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Words From Strozilla

The Stro

Words From Strozilla

Hi gang! Hope everyone is enjoying June thus far. Strozilla is soaking up some serious sun! Man l love the beach. That's what so cool about having some matches close by the coast. Excitement is in the air. Amazing what can happen in a week's time. I tune into Raw this week and what do I see? Vince McMahon becoming CEO once again of both Raw and Smackdown, Flair being apologetic, Brock Lesnar scaring Arn Anderson and interfering in the main event, Shawn Micheals superkicking Booker T out of the NWO, What? Where is Steve Austin ? Rumors have been flying around about what happened and what might happen concerning Austin. All I do know is that WWE could use a shot in the arm to drum up business again. Losing Austin would not be a smart business move right now. Michaels return is a plus as it provided two positives from Raw. One , giving the heat the NWO has desperately needed. Two, elevating Booker T 's status to further himself into main event possibilities. Rob Van Dam and Eddie Guerrero once again put on a stelar performance. These two are as talented as they come! Bubba Ray vs. Brock Lesnar once again had a great match. Bubba is really coming into his own as a single's wrestler. Brock Lesnar push has risen drastically! This "next big thing" should shed some new light in the main stream. Funny how the fans chant "Goldberg" when he is in the ring. Hmmmmmmmm.

Speaking of Booker T, let's talk about the upcoming King of the Ring PPV. It is shaping up to be a great one as the winners of the tourney thus far are by far some of the strongest competitors the KOR has had in quite some time. Booker T, Big Valbolski,XPac,Rob Van Dam, Brock Lesnar,and Chris Jericho. All of these great wrestlers are high impact players and any of these guys could take the ball and run with winning this year's KOR.
I will be wrestling one of the toughest wrestlers on the independants today "Wild" Shane West this Saturday June 15th in Hamstead, North Carolina at Topsail High School for ICW's "Flirtin with Disaster" show. I will never forget the matches that Shane West had last year against ring veteran The Nightmare. These guys beat the hell out of each other all over the arena! This is my first time locking up with West as I am sure it will be a wild and crazy matchup! It will be great to see everyone in hamstead as Topsail beach is one of Stro's favorite hangouts! For more information on this great event, check out the ICW website at

Ohio fans! Strozilla stomps into Elryia and Cleveland, Ohio next Saturday and Sunday June 22 and 23rd! June 22nd I will be in Elryia , Ohio for MCW( . Just heard that my former sidekick "Lil Stro" will be on hand at the event. June 23rd, Strozilla returns once again to terrorize Cleveland! I will reunite with former WCW star Bobby Blaze as "The Shooters". We will be taking on current North American tag team champions Chris Hamrick (of ECW fame) and Julio Dinero for the titles! This is a match you guys definitely don't wanna miss! For more info on this event, check out the Cleveland All Pro website at
Thank you guys once again for taking time out to read my column. If you would like to send me ideas or feedback, feel free to email me at Would be great to hear from you. Be sure to stop by my website at for all the latest on me including apperances, my wrestling school,pics, and my new "Strozilla" t-shirts and merchandise in the merchandise section. You all have a great week and be good to one another! Take care and GOD bless!

"Nobody can go toe to toe with the Stro!"