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Another Normal Day In Digi World

Another Normal Day In Digi World

By: Chibi < >

The stars shone brightly in the night sky and reflected off of the lake below. The dying fire crackled loudly as the seven digi-destined took their place in a circle around their only source of light and heat. They all snuggled closely with their companions to keep warm as the night air began to chill. As everyone drifted into their nightly slumber, the only sound that remained was that of the snoring coming from the tired bunch. A loud thunderclap awakened them all as the rain began to pour down on them. They all ran to find cover and settled in a large cave discovered by little Takeru (TK). They all ran inside, relieved to get away from the rain.

"Where did all that water come from!" Taichi (Tai) exclaimed, shaking the rain from his hair.

"Well, you see, Tai, when the water from rivers, lakes, oceans, or puddles from previous rain storms evapo-" Koushirou (Izzy) tried to explain, but Tai cut him off.

"I know where the rain comes from! I just wanted to know-… You know, what? Just forget it..."

He knew that trying to get Izzy to give him a simple answer would be like catching fish with a hula-hoop. He sat himself down in a solitary corner, but he immediately got back up realizing that the ground was beginning to get soaked from the rain outside.

"Great! Now where are we going to sleep?! The ground is all wet!"

"This certainly has put us in quite a predicament, although this cave is the most convenient place to aquaint ourselves to, unless you want to get yourselves drenched, sleeping outside. I, however, would prefer not to get caught in that downpour, for my laptop is sure to short-circuit. Considering that, this cave is the most adequate place in our reach, " Izzy replied.

Tai just looked at him with a blank look on his face, obviously confused. "Uh… Sure Izzy, whatever you say."

He looked over to see what the rest of the group was up to. Yamato (Matt) had apparently found a dry boulder in the cave, to sit on, and TK was sound asleep in his lap. He looked over at Mimi, who was pacing back and forth while complaining about everything she could think of, "The moisture in the air is making my hair frizzy! My dress is all wet! It's too cold in here!" Poor Joe was trying to block out the sound of Mimi's voice by covering his ears with his hands. Unfortunately, it wasn't doing any good. Sora was trying to get a fire going with the logs she found, but they were too wet to be lit. When he looked back at Izzy, he was seated on top of a pile of rocks near the far corner of the cave, typing away at his laptop. As long as he was up, he decided to get as much information on the digiworld as he could. The digimon had other plans in mind, and being as exhausted as they were, they all huddled up in a solitary corner to get the sleep they were longing for. Eventually, everyone was tired enough to sleep on the cold, wet floor of the cave. Pretty soon, everything was silent, except for the pitter patter of the rain outside.


Meanwhile, in a castle not too far away, Myotismon was getting frustrated while trying to come up with a plan to get rid of the digi-destined. "I've tried EVERYTHING, and they've STILL beaten me!!!" he roared. "How is this possible?! They're just CHILDREN!!!" The bats around him cowered in fear as his rage poured out if him. Everyone knew better than to bother him when he's in this kind of mood. He grabbed the nearest thing to him, which just happened to be Demidevamon, who cried out in fear. "Master! No!" he protested. Myotismon drew his hand back, ready to throw him against the wall, when he noticed something sitting on the table next to him. He lowered his hand and let the relieved digimon go. He sat back and smirked to himself, folding his hands in front of him. 'Soon' he thought. 'Very soon now'. His sinister laugh could be heard echoing throughout the castle.


When Matt woke up, the rain had stopped, and the stars were visible again. Without waking his brother, he picked TK up and placed him gently on the ground next to Gabumon. Careful not to wake anyone, he made his way out of the cave quietly and sat down by the edge of the lake, his back leaning against a tree, staring out at the stillness of the water as the full moon reflected back at him. A chill grew in the night air, which made a shiver go down his spine, but he continued his watch over the calming lake as the sun began to rise over the horizon. Suddenly, without warning, a rumble sent ripples going over the lake's surface. Matt soon recognized the rumbles to be coming from approaching footsteps. Something was coming, and that something was big. Looking in the distance, Matt spotted a digimon coming towards them, knocking down everything in its path. This thing was huge. It looked somewhat like a really big lizard. There were yellow scales running up and down his whole body, and the large, sharp teeth in his jaws didn't make it look too friendly. Matt stood there, frozen in his tracks, as the large creature kept coming closer. Finally, he gathered his senses, turned heels and ran towards the cave to wake his friends. He heard a sound behind him, and when he spun around, he saw a huge boulder headed in his direction. Matt ducked away as the boulder flew passed him and landed right in front of the cave, blocking the entrance.


On the inside of the cave, the large boulder crashing into the cave entrance sure did wake everyone up in a hurry. Tai sat up and noticed that the cave was in complete darkness. Sora tried her luck at the fire she tried to start last night. Soon the cave was engulfed in the campfire's warm light. Tai was looking around to see what was going on, when his eyes fixed on the large object blocking the entrance of the cave.

"Hey! What just happened here?!" He cried, obviously confused.

"Ne, Tai…?" A small voice called out to him. He turned to discover that it was TK.

"What's up buddy?"

"Tai, where's my brother?" Tai looked around to discover that Matt was indeed missing.


Meanwhile, Matt was trying his best to dodge all the objects being thrown in his direction, by this unexpected visitor, when he heard an explosion coming from the direction of the cave. He turned around to see Greymon standing there with everyone else peeking out from behind him. Matt let out a sigh of relief, as the others ran to join him.

"'Niichan, what kind of digimon is that?" little TK asked his brother.

All heads turned to Tentomon for an explanation.

