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USA Independant Wrestling

I'm Looking

By Zoe Duggan

A year for aspirations, a time for promoters to pull together and forget there differences. Australian wrestling WILL DIE, if we continue on the path of treachery that we so very often crawl down.
Hi, I’m Zoe Duggan. Owner of I’m here, basically, to report on the happenings in and on the Australian Wrestling scene. Essentially there are 14 feds in Australia;

There are more, but these are the major players. The Australian Scene is very similar to the American Indy scene, with the way the shows run, and the overall crowd attendance. We get no financial backing whatsoever, and very rarely do we get any exposure, be it TV, magazine ect…

Okay, to start off news for January 2002.
It has now become public knowledge that PCW (vic) has ‘bought’ out Melton Wrestling- in what I think is a GREAT move. PCW is becoming a very powerful force in Australian Wrestling, with Naval base shows being announced for the New year, for more info visit ASW, kicked off the year, with a first ever fan fest. A fun night had by all, it was great to see so many people turn out, for what I hope will be the first of many to come. Also, in ASW news, say goodbye to Tuesday night wrestling. Starting March 9th, we will be seeing All Star on Sunday afternoons! Don’t worry folks, you will still be able to catch ASW on channel 31 (Melb) for highlights of the show.

Now we move states, to New South Wales, where the AWF recently put on a grand performance, showcasing some of the most talented wrestlers in the industry, with over 500 people attending! Well done to all the guys, and look out for there next show in April sometime. Currently, the IWA is touring the QLD area, I have not received much information as to how they are doing, but with names like Marc Mercedes and Billy Cole I am sure QLD is getting the much needed professional shows that they have been lacking.

To Adelaide, where we have the likes of PWSA, who were the only consistent promotion until a new fed, MPW, has been formed. They had their first show last Saturday night, which I have been told was a complete success. Though, it is still early on in the piece, I believe if they can use the talent they have, and book it well, we will see another great fed in the makings.

It seems that’s all we have time for this issue, so thank y’all for reading. I hope everyone starts off the New Year with a bang! Next issued we’ll take a look into what’s happening in the world of UCW (vic)… Is there going to be a return for the company that said they had it all??… I’m out of Here,
So until next time,
Take care,

Zoe Duggan.