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National Wrestling Alliance Wildside Live Report

NWA Wildside had one of their best ever television tapings at the NCW Arena
last night. It's a simple formula, Great talent + excellent execution + smart
booking + hot crowd (up again to 140) = a superb TV product. That's
especially true now, with the serious production snafus looking to be a thing
of the past. There was so much talent on hand that the creative team decided
to make this taping into three weeks of television.

David Young defeated John Phoenix to win the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title
for the second time. The Briscoe Brother won a four-way tag match to become
the new NWA Wildside Tag Team Champions. Slim J vs. Red was a totally off the
hook match and there were several others that were not far behind. Lots of
great matches done in a variety of styles.

The show opened with a ten bell salute to Thelma Cornette. Commentator/ring
announcer, Dan Wilson, described her as one of the most famous wrestling
personalities never to appear on camera.

1) Tank beat Scottie Wrenn and Hack Myers in a three-way dance (6:07). The
late addition of "The Extreme Shah" made this a little awkward. Myers is
better worker and looks more fit than he did in his ECW days. Problem is that
he looks like just another guy now. They did a Three Stooges spot early where
they went around the circle giving each other forearm shots. No extended
cooperation of any kind. Myers and Tank gave Wrenn a double uranage. Myers
DDTed Tank. Wrenn hit his Psycho Slam on Myers and instinctively went for the
cover...too bad that wasn't the way it was supposed to go. He had to jump up
to take a superkick from Tank that knocked him to the outside, which looked
odd to say the least. Tank hit the F Bomb (Emerald Frosien) on Myers for the

2) Jeremy Lopez beat Quiet Storm in 8:05 to retain the NWA Wildside Junior
Title. . Lopez does the best sneer in the business during his entrance. Some
outstanding mat wrestling here. Lopez got an STF. Storm countered for a stand
off. They kept countering and building into to big spots. Lopez hit a Yakuza
kick/hangman neckbreaker for a two count. Storm got a cross armbreaker and
then an STF of his own. Storm caught Lopez with a Northern lights as he
rebounded off the ropes for a near fall. Storm used a dragon suplex for a
two count. Lopez blocked Storm's diamond cutter of the top and countered with
a tornado DDT. Lopez with a Tiger bomb for a good near fall. Storm blocked
Lopez's finisher and hit a Gory driver variation for another cool near fall.
Lopez rolled out of the way of Storm's cannonball senton and it was
"Ichiban!" time. Elevated DDT and the 1...2...3.

3) Henry Hoss & John Dalton beat Sweet Dreams and "The Winner" Kevin Hardner
in 16 seconds. Talk about a quick squash. Sheesh. Dreams was dumped right
away. Dalton with a back suplex and. Hoss with the slice 'n dice elbow off
the top for the pin on Hardner.

Scoot Andrews & Michael Shane cut a promo because they were pissed about
being left out of the four-way tag for Wildside belts. Andrews said they
deserved a spot because of his three pinfall victories over AJ Styles and
Shane's "championship blood." Shane called out S. A. T. calling them "Mexican
midgets." He challenged S. A. T. to put their spot in the four-way on the
line. Smart booking to get top talents like Andrews & Shane into the tag team
mix, rather than throwing the out there in a meaningless match. That lead

4) The S. A. T (Joel & Jose Maximo) beat Scoot Andrews & Michael Shane in
8:22 with the Spanish Fly. SAT did some great looking spots but they didn't
look like technically strong workers, Jose in particular. Best case scenario
for their match with Flying Elvises this Wednesday on TNA is an all out
spotfest, because it sure ain't gonna be a mat classic. SAT opened the match
with some stereo aerial moves. Jose did an Asai moonsault. They did a combo
where Jose had Andrews in a camel clutch while Joel put Shane in the Walls on
Scoot's back. Andrews turned the tide with wheelbarrow facebuster on Jose.
Heel heat on Jose. Shane countered a springboard move by Jose with a bridging
Northern lights suplex for a two count. Jose countered a wheelbarrow with
bulldog to make the tag. Joel cleaned house and speared Andrews. Jose
countered out of Scoot's Force of Nature finisher, but Andrews caught him
with a Nirvana strangle drop for a near fall. Jose blocked a tornado DDT and
came back with one of his own. Shane hit a superkick on Joel and went for the
cover but Jose broke it up. Shane got whipped into the corner causing Andrews
to crotch himself on the top buckle. Andrews took the Spanish Fly. No doubt
about it, the Spanish Fly (double somersault uranage off the top) is a sight
to behold.

5) Jimmy Rave beat Jay Briscoe in 6:00 to retain the NWA World Junior Title.
This was about as good as a match of this type and this length could be. If I
was booking TNA, this match would be on PPV. It was better than anything on
last Wednesday's show except Lynn vs. Low Ki. Rave went right to the cross
armbreaker, with Briscoe doing some great counter wrestling to regain the
advantage. Neat mat submission by Rave, where he had Briscoe face down,
locked up his legs and then pulled back on his arms. Briscoe used La
Magistral cradle for a two count. They slapped the bejesus out of each other.
Rave with a spear and stiff clothesline. Briscoe with a dragon screw leg whip
and the STF. Rave got to the ropes. Briscoe got two with a snap suplex. Rave
got a standing switch and put Briscoe down with forearms to the back. Rave
went for a back bridge with a double reverse chickenwing Briscoe got a
shoulder up. Rave planted, and I mean PLANTED Briscoe with a tornado DDT for
a near fall. Briscoe came back with a sitout facebuster off the ropes for a
near fall. Briscoe went for the J Driller and Rave countered with a Northern
lights bomb for the pin.

6) Rainman & Iceberg (with Jeff G. Bailey) beat Bad Attitude (Rick Michaels &
David Young) by DQ in 6:45. Big pop for the reunion of the four time NWA
World Tag Team Champions. Pure aggression from BA and the crowd was hot for
it. They sent Iceberg through the ropes with a double dropkick. Young went to
bash Iceberg with a chair. Iceberg saw it coming. "Oh fuck". Too late. A fan
held for Michaels to run Rainman's head into it. Michaels brutally slammed
Rainman on the ramp. BA hit Iceberg with a double superkick. BA continued the
punishment inside the ring, until Rainman hit a devastating version of his
Spinesplittah (sky high powerbomb) on Michaels. Heat on Michaels. Iceberg
with a HUGE legdrop. Iceberg missed on a charging stinkface and took a big
face-first bump. Rainman hit a dropkick and punched Michaels from the mount.
Michaels managed to hit the Double Shot and make the tag to Young, who gave
Rainman & Iceberg a meeting of the minds. Michaels mounted the turnbuckle for
the 10 punches on Rainman. Iceberg speared Young. Rainman used a low blow on

Bailey got a call on his cell phone at ringside and told his team that they
needed to bail. Who was calling? What was that all about? Stay tuned to
Wildside TV. The heels tried to escape but BA was all over them. They finally
made it out to the parking lot and drove away in Iceberg's Escalade, with BA
in hot pursuit. Out of frustration. Michaels decked ref Andrew Thomas in the
gravel, so he called for the DQ on BA. Another big ovation for BA as they
headed to the back.

7) Future Shock (Brandon P & Jay Freeze) beat G-Rated (Kid Kool & Kid Xtasty)
and Rage (Mike Pittman & Scott Cage) and Derrick Driver & Jeremy V in 24
seconds. Probably the shortest four-way tag match on record. Future Shock
dumped V into a vicious looking bump on the rail. They destroyed Driver with
the Aftershock for the pin.

The other four guys stood around like they didn't know what hit them...and
then they got hit for real when Dalton & Hoss entered the ring. They quickly
disposed of Rage and G-Rated. Hoss said they wanted some competition. Out
came Total Destruction (Sean Royal & Rusty Riddle) to the biggest entrance
pop of the night. They had their fists full of Coors Light. Riddle tried to
revive Scott Cage by pouring a beer down his throat. Hoss & Dalton wanted to
drink with them. Total Destruction had other ideas, as they started bashing
them with the beer cans. Royal with an overhead suplex on Dalton. Riddle with
a clothesline on Hoss. Goodbye Hoss & Dalton. Riddle compared Hoss's look to
Dudley Do-Right. He said Dalton's full-blown mullet was "the ugliest damn
haircut I've ever seen in my God forsaken life."

Royal cut a promo aimed squarely at the WWE. "Good evening boys and
girls...this is not the Brother Love show is it?" Royal showed the new TD
tattoo that covers his entire back. He said it cost him twelve hours in the
chair and $1200. "I was a sore SOB but I love it." Royal addressed Hoss.
"That must have been your ass talking because your mouth knows better." Royal
wondered what would happen if TD was in WWE with Steve Austin. He said they
would pull a Gomer Pyle by doing a citizen's arrest on Austin and have him
incarcerated for alcohol abuse. Royal said you don't drink beer by slapping
cans together and throwing it all over everybody. Royal said they would show
Undertaker how to make a real motorcycle entrance, smoking and burning that
SOB off. "Be your ass here and we will kick it for you."

8) Tony Mamaluke beat Caprice Coleman to even their best of five series for
the World TV Title at 1-1 (6:15). Good but not as good as the first one.
Mamaluke said this series was in the NWA tradition of the series between
Nikita Koloff and Magnum TA (for the US Title I believe). Mamaluke said
Coleman was going to feel the wrath of the Italian monster. Coleman mocked
Mamaluke. Coleman went for a quick pin attempt that strained Mamaluke's groin
muscles. Coleman slapped him in the ass. Mamaluke hurt his ankle kicking the
ropes in frustration. Funny stuff. Coleman changed things up, doing the Asai
moonsault first and then the senton. Mamaluke really sells those Ali style
"Thrilla in Cornelia" punches by Coleman. Mamaluke dropped Coleman across the
ropes with a drop toe hold. He did a slingshot guillotine legdrop from the
inside to the apron. Nice. Mamaluke used a cutthroat clutch submission, then
a cobra clutch Russian legsweep for a two count. Back suplex and a jackknife
pin attempt for two by Mamaluke. Coleman hit the over the top reverse X
factor. Mamaluke used a German suplex with a bridge. Coleman came back with a
pair of Northern lights suplexes. Mamaluke used a double underhook DDT and
took it right into a body scissors with a choke out submission.

9) Onyx beat Lazarus (with Nisa) in 5:23. Lazarus switched to red trunks but
no still no frills. Lazarus jumped Onyx from behind as he was dancing at
ringside. Nisa slapped Onyx. Onyx fought back with a flurry, finishing up
with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Lazarus used a low blow mule kick to take
over. Lazarus used a release overhead suplex. Lazarus pounded on Onyx with
stiff shots. Nisa pulled Onyx's throat down over the ropes, which drew 'crack
whore" chants. Muscle pose two count by Lazarus. Onyx on the comeback with a
rolling reverse cradle. Onyx hit an old-style belly to back suplex. Nisa got
on the apron to garner the full attention of ref Speedy Nelson. Onyx grabbed
Nisa like he was going to do bodily harm. Lazarus charged in, but Onyx
stepped aside so Nisa would take the bump. Onyx hit the Blackout DDT on
Lazarus for the pin. Onyx went to ringside to finish his dance. Nisa smacked
Lazarus and was ragging on him pretty hard for his screw up. One can only
speculate about why they are having such serious problems so early in their

10) Slim J beat Red in 10:34. Awesome stuff here. Innovative and
well-executed. The boys were applauding this match in the back. Note to Jerry
Jarrett and Vince Russo: How about ditching those midget match abominations
in favor of putting a couple of 140 pounders who work like demons on PPV. A
lightening-fast back and forth exchange opened the match. Crowd popped for
it. First big move of the match was a phenomenal tope con hilo by Red. Red
rolled J back inside for a two count. Red landed some stiff strikes. I
expected great flying from Red, but his kick and punch offense was a pleasant
surprise. Red sent J into a chest bump in the corner and followed him in for
a cool step up kick to the side of the head. J missed on a corkscrew splash.
J connected with the 3-6 Mafia kick for a two count. High back drop for two.
J took Red down with a snap mare and stepped up on his shoulder to deliver a
kick. Red hit what I think was a springboard tornado flatliner! J did a
twisting cradle suplex and a brainbuster for near falls. Red countered J's
attempt at his finisher with a reverse Frankensteiner that left J seeing
stars. Red hit the Red Star press for a near fall. J dropped Red on his head
with Kobashi-style half nelson suplex. Red countered again to avoid J's
finisher. Jay connected with a flying roundhouse for a near fall. J climbed
to the top for a 450. Red rolled out of the way, so J landed it on his feet.
Red missed on a moonsault corkscrew legdrop. J mounted Red on his shoulders
for the Anger Management and dropped him on his neck for the pin.

11) Briscoe Brothers (Jay & Mark) beat T-N-T (Todd Sexton & Tony Stradlin)
and Lost Boyz (Azrael & Gabriel) and the S. A. T (Joel & Jose Maximo) to win
the NWA Wildside Tag Team Titles (10:10). Tough act to follow but this was
another outstanding match. T-N-T jumped Lost Boyz as they came down the ramp.
T-N-T are ruthless aggression personified now. They ripped Gabriel's neck
brace off and planted him with a cradle stuff piledriver for the pin in 8
seconds. Briscoes and the SAT doubled on T-N-T. Some nice work between the
SAT and Briscoes. Jose did a twisting suplex. T-N-T used the X-Bomb on Jose.
The SAT were going for the Spanish Fly on Stradlin when Scoot Andrews ran out
to ringside to break it up. T-N-T hit the Powder Keg on Jose to eliminate the
SAT at the 3:20 mark. Briscoes were having their way with T-N-T. Jay hit a
leg lariat for a near fall. Jay brought Sexton back over the ropes the
hardway right into a sunset flip pin attempt by Mark. Sexton hit a superkick
and Stradlin followed with an inverted DDT. That turned the tide as Sexton
took over on Jay. Sexton got two with a Muta elbow drop. Jay hit an awesome
fireman's carry into a Michinoku driver for a near fall. Tag to Mark. Sexton
scored with German suplex on Mark. Stradlin did a spinning splash, followed
by a fisherman buster for a two count. Mark used a springboard stunner to get
the tag. Tremendous pace to this match. Jay did a powerbomb from hell.
Stradlin used a pumphandle backbreaker. Stradlin hit an STO on Mark. Sexton
dropkicked Jay. Stradlin dropped Mark on his brother's crotch with a DVD.

Each one started saving their partner from being pinned. Sexton draped a
Briscoe over the top rope and Stradlin nailed him on the back with a senton
off the top. Mark did a dragon suplex on Stradlin. Sexton hit the Gamebreaker
on Mark. Jay nailed Sexton with the J driller and Mark took out Stradlin as
the ref counted three. Great pop for the title change. The NCW Arena fans
have taken to Briscoes in a big way.

12) David Young beat John Phoenix to regain the NWA Wildside Heavyweight
Title in 8:12.
Phoenix told the fans they were looking at the champ. He was going to offer a
rematch to the former champ as his first act, but Adam Jacobs didn't have the
guts to show up. "Make the 10 count and I'm outta here." Phoenix stole the
belt at the last taping, but Jacobs was still the champion, so there must be
an explanation in the commentary.

A furious running the ropes exchange lead to Young scoring with a high
backdrop and clothesline that sent both men tumbling over the top. Young
suplexed Phoenix on the floor, with Phoenix's body making a ghastly sounding
impact. Young whipped Phoenix into the rail. Back on the inside, Phoenix
missed the flip legdrop and Young connected with a low dropkick to the face
for two. Young muscled Phoenix up for a facebuster. Phoenix dumped Young and
hit a flip dive to the outside. Phoenix hit a sky high leg drop off the top
for a near fall. Young blocked a kick, broke Phoenix down with a kick to the
back of the knee, and hit a Shining enzuigiri. Young blocked a tornado DDT
and suplexed Phoenix into the turnbuckles. Young covered but Phoenix got a
leg over the ropes. Phoenix countered a wheelbarrow with a rolling pin
attempt. The action moved to ringside again. Young killed Phoenix with a
spinebuster on the ramp. As Eric Gargiulo would say, are you kidding me? The
count reached nine before Phoenix made it back into the ring. Young
immediately went for the pin, but Phoenix kicked out at 2 and 7/8. Phoenix
came back to score with a spinning legdrop off the top. Young hit the
spinebuster and it was over. Not quite. Rainman & Iceberg hit the ring to
attack Young, until Michaels came to his partner's aid with his trusty
Louisville slugger.

Credit: Larry Goodman

Previous NWA Wildside Reports