.

71. You claim to be the girlfriend of Tai.

72. You claim to be the girlfriend of Jyou.

73. You claim to be the girlfriend of Izzy.

74. You claim to be the girlfriend of TK

.75. You claim to be the boyfriend of Mimi.

76. You claim to be the boyfriend of Sora.

78. You claim to be the boyfriend of Kari.

79. You claim to be the boyfriend of Palmon.80. You claim to be the boyfriend of Biyomon.

81. You claim to be the boyfriend of Gatomon.

82. You claim to be the girlfriend of Gabumon.

83. You claim to be the girlfriend of Agumon.84. You claim to be the girlfriend of Gomamon.

85. You claim to be the girlfriend of Tentomon.

86. You claim to be the girlfriend of Patamon

.87. You are actually one of the above.

89. You write notes during school addressed to Taichi Kamiya. Nobody knows who to pass them to.

90. You spaz when the above happens.

91. You rip up stuffed animals so you can make little plushies of all the chars

.92. You can't survive unless you see Matt at least three times a day.

93. You save seats on the bus for Jyou.

94. You try to get elected for class president under the name TK.95. You accidently call your boyfriend Tai.

96. You accidently call your girlfriend Sora.

97. You've convinced your little brother that you're Matt, and he's TK.

98. You've convinced your little sister that you're Tai, and she's Kari.

99. You've convinced your little brother that your Mimi, and he's Mimi's little baby brother.

100. You write notes to the characters, and reply to them with the name of the character.

101. You can't go anywhere without your Yama plushy. (See #91.)

102. Whenever somebody mentions hieroglyphs, you mention Izzy.

103. You never refer to Tentomon as a bug, because you hate bugs, but you don't hate Tentomon.

104. You publish a FanFic a day.105. You actually read to

105 on this list.

106. Your teacher takes your pencil until you need it so you can't draw FanPix of Yama all day.

107. You hide a pencil in your pocket so you can draw Yama pix anyway.

108. The person standing behind you while you write this asks who Yama is, and you answer "My boyfriend."

109. When you take notes in class, there are always little pix of Tai-Tai in the margin

.110. You're teacher asks who they are and you answer "Tai-Tai".

111. You're teacher asks you who Tai-Tai is and you say "My boyfriend."

111. Your screen saver is the 3D Maze, or the Textured Flag, and all the pictures are of Digimon things.

112. Your password is something Digimonish.

113. You find the world dull, and wish that you would be sucked into the Digiworld

.114. You're convinced you've seen Jyou in the hall of your school.

115. You draw Jyou pix during school. The person standing over your shoulder asks who it is. You answer "My Jyou."

116. The person above asks who Jyou is, and you answer "My boyfriend."

117. In computer class, you're caught drawing Izzy-chan. When asked why, you answer "Because the computer reminded me of him."

118. When asked in the above situation who you were drawing, you answer "Izzy-chan."

119. "Who's Izzychan?" "My boyfriend."

120. You find yourself wishing your little brother or sister were more like TK

.121. You call Matt Yama, Tai Tai-Tai, Joe My Jyou, and Izzy Izzy-chan

.122. You call your dog Gabumon.

123. Your dog's name is actually Gabumon.

124. You call your cat Gatomon.

125. Your cat's name is actually Gatomon.

126. You call your fish Gomamon (swimming thing.)

127. Your fish's name is actually Gomamon.

128. You call your bird Biyomon

.129. Your bird's name is actually Biyomon.

130. You call your iguana Agumon.

131. Your iguana's name is actually Agumon.

132. You call all flying bugs Tentomon

.133. You have a bug, and it's name is Tentomon.