"That, my friends is a Gaomon." The stats screen popped up, while Tentomon continued to speak in the background. "His attack is called flame thrower -"

"Another one?" Joe cut in.

"But he'd rather throw things with his unusually long tail. Something we've already experienced. Gaomon tends to prefer being by themselves most of the time. But this one…"

"Let me guess, could this unusual behavior be cause by a black gear?" inquired Izzy.

"That could be a possibility…-" Tentomon replied, but was cut off when someone yelled-"LOOK OUT!"

Everyone scattered, just as a large tree crash-landed at the very spot where the group had previously been gathered. They were tired of just standing there, and decided to take some action. Greymon charged at Gaomon, with his nova blast, but it barely singed the scales off of his tail. Gaomon swung his tail hard and into Greymon's leg, making him topple over, stunned but not hurt. Now the rest of the digimon wanted to help too.

"Gabumon digivolve to.....................Garurumon!"

Garurumon leapt towards Gaomon, with his howling blaster, and knocked the digimon over. Gaomon got back up and slowly lumbered away. Leaving a trail of crevices created by his large tail.

"That was quite a strange confrontation," Izzy says.

"He didn't even stay to finish the job!" Tai replies.

"Would you rather he did?" Joe asks.

"You've got a point there,"

Greymon and Garurumon both di-digivolved back to Agumon and Gabumon, and ran back to join the group.

"Is anyone else hungry, besides us?" Agumon asks. As if on cue, a chorus of growling stomachs indicated that the answer was 'yes'. Well, the food wasn't going to appear right before their eyes, they were going to have to get it all ready… So, Matt and Gabumon went to gather some wood for the fire, and of course TK and Patomon wanted to tag along. Joe and Gomamon went down by the lake to go fishing. Izzy decided to help out with that, and Tentomon went, too. Mimi and Palmon went about from tree to tree, to see if there were any edible fruits hanging around. Sora and Biyomon tried to light a fire with the wood they already had, while Tai and Agumon helped (well, Agumon helped, with his pepper breath). Eventually, Matt and TK, along with their digimon, came back with enough wood to keep the fire going for a few hours, Izzy and Joe had caught enough fish to feed them for the day, Mimi and Palmon had gathered every edible fruit they could find, and Sora and Tai had a nice, warm fire, perfect for cooking breakfast on. After everyone had finished eating, they all kicked back and relaxed for a while. Suddenly, they all heard a rumble in the distance. Everyone sat up pretty quickly.

"Uh-oh… I think Gaomon's back…" Mimi cried, looking into the distance. "Not only that, but he's brought reinforcements!"

"Two confrontations, and we haven't even eaten lunch yet!" Joe exclaimed. "Maybe we should start moving. You know, before the Gaomon get here."

"I'm for that!" Everyone replied in unison, getting to their feet.

But before they could get an inch from where they were now standing, a large wall of fire formed, blocking their path.

"The Gaomon are using their flame thrower!" Tai cried.

"How long did it take you to figure that one out?!" Matt replied, barely heard over the loud crackling of the fire.

"This isn't the time to be joking around, Matt!" Tai exclaimed, obviously annoyed at Matt's sarcasm. But Matt's eyes were directed at something above Tai's head, and he wasn't paying any attention to Tai, at all. Suddenly, he lunged at Tai, knocking him to the ground, just as a loud crashing was heard, behind them. When they looked back, they saw a heavy, flaming tree branch had fallen onto the very spot where Tai had been standing. Tai was completely stunned.

"We have to find a way to extinguish these flames, before they burn the whole forest down!" Matt shouted, getting back on his feet and brushing himself off.

"If only that shellmon was here, we could really use him right about now!" Joe exclaimed.

As he said these words, darkness overcame the forest, as something blocked the sun from above.

"What in the…" Sora trailed off as she gazed upwards at what was causing the massive shadow. Gliding overhead was the biggest digimon they have ever seen. It was covered with blue feathers, which flared so wildly, they looked like flames flickering in the wind. This digimon somewhat resembled the digivolved form of Piyomon, Birdramon, except much, much bigger.

"Well, Tentomon, what have you got on that guy?" Tai asked, pointing toward the large creature, hovering over the group.

"That is a Huyumon, its name means, winter monster," Tentomon replied. The stats screen popped up, as the informative digimon could be heard in the background. "This bird digimon's strongest attack is, blizzard blaster. You don't want to get caught in a storm with this guy!"

"This is just too much to handle!" Joe exclaimed. "It's not enough that we have that whole clan of Gaomon coming our way, and this huge forest fire to deal with, but now we have Huyumon too?!" Suddenly, a large stream of light shot down, from the sky, extinguishing the fire and leaving a wall of ice in its place.

"Hey, Joe, I guess that gets rid of our fire problem!" Gomamon cried. All looked up as the wall of ice began to topple over…

"RUUUUNNNNN!!!!" Tai screamed. Everyone was rushing to get out, when poor little TK stumbles and falls while still in danger of being crushed by the ice. Matt stops and runs back to for him.

"TK, hurry up!" He yells, lifting his brother back on his feet, and rushing for him to get back to the rest of the group. Before they can make it out to safety, however, the ice wall was upon them. Matt holds his brother tightly, and shields him from the impact with his own body. The wall crumbles on contact, burying the two brothers in the debris, as the others look on in horror.

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Yup, that's rite the classic 'cliffhanger ending'. Pretty retarded one, huh? Sorry folks, you're just going to wait for a while. Like I said before, I'm just making this up as I go along, and rite now, I have a really bad case of writer's block. Gomen!! ^^; I'm prolly not going to get this much free time for a while! Ja-ne! ^.~

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