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USA Independant Wrestling

WWE Eyes Closed: Slyk Wagner Brown

World Wrestling Entertainment is the leader in sports entertainment, and have a deathgrip on the entire wrestling scene. With the exception of a few, all have goals of making it to the WWE, but they must first be chosen upon.

You can be accepted through a special Training Camp WWE hosts once to twice a year, which of the 15-20 sent, 2-3 get contracts where they are then sent to a WWE developmental farm league. When the time comes, and WWE believes they have what it takes, they are brought up to the big game.

While Vince & WWE are terrific at scouting new talent, there are always talent that they happen to look over. Talented workers who have respect in the industry amongst other performers, fans & promoters, yet are not given the chance to let the WWE what they have to offer.

USA! Indy will be featuring monthly spotlights on Workers who are considered one of the best on the independents, yet aren't at the next step yet. this months feature: Slyk Wagner Brown. Brown, along with partner in crime former WCW NWO Girl April Hunter, have been tearing up the indies nationwide. Brown is considered to be one of the best on the New England Independents as he has held every major pro wrestling belt in the area. Boston, MA is his homebase.

Slyk was trained at the legendary Killer Kowalski school, where he is now the head trainer. Slyk also keeps in close touch with all his fans, as he sends out a newsletter to them all sometimes 2-3 times a week. He also has a Yahoo! club where he frequently stops by to answer questions & sometimes chat it up with the fans. It will only be a matter of time before these 2 make an impact on prime time.

Action Shots:

Slyk Wagner Brown

USA! Indy Wrestling - Biography: Slyk Wagner Brown

USA! Indy Wrestling - Thoughts: Fans, Promoters, Workers give their thoughts on Slyk

USA! Indy Wrestling - Column: Slyk Wagner Brown presents "Dont Hate..congratulate"

USA! Indy Wrestling - Columns: Chris Glavin presents "On Duty: Slyk Wagner Brown & April Hunter"

USA! Indy Wrestling - Interview: 20 Questions with Slyk Wagner Brown