134. You call plants Palmon.

135. You have a nametag next to a house plant which reads Palmon.

136. You compare Kari to Gloria Estaban.

137. Your little brothers nickname is TK.

138. You find yourself wishing TK was old enough to have a girlfriend.

139. The word prodigious is one of the main words in your vocabulary.

140. You find yourself asking Biyomon to Digivolve into Birdramon and give you a lift.

141. Your waiting for Digimon the Movie to come out in America.

142. You skip school to watch a Digathon.

143. You'd wake up at 1 in the morning to catch the beginning of a Digathon.

144. You whine because school doesn't get out on time for you to watch Digimon.

145. You try to change the channel at school to watch Digimon.

146. You try to change the channel at the store to watch Digimon.

147. Wherever there's a TV, you try to change the channel to watch Digimon

.148. Your TV never changes channels, just in case Digimon suddenly comes on

.149. You're afraid to leave the TV in case Digimon comes on.

150. You cried during 'Sora's Crest'.

151. You hiss and boo at DemiDevimon when he does something naughty.

152. You learn nothing in school, because Digimon'll tell you all you need to know.

153. You wish your school taught Japanese so you could talk about Digimon all class period

.154. Your school actually has the above, and all you do is talk about Digimon.

155. You won't let the people in school call you by your real 'fake' name. They have to call you Izzy or Koushiro, because that's really your name.

156. Most people don't talk to you because they don't want to mess up and call you by your real 'fake' name.

157. You're afraid to be separated from your computer. Izzy could email you ya know.

158. Your little brothers and/or sisters are scared of you because your obsessed with Digimon.

159. Your older brothers and/or sisters are scared of you because your obsessed with Digimon.

160. You're scared of you because your obsessed with Digimon

.161. Cheese rocks.

162. Just like Digimon

.163. You wish you were married to Yama

.164. Yama wishes he was married to you.

165. Yama: Paige, would you marry me?

166. Paige: Yes!

167. Don't things just work out so nicely?

168. Ha ha ha ha ha! Yama's married to me! ::beats off Yama lovers with a trident.::

169. Haha!

170. You wonder what Izzy would look like with blond hair.

171. You could care less what Izzy looks like with blond hair because your married to Yama!!

172. Your sisters married to TK.

173. Paige: You can't marry my husbands brother!

174. KC: Why not?175. Paige: Haven't you ever heard of the saying "No marrying inside your own family"?

176. KC: he's only his half brother, which means I can marry him because he's not directly related to Matt!

177. Paige: What the freaking hell do you think a half brother is!? Not directly, phhp. He's still related, dammit!

178. TK and Yama look at each other. Both: What have we gotten ourselves into?

179. KC: I don't care because I am married to him, too bad Paige.

180. Paige: I hate you KC!!!!

181. KC: Muahahahahahahaha! Ha!

182. TK and Yama are on the phones now.

183. Paige: What the hell are you guys doing!?

184. Yama and TK: Getting ourselves divorce lawyers.

185. TK: Do I have to have a divorce I kinda like being married!

186. KC: See Paige my marriage is still going strong. Muahahahaha!

187. Paige: I hate you KC!!!!

188. ….

189. I'm married to TK. I'm married to TK. I'm married to TK. I'm married to TK. Muahahahahahahaha! Ha!

190. Paige: Well, don't get all butt hurt for me!

191. KC: Paige is a loser! Luh hoo za herrr!

192. ::takes off ring and throws it at Yama:: Paige: KC, shuddap! And I never liked being married to you anyway Yama! ::runs off crying in search of little brother Izzy (I'm related to him, ya know?) for some comforting::

193. You've actually rehearsed Yama proposing to you.

194. You've actually rehearsed Tai-Tai proposing to you.

195. You've actually rehearsed Jyou proposing to you.

196. You cried when Tai-Tai said he felt something when Sora's crest glowed.

197. You cried in 'Home' when Tai was going back to the Digiworld.

198. You scream at the TV when they show a commercial during Digimon.

199. You're a member of the 'WLDFC'. (We Love Digimon Fan Club) Or the WLYFC. (guess.) Or the WLTTFC. Or the WLJFC, etc.

200. Everyone who has made fun of Digimon in your presence has been found dead.

201. You sleep with all your char plushies every night. (See #91.)

202. You read this whole list.

Digimon Fan Fiction