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" The Video"

Note: I know that this is sort of a general Digimon story,but it's still hilariouse. For all you other girls who like Matt ( I know you're here ) imagine your self in Sora's place. This story by: Judo

Tai has a handheld camera up really close to his face, so you can only see half his nose and part of his eye. He starts talking trying to surpress loud giggles. " O.k. This is Tai's premier episode of A Digi - Day. Right now we're taking a look at the "Private" life of Matt." Tai shoots a blurred and sort of wabbly scene.

Matt is in the middle of a large field of flowers. Sora is next to him. He picks a beautiful flower and gives it to Sora. He blushes. Suddenly, he looks over to see Tai and the camara. His eyes grow wide. You here Tai's voice in the background start laughing hard. The camara is now in front of Tai and moving at remarkable speed. In the background there are foot steps and Matt's voice, " I'M GONNA KILL YOU TAI !!!!!!!!!!" The camara goes fuzzy, but you can still here the sound of Tai getting beat up by Matt.

Tai's looking at the camara again, this time with a quite large black eye. He smiles weakly and says, " Um... That kinda went wrong,but good footage huh? Now we are walking through the forest looking for someone else to really embarass. Hopefully this time someone a tad bit weaker than me. "

The camara accidently falls at this moment and lands in a glade of water, With a bathing Mimi in it. Mimi , unfortunetly, notices and screames. " TAI ! YOU SICK KID! GET THAT OUT OF MY BATHTUB BEFORE I KILL YOU!" You hear the sound of Mimi's bookbag being thrown and it rickishaying off Tai's forehead. The camara goes fuzzy again.

Tai is back, now with a black eye and a large lump on his fore head. " O.k. That was an accident. Truely. Now we are taking a look at Izzy doing some important ' research '. Heh heh."

The film zooms in on Izzy's computer screen to see that it is filled with alien bugs and the title " Alien Squasher 2000" Izzy hears Tai's voice of laughter and screems ," TAI YOU BETTER ERASE THAT FOOTAGE! I'M GONNA KILL YOU !" The camara goes fuzzy yet again.

The camara now has Joe and T.K.'s face on it. Joe talks, " Um..... Am I on? O.k. Do to uncontrollable circumstances the series will be cut short for a while."

T.K. poppes up. " Ya! My brother really beat Tai up really good! "

You here Matt's voice in the background. " T.K.! " He runs up to the camara. ( Real great close up. * sigh* ) " Uh.... whatever you saw did not happen . I repeat did not happen." The camara goes fuzzy.

Hey ! I hoped you liked my Fan Fic. Please send your commens to STARMORPHS125@ bye!

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