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USA Independant Wrestling

All Pro Wrestling Live Report


Saturday night July 6th
Napa Fairgrounds : Calistoga, Ca.

This match featured all the APW superstars in the ring
at the same time, battling it out in an over-the-top-rope
Battle Royal. Young Boot Camp graduate Vince Shipman made
his APW debut in this match, but was the first man
eliminated, and Nikki was also in the Battle Royal, the
only female in the match.
Bodies were flying everywhere, and the final four came
down to Larry Blackwell, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels &
American Dragon. The three smaller wrestlers teamed up to
toss the 350-pound Blackwell over the top rope, and then
ADragon tossed Daniels out. While ADragon celebrated, he
was attacked from behind by Samoa Joe, and eliminated from
the match. Samoa Joe was declared the winner of the Battle
Royal, and was on a hot streak. Would he be able to
continue his streak and win the Universal Championship from
Robert Thompson later tonight? We would soon find out...
Winner: Samoa Joe ( * * )

-James Watkins & Larry Blackwell vs. Kafu & Disco Machine
It seems anywhere Larry Blackwell goes he gets
the "Peter" chant from the fans. Blackwell & Watkins drew
a lot of heat from the crowd all night long. On the
opposite end, the fans of Calistoga really took a liking to
the colorful team of Disco & Kafu. This was a pretty good
tag team match. Blackwell bended the rules a little and
hit Kafu with a low-blow, resulting in a pinfall. The fans
were upset that referee Max Marquez had missed the low-
blow, and he awarded the match to Blackwell/Watkins. Betty
Beefcake came to the ring and told Marquez what had
happened. She let him know that Blackwell had cheated, but
for the 350-pounder, he has had enough of Betty interfering
in his matches. Blackwell grabbed Betty and began to
shover her around. Just then, Mighty Midget Joe Kidd hit
the ring and gave Larry a low-blow of his own! Kidd then
hit Blackwell with a couple of chair shots and set him up
for "Biscuits & Gravy". Joe Kidd told Betty that he had
learned how to do this move himself, and it was called
the "Steak & Eggs" (just a midget version of "B&G"). The
fans popped as Betty & Kidd took turns rubbing their rumps
in the face of Blackwell.
Winners: Larry Blackwell & James Watkins ( * * )

-Nikki vs. JoJo Fantastico
After squaring off during the Battle Royal, and not
settling their business...this match was put together at
the last minute. Nikki had hurt her knee during the Battle
Royal and came out limping. The match was pretty much
Nikki in control for most of the time. JoJo showed a
little offense, but not enough to overcome Nikki's ruthless
attack. She locked JoJo in a fujiwara-armbar and forced
him to submit not too far into the match. Nikki was
victorious in impressive fashion as she pretty much
squashed JoJo.
Winner: Nikki ( * 1/2)

-"Tornado" Tony Kozina vs. James Choi
A pretty good matchup between two of the top
lightweights on APW's roster. These two worked pretty
stiff with each other, and the match featured a few high
spots here and there, and a lot of hard kicks. Kozina is a
very good wrestler, and is easily someone who should be
considered for the 2002 KOI. Choi is only a few months
into his career, but he has already impressed a lot of
people with his ability. The finish of the match came when
Kozina slapped on a Sharpshooter and forced Choi to tap out
and submit to the pain. Kozina continues to climb the
ladder here in APW with a big victory over the rookie,
James Choi.
Winner: Tony Kozina ( * * 1/2)

