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DiGimon Vocabulary

The Unofficial Digimon Vocabulary Guide

Don't know what digi-volve means? Are you completely lost in all this high tech talk? Don't worry cause you came to the right place. This is a easy to use, scroll down Vocabulary guide. Find the word that's troubling you and read away! Can't find the word your looking for? Email me, and I'll help you out.

Digimon (di-G-mon / di-gee-mon)
A digital monster that lives within the Digimon World. It can battle other Digimon and each Digimon has their own personality. There are different kinds of Digimon each with different names. A Digimon has different types of stages in life. It starts out as a small baby-like Digimon then grows up to be a huge powerful Digimon. With each different type of life stage, it's name is different.
Ex~ Koromon, Agumon, Greymon, Metal Greymon

Digi-Destined (di-G-des-tin-d / di-gee-des-tin-d)
A group of young kids that are brought to the Digi World to save it. They have the power to digi-volve Digimon, they are the protectors of the Digi-World.
Ex~ The Digi-Destined are Tai, Matt, TK, Joe, Izzy, Sora and Mimi

A palm-sized digital device that can make Digimon digi-volve into a furthur level and as a charm to ward off evil Digimon. More information on this device is unknown.
Ex~ The digi-vice shrieked as it sent a sequence of data into Tentomon...."Tentomon digi-volve to...KABUTERIMON!"

Digi-volve (di-G-volve / di-gee-volve) volve as in evolve, without the 'e'
The name used when a digimon evolves/grows to be another Digimon. Digimon uses the life energy of it's 'owner' or energy of itself to evolve into a much powerful Digimon.
Ex~ Agumon digi-volves into Greymon

Digi-World (di-G-wer-old / di-gee-wer-old)
The place where Digimon live and thrive. Some believe that it's a Digital Shadow World to Earth. It is a digital planet similar to Earth, where data is a living thriving being.
Ex~ In episode..."Prisoner of the Pyramid" Izzy explains their exsistence.

Etemon's Dark Network (et-e-mon-z-dar-k-net-wer-k)
Etemon is an evil Digimon that controls a Dark Network. The Dark Network is a series of hidden black cables that can sense activity, it then sends the information t Etemon. The information is viewed in Etemon's trailer. Events that this 'reliable network' did not break down are very few.
Ex~ In episode..."The Dark Network of Etemon" You can read first hand, the power of the Network.

That's it for the Digimon Vocabulary Guide for now.

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