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What's Up With Matt?? [an error occurred while processing this directive]

What's Up With Matt

By Rena

Ok, Gomamon's last form is called "Zudomon" I found it out from a site. THEN i got a story and here it is.......

"Hey Gabumon, have you seen Matt?"Mimi asked for the 30th time.

Also for the 30th time Gabumon sighed and said, "No, Mimi I haven't."The Digimon thought for a second. "Have you tried the river yet?"It took Mimi a minute to soak this in.

"Nope, THANKS!!"She yelled. Matt could probably hear that, wherever he was, thought Gabumon. Mimi ran all the way to the river. Just as Gabumon said, there was Matt, laying on his back, a fishing pole resting against his knees. Mimi snuck up to him. His eyes were closed. Mimi took in a great breath then... "HI MATT!!!" She screamed, then laid next to him gasping. Matt nearly jumped out of him skin from the yell.

"What do you what??"Matt yelled angrily. "Your so annoying! Leave me alone!" Mimi was surprised at the yell. She started to cry.

"Y-your so mean to me! If your were mad, take it out on Tai!!" She choked. With those words she ran away.

"Matt said that??" Tai asked, a over-cooked fish that Gabumon caught half-way in his mouth. Mimi nodded. Her eyes were red from crying. Palmon and Patamon tried hard for her to stop crying, finally she stopped after swearing she would hit Matt in the head a few times.

"Matt would never say that!" Protested Sora.

"Your right."Sora jumped a turned around to see Matt, his hands in his pockets looking down at the ground.

"Look, I'm sorry"He trailed off. Forgetting the next few words.

"Yelled,"helped Joe.

"Yeah, that's it. I shouldn't had said that. Dude, I'm sorry," Matt gave a weak smile.

"So..." Izzy said.

"Your not angry or anything?" Matt stared.

T.K. jumped up. "He is not!" Everbody laughed.

"T.K., sit down,"Matt said,tears flooding out of his eyes.

After a while everyone settled down, Matt's mind wandering in a different world. How come he didn't remember what happened when he was fishing? How come he didn't know where he was when Mimi scared him? Matt sighed. He closed his eyes forgetting all of his troubles.

In the bushes a shadowy person laughed quietly. His plan was going perfectly. His prisoner didn't know what happened to him. Soon phase 2 would begin.

In the morning, no Matt or Mimi. About nine, Palmon and Gabumon started to worry. Where were they? Biyomon reported that she spotted Mimi's hat by the river. Mimi's large pink hat was there of course and also a blond hair figure laid face down, a pool of blood surrounding him... "Matt!" T.K. Ran to his side.

"Flip him over! Flip him over!'' Sora yelled. Tai flipped him over. He was unconscious--and not breathing.

" Does anyone know CPR??"Screamed Joe.

"What's CRP?"Asked Gomamon.

With no need of help, there was a cough and a voice that said, "Wow, I feel like I just met up with Seadramon again."Everyone turned around to see Matt rubbing his head. "But this time, I didn't save anyone." He smirked.

Before Joe could say that was a smart remark, T.K. leaped upon Matt throwing him back into the water. Tai pulled him off. Matt coughed some more and withen 10 minutes of groaning and coughing they finally got back to camp and set Matt next to the fire.

There was a deep cut on his shoulder, but that made no difference. Palmon's herbs helped a lot. "That should stop the bleeding.'' Matt thanked her and went back to feed the fire.

"Hey Matt, you never told us what happened,"said Tai.

"And we never found Mimi." Pointed out Patamon. 'I hope we can find her soon,' thought Sora.

"Sooooooo, what's the story?"Asked Biyomon.

"Well, I don't know myself," Started Matt.

"Ditto!"Said Gomamon.

Matt glared at him and continued. "I got up early, and walked along the coast and I guess Mimi was following me. I don't know why something was telling me to go over the bushes. Then something hit me in the shoulder. And....."

"And?"Everyone asked. Matt opened his mouth to say something, then yawned and hit the ground, asleep.

"Guess he was pretty wore out?'' Laughed Tai. Matt began to snore loudly.

"An effect of being in the water too long could have made him lost consiness,"Izzy said as he opened his computer and began typing. "Or something else," He raised his eyebrows.

"Izzy," Tentomom began. "I thought you gave up your alien thing." Again, he hit his computer again.

"There must be a reason for this."His eyes scanned the screen looking at the digimon profiles Genni gave to him. "Predigious!" He said as a digimon with black hair and dark black eyes. "See, this guy takes over peoples bodies and controls them. This might have happened to our Matt."

Light filled the opening where the kids/ digimon slept. Only one had stayed awake. And that one was Sora. She had big bags under her eyes showing that she had not gotten a lot of sleep last night. She had been so worried about Matt.

One by one all of them woke up, all asking the same question. "Is Matt up?" Every time she shook her head and pointed to him. Matt stirred and opened his eyes part way. He groned slightly since the leaf band-aid fell off and his cut on his shoulder was not covered.

"Whoa, would somebody fill me in here?" T.K. giggled and ran over to join the now talking Matt.

"You fell asleep, Big Bro!" T.K. said. Matt eyed the boy and looked over to Tai.

Matt asked "What's up, my man?" Tai shivered and ran away. Matt yawned once again and saw Izzy, he was typing franticly and jerked his head up, grabbing his laptop Izzy quickly ran away from Matt too. "What' s wrong with you, Izzy?" Matt asked.

"Your a...." Mimi came to the scene.

"A what?" Sora also came, her eyes wide.

"What is wrong with you people?'' Matt asked angrily.

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