-Super Dragon vs. "Kamikaze Kid" Jardi Frantz
This match was for Super Dragons mask or Jardi
Frantz's hair...the loser would have to give up one of
their most prized possessions. This was an excellent
match. The two of them were practically flawless, and the
hilight of the match was Jardi's springboard 450-splash!
He sprung from the apron to the top rope, and all in one
motion, hit a nice 450!!! It was unreal! In the middle of
the match, Samoa Joe & Disco Machine came to ringside. The
fans were wondering what they were doing there, as they
were obviously cheering for Super Dragon. However, after
missing a Phoenix Press, SDragon found himself on the mat,
face first, with Frantz taking over. Jardi locked on a
version of the cattle mutulation, but SDragon was not
giving up. Samoa Joe, who was still at ringside with Disco
Machine, all of a sudden, tossed a towel in the ring, and
referee Jason McCord called for the bell.
Joe had "thrown in the towel", and forced SDragon to
lose the match. Fans were confused, as they thought Joe &
Disco were out there to support SDragon, not make him lose
the match. However, things became very clear when they
announced that SDragon would only lose his mask if he was
defeated by pinfall or submission...not by forfeit! They
stated that the stipulation had been waved, because it
never said anything about losing the mask if a towel gets
thrown in the ring. Jardi Frantz was upset that he had put
his hair on the line, and now, even after winning the
match...he wouldn't get to unmask the tricky Super Dragon.
Jardi grabbed for SDragon's mask, and yanked it off...but
SDragon was wearing ANOTHER mask under that one! SDragon
jumped out of the ring, and left with Samoa Joe & Disco
Machine. He was just happy to get out of the match without
losing his mask.
A very solid match with two of my favorite indy
workers. I hope to see this feud settled soon, with a
rematch between these two high-flyers.
Winner: Jardi Frantz ( * * * )

Two bright indy superstars came to the ring for a
quick promo. All they wanted to do was trash the fans and
the city of Calistoga. Daniels really laid into them with
a pretty good promo, talking about how he and Joe didn't
need their help or support...and how they can cheer Robert
Thompson tonight because he needs all the cheers he can
get. Daniels & Joe threaten to take the Internet Title &
Universal Title back to SoCal with them if they can win
their matches tonight.

-"The Bomb" Robert Thompson vs. Samoa Joe
The Universal Championship was on the line. Samoa
Joe, who had turned on Thompson during the Tag Tournament
back in King City, was now on the opposite side of the
ring, and ready to take his best shot at de-throning the
king of APW.
A great back & forth match, these two really showed me
something here. Neither mans best match, but definately a
match worth checking out. The heat involved in this match
alone was enough to have the fans on the edge of their
seats. This one was for all the marbles.
A good 10 minutes into the match, Super Dragon came
walking out to ringside carrying a chair. The fans were
now starting to put together the Super Dragon/Disco
Machine/Samoa Joe connection, and realizing that it must be
a SoCal vs. NorCal thing. Anyway, Super Dragon climbed
onto the apron, holding a chair for Thompson to be rammed
into. However, just as Joe tried to do so, the champ
turned the tide and slammed Joe's head into the chair that
his own partner was holding. Thompson then climbed to the
top rope and nailed the unconscious Samoa Joe with a huge
Frog Splash. 1...2...3!!! Robert Thompson had defeated
his biggest challenge of the year, and pinned Samoa Joe
right in the middle of the ring. Even Joe's partner Super
Dragon couldn't stop Thompson. The Bomber is on a roll
now, as he made his 3rd straight successfull title defense
tonight in Calistoga.
Winner: Robert Thompson retains the APW Universal
Championship ( * * * 1/2)

-American Dragon vs. "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels
Another great match here. I really love to watch both
of these guys work, and together they put on a fantastic
match. It could have been a touch longer, but it was non-
stop action from beginning to end. Lots of counters, near-
falls and false finishes throughout this intense match made
for a good one.
The end of the match came when ADragon hit a top rope
headbutt, and followed with a belly-to-back suplex from the
top. ADragon covered Daniels and got the three count!
ADragon would continue his reign of the Internet Title,
which has now reached about one month. No title changes
Winner: American Dragon retains the APW Worldwide Internet
Championship ( * * * 1/2)

-Prince Cheezy vs. Joe Kidd
This was your typical midget match. I like it, and
have nothing against it, but once you have seen
NastyBoy/Lang, Kato/Bobby Dean & now Kidd/Cheezy...pull off
the same stunts, it can get tiresome. The fans of
Calistoga really ate it up though, as they popped big time
everytime ring announcer Justin Roberts would just mention
that midgets were on the card. The match ended in quick
fashion, (didn't catch the exact time, possibly less than
or just around 5 minutes) with Joe Kidd earning the pinfall
victory, and walking away victorious as the show concluded.
Winner: Joe Kidd ( * )

Credit: Jeremy Medeiros

Previous All Pro Wrestling Reports

6/9 All Pro Wrestling: Robert Thompson vs. Jojo Fantastico; Larry Blackwell vs. James Watkins; Bobby Quance vs. James Choi; "Kamikaze Kid" Jardi Frantz vs. Kafu; Nikki vs. Melissa;