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Workday at U of N campus

On occasion the U of N has a work day for all staff and students, to give the campus some extra cleaning and maintenance. These work days enable the campus to be well maintained with help from everyone, and thus keep the tuition for classes less expensive.

Cleaning chairs

Cleaning the kitchen from entrance

Drying out some mattresses, etc., after monsoon rains

Burning rubbish

Cleaning the front gate entrance

A small snake found near the gate (or is that a worm??)

U of N Lonovla Campus
U of N @ Lonavla campus map
Main building - part 1
Main building - part 2
Main Building - part 3
Main Building - Interior (2004)
Main Building - Interior (2005)
Dining Hall - part 1
Dining Hall - part 2
Dining Hall part 3
Dining Hall part 4
Garden area
Badminton court
Miscellanious photos - part 1
Miscellanious photos - part 2
Omega Hall
Front campus area
Plants around campus
Flowers around campus
Photos of 2004 Crossroads DTS
Photos of 2005 DTS/CDTS
Workday around the U of N campus

Nearby area & Lonovla
Road in front of the U of N
Nearby Railway crossing area
Neighborhood near the campus
Lonavla Train station
New Lonovla & Old Lonovla - part 1
Old Lonovla - part 2
Old Lonavla - part 3
Open Market in Old Lonavla
Chikki shops
Lonovla Dam
Lonavla Lake

Main pages
U of N Pune @ Lonolva photos page
U of N @ Lonavla - Home Page