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April Hunter

April Hunter

The Truth Shall Set You Free? Hardly. The Truth Will Get You Heat!-April Hunter

My newsletters often get me in trouble with people misconstruing comments or reading between the lines. Like I mention in the disclaimer, don’t. There aren’t any lines to read through. Some people are too sensitive, others don’t like the truth, many prefer their models dumb and without opinions and I'm sure a few have guilty consciences. That’s too bad, because I don’t plan to change anything.

Unless I’m getting paid NOT to write, I can’t afford to not do it, as this is my livelihood. I've adopted the Herald’s slogan: “If you want sugar coated, buy a donut.” I guess I’m doing something right, because the amount of subscribers has reached an all time high. Thank you. After occasionally taking heat, it’s cool to hear some appreciation.

Fan Email Of The Week…Year…

“Hey April,

…What the public doesn't see, unless they receive your weekly diary, is the sexy side of April--your mind and freethinking lifestyle. Your tell-it-like-it-is diary is so refreshing in an era where everyone feels that they have to be politically correct in what they say or do. I truly enjoy reading about your weekly on-the-road exploits and trust that you'll continue to carry on as the Indy circuit's most intelligent (and not to mention best looking) valet, manager and wrestler in America today. God bless you and keep kicking ass,


Oregon “

( Much thanks, T. Oregon, home of very little pro wrestling, but lovely green mountains, right? We need to remedy that. Well, not the lovely green mountain part.)

After recently sending tapes out, it’s quite flattering that some of the Superstars have found the HeadHunter neck breaker finisher (and a few other Team SWB&BigRed creations) good enough to use in their matches…but it also kinda sucks. I’d always been told that it was pretty much a no-no to take another’s entrance or finish. It’s a real bummer to use your own move on a show, just have some audience member yell out another wrestler’s name when you do it. In "real job" terms, this would be you doing all the work on a project, and someone else taking credit for that project when they deliver it to the boss, getting the praise, and the raise. It sucks major ass, but I guess that's the nature of the business. (It still sucks, though.)

Theories and Ramblings...

Ok, every so often I'll be thinking (yes, I know, I try not to...) and I come up with theories for why things are the way they are. No, I'm not high while doing this-I doubt I'd be able to remember it long enough to get it on paper if I was... Generally the answer to all questions almost always comes back to one thing, MONEY, but I like to delve deeper than that. This theory is about pro wrestling and the ratings situation.

Back when wrestling was believed to be "real", the athletes in the ring were more often than not guys who had always wanted to be wrestlers. These days, the public believes wrestling to be fake, so it seems the wrestling business now goes out of it's way to hire athletes from other areas (shoot fighters, football players) to "legitimize" the sport.

Fans that go to hockey and football games want to see hockey and football. Don't wrestling fans want to see wrestling? What brings my theory together is that other countries, like Japan, Mexico and Puerto Rico, have much higher rated wrestling shows. Is that because they only use wrestlers? I like the skits, but also want to see Dean Malenko, Eddy Guererro, Mysterio, Lynn, etc.

I know there's a lot more factored into this, like drawing fans from other sports or MTV into wrestling, getting investments back, etc. but the bottom line is that I really believe that if someone buys a ticket to a wrestling show, then what they want to see is wrestling.

Setting The Record Straight…

Just because something is printed in a magazine or on the Internet doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. I’ve noticed quite a few different publications/sites getting creative with their editing for the sake of entertainment, I guess. Take it all with a grain of salt. "Someone" once told me to believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Of course, "they" also told me I have two ears and one mouth. The pen is always mightier than the sword. Hype and Haters run rampant amongst us.

Question of the Week...

"What do you think about the WWE roster cuts? Does it give you hope, since they're bringing in fresh talent?"

I think right now-(and I could be wrong, too) -that WWE is going to bring people up that they already have money invested in. Either developmental deals or Tough Enough kids. They spent and spent to train and produce, and now it's time for a return. It only makes sense. Why pick people from the indies (who are costing them nothing to train) when you have talent you're spending good money on to turn into Superstars. So, no, I don't think it's hopeful any time soon, but don't plan on letting that get me down, either. Right now, this is still fun for me, so it honestly doesn't matter if I'm on the indies, Japan, Puerto Rico, NWA or WWE. I just like to get in the ring and still have plenty to learn.

Ain’t That A Bitch…At school I get to hear all the “good stuff” from everyone who worked shows over the weekends. I was talking with other students who were telling me about wrestlers who keep trying to keep them from getting on shows they’re on.

Confucius Say-man with small penis will forever be unsuccessful in cock block.

Females on shows- If you have girls on a wrestling show who look good, know ring positioning and timing, have body language, and can take moves, the crowd will love them. Which is good. Hot girls who can “work”= more exciting matches = happy fans =$$$ for promoters. Thankfully, this isn’t happening to me. There’s a weird kind of discrimination between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ on the wrestling scene. I’m referring to big boobs. Some feds are saying the only want women workers, but not those with any T&A, as they want to be taken “seriously”.

(Since when did implants render you useless and un-athletic? Dammit, someone must have forgotten to tell me that when I ran the IronWoman military obstacle course, and I’ll bet those big boyz were flopping all over the place.) I used to compete in quote “real” athletic competitions, with implants, before starting my pro-wrestling training... and never had any problems.

Some shows say they want girls, but not girls who are trained. What if someone said they only wanted male wrestlers who have ripped abs, big d-cks and are willing to wear trunks on their shows? In my opinion, this is begging for failure. (Girls need to know where they are and what's coming next. If nothing else, to avoid lawsuits and accidents. Even working on the outside, you can get hurt if you don't know enough. Not even WCW would let girls actually work in the ring (they could valet, or walk guys down, but had to leave when the action started) without some training. Additionally, think about all the guys (and ladies) who bust their rears in school and on the indies who would love to work, but have lost their spot to an untrained female.)

Go figure. Anyway come to a show and enjoy all the T&A I have on display for you. (Talent & Attitude!)

Ode To The Refs...

My friends and I were talking earlier about how important good referees are to having a good match. These guys get almost no credit at all, too. They often travel distances, work the whole show, bust their asses and rarely, if ever, get a mention or any credit. A good ref lends so much credibility to a match and can make a so-so match decent. Thanks to all the referees (like Paul Turner) who kick ass out there, the ones who count at the right speed, who are energetic, who are always there for the count (ie: not missing counts due to marking out on the sides or getting in the way of the workers), and the ones who really enjoy working show as much as the wrestlers do! You make our matches!

How Can Something That Looks So Good...Hurt So Bad?